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用於 《清晨甘露》七月一日

Blessed Quietness

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用於 《静夜亮光》七月一日

Come into my heart, O Lord Jesus

用於 《静夜亮光》七月一日


希伯來書12:1 "我們既有這許多的見證人 、如同雲彩圍著我們"

1919  — 2009
Mark Cheng


https://bdcconline.net/zh-hans/stories/zheng-guo (简体)



冬夏都是如此。(亚14:8) 撒迦利亚书 14:8 撒迦利亚书 14




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经文: 天起了凉风,耶和华上帝在园中行走。(创世记三:8)创世记 3:8 创世记 3




Evening, July 1


Scripture: “The voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.”(Genesis 3:8)


My soul, now that the cool of the day has come, retire awhile and hearken to the voice of thy God. He is always ready to speak with thee when thou art prepared to hear. If there be any slowness to commune it is not on his part, but altogether on thine own, for he stands at the door and knocks, and if his people will but open he rejoices to enter. But in what state is my heart, which is my Lord's garden? May I venture to hope that it is well trimmed and watered, and is bringing forth fruit fit for him? If not, he will have much to reprove, but still I pray him to come unto me, for nothing can so certainly bring my heart into a right condition as the presence of the Sun of Righteousness, who brings healing in his wings. Come, therefore, O Lord, my God, my soul invites thee earnestly, and waits for thee eagerly. Come to me, O Jesus, my well-beloved, and plant fresh flowers in my garden, such as I see blooming in such perfection in thy matchless character! Come, O my Father, who art the Husbandman, and deal with me in thy tenderness and prudence! Come, O Holy Spirit, and bedew my whole nature, as the herbs are now moistened with the evening dews. O that God would speak to me. Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth! O that he would walk with me; I am ready to give up my whole heart and mind to him, and every other thought is hushed. I am only asking what he delights to give. I am sure that he will condescend to have fellowship with me, for he has given me his Holy Spirit to abide with me for ever. Sweet is the cool twilight, when every star seems like the eye of heaven, and the cool wind is as the breath of celestial love. My Father, my elder Brother, my sweet Comforter, speak now in lovingkindness, for thou hast opened mine ear and I am not rebellious.

《竭诚为主》7月1日 免不了的刑罚

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《竭诚为主》 7月1日


"我實在告訴你:若有一文錢沒有還清,你斷不能從那裡出來" 马太福音 5:26  马太福音 5 











July 1 The Inevitable Penalty


“Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou have paid the uttermost farthing.” Matthew 5:26


There is no heaven with a little corner of hell in it. God is determined to make you pure and holy and right; He will not allow you to escape for one moment from the scrutiny of the Holy Spirit. He urged you to come to judgment right away when He convicted you, but you did not; the inevitable process began to work and now you are in prison, and you will only get out when you have paid the uttermost farthing. “Is this a God of mercy, and of love?” you say. Seen from God's side, it is a glorious ministry of love. God is going to bring you out pure and spotless and undefiled; but He wants you to recognize the disposition you were showing – the disposition of your right to yourself. The moment you are willing that God should alter your disposition, His recreating forces will begin to work. The moment you realize God's purpose, which is to get you rightly related to Himself and then to your fellow men, He will tax the last limit of the universe to help you take the right road. Decide it now – “Yes, Lord, I will write that letter to-night”; “I will be reconciled to that man now.”


These messages of Jesus Christ are for the will and the conscience, not for the head. If you dispute the Sermon on the Mount with your head, you will blunt the appeal to your heart.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月1日

Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart

用於 《竭诚为主》7月1日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月01日

All That Thrills My Soul is Jesus

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月01日


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七月一日 信心的支票簿Faith’s check book




经文:「但 神必与你们同在。」(创世记48︰21)创世记 48:21 创世记 48


雅各年纪老迈,即将归天家,但他一点也不挂虑,他很有信心地对约瑟说︰「 神必与你们同在。」同样,当我们至亲好友行将离世之际,我们大可安慰自己,知道神必不离开我们,祂要永远与我们同在。


若神与我们同在,即使我们贫穷,又受人藐视,也算不得什么。若神与我同在,我们总得保全,因为在神的荫疪下,任何祸害不会临及。喔!这是何等大的喜乐, 神不仅现在与我同在,而且将一直与我同在。祂以教会、家庭、密友的形式,与我们同在。这不就是祂的名以马内利﹖ 神与人同在!这岂非世间最好的事﹖ 神与人同在!让我们勇气十足,信心百倍,知道真理必要得胜,凡事必得亨通,因为神必要与那想与祂同在的人在一起。




God with Us

Scripture: "God shall be with you"(Genesis 48:21).


Good old Jacob could no more be with Joseph, for his hour had come to die: but he left his son without anxiety, for he said with confidence, "God shall be with you." When our dearest relations or our most helpful friends are called home by death, we must console ourselves with the reflection that the LORD is not departed from us but lives for us and abides with us forever.


If God be with us, we are in ennobling company, even though we are poor and despised. If God be with us, we have all-sufficient strength, for nothing can be too hard for the LORD. If God be with us, we are always safe, for none can harm those who walk under His shadow. Oh, what a joy we have here! Not only is God with us, but He will be with us. With us as individuals; with us as families; with us as churches. Is not the very name of Jesus, Immanuel -- God with us? Is not this the best of all, that God is with us? Let us be bravely diligent and joyously hopeful. Our cause must prosper, the truth must win, for the LORD is with those who are with Him. All this day may this sweet word be enjoyed by every believer who turns to "Faith's Check Book." No greater happiness is possible.


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  亨利马太(Henry Mathew)说:“当我们四面的出路都被封了起来,对于神的应许发生了疑问的时候,就该想神的应许,是不能不应验的。因为“神的应许,不论有多少,在基督都是是的。所以藉着他也都是实在的,叫神因我们得荣耀。”(林后1章20节)


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用於 《清晨甘露》七日二日

My God, the spring of all my joys

用於 《清晨甘露》七日二日



用於 《静夜亮光》七月二日

Pass Me Not

用於 《静夜亮光》七月二日




我们的心必靠他欢喜。(诗 33:21)诗篇 33:21 诗篇 33




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经文: 耶和华阿,我要求告祢。我的磐石阿,不要向我缄默。倘若祢向我闭口,我就如将死的人一样。(诗篇二十八:1)诗篇 28:1 诗篇 28




Evening, July 2


Scripture: “Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.”(Psalm 28:1)


A cry is the natural expression of sorrow, and a suitable utterance when all other modes of appeal fail us; but the cry must be alone directed to the Lord, for to cry to man is to waste our entreaties upon the air. When we consider the readiness of the Lord to hear, and his ability to aid, we shall see good reason for directing all our appeals at once to the God of our salvation. It will be in vain to call to the rocks in the day of judgment, but our Rock attends to our cries.“Be not silent to me.” Mere formalists may be content without answers to their prayers, but genuine suppliants cannot; they are not satisfied with the results of prayer itself in calming the mind and subduing the will-they must go further, and obtain actual replies from heaven, or they cannot rest; and those replies they long to receive at once, they dread even a little of God's silence. God's voice is often so terrible that it shakes the wilderness; but his silence is equally full of awe to an eager suppliant. When God seems to close his ear, we must not therefore close our mouths, but rather cry with more earnestness; for when our note grows shrill with eagerness and grief, he will not long deny us a hearing. What a dreadful case should we be in if the Lord should become for ever silent to our prayers? “Lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.” Deprived of the God who answers prayer, we should be in a more pitiable plight than the dead in the grave, and should soon sink to the same level as the lost in hell. We must have answers to prayer: ours is an urgent case of dire necessity; surely the Lord will speak peace to our agitated minds, for he never can find it in his heart to permit his own elect to perish.

《竭诚为主》7月2日 作门徒的条件

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《竭诚为主》 7月2日




(路十四26、27、33)路加福音 14:26-33 路加福音 14








July 2 The Conditions Of Discipleship


“If any man come to Me, and hate not . . . he cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:26, also 27, 33


If the closest relationships of life clash with the claims of Jesus Christ, He says it must be instant obedience to Himself. Discipleship means personal, passionate devotion to a Person, Our Lord Jesus Christ. There is a difference between devotion to a Person and devotion to principles or to a cause. Our Lord never proclaimed a cause; He proclaimed personal devotion to Himself. To be a disciple is to be a devoted love-slave of the Lord Jesus. Many of us who call ourselves Christians are not devoted to Jesus Christ. No man on earth has this passionate love to the Lord Jesus unless the Holy Ghost has imparted it to him. We may admire Him, we may respect Him and reverence Him, but we cannot love Him. The only Lover of the Lord Jesus is the Holy Ghost, and He sheds abroad the very love of God in our hearts. Whenever the Holy Ghost sees a chance of glorifying Jesus, He will take your heart, your nerves, your whole personality, and simply make you blaze and glow with devotion to Jesus Christ.


The Christian life is stamped by 'moral spontaneous originality', consequently the disciple is open to the same charge that Jesus Christ was, viz., that of inconsistency. But Jesus Christ was always consistent to God, and the Christian must be consistent to the life of the Son of God in him, not consistent to hard and fast creeds. Men pour them selves into creeds, and God has to blast them out of their prejudices before they can become devoted to Jesus Christ.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月2日

Hast Thou Heard Him, Seen Him, Known Him?

用於 《竭诚为主》7月2日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月02日

An Evening Prayer

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月02日


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七日二日 信心的支票簿Faith’s check book




经文:「惟有耶和华所亲爱的,必叫他安然睡觉。」(诗篇127︰2) 诗篇 127:2 诗篇 127

基督徒的生活是既快乐,又充满信心,而不是忧虑悲观的。天上的父总是一无所缺地供应祂子女的需要,甚至在我们还未开口求以先,祂就知道我们的需要。我们尽管安然入睡,何苦熬夜自己在那冥思苦想、忧心筹划﹖若我们学会完全交托给 神,就不会夜夜不眠,让忧虑啃噬我们的心。我们只要时常默想 神必感到甜美,便将忧虑卸给祂, 祂必使我们安然入睡。


再没有比成为 神所爱的,更加美好的事了;当我们拥有了 神的爱,便将不再有野心的欲望,每一自私的念头也必悄然安静。任何事都不能与 神的爱相比,即使在天上,也没有什么值得眷恋的。喔,我的灵啊,安歇吧,你已经拥有了一切。


若非 神自己赐下祂的安息和安息的理由,我们则时常辗转反侧,难以成眠;然而, 神诚然这么做了,并且耶稣本身就是我们心中的平安、安息,一切。无论或生活死,在 祂的怀抱中,是最稳妥不过的事。




Refreshing Sleep


Scripture: "So He giveth His beloved sleep"(Psalm 127:2).


Ours is not a life of anxious care but of happy faith. Our heavenly Father will supply the wants of His own children, and He knoweth what we have need of before we ask Him. We may therefore go to our beds at the proper hour and not wear ourselves out by sitting up late to plot, and plan, and contrive. If we have learned to rely upon our God, we shall not lie awake with fear gnawing at our hearts; but we shall leave our care with the LORD, our meditation of Him shall be sweet, and He will give us refreshing sleep.


To be the LORD's beloved is the highest possible honor, and he who has it may feel that ambition itself could desire no more, and therefore every selfish wish may go to sleep. What more is there even in heaven than the love of God? Rest, then, O soul, for thou hast all things. Yet we toss to and fro unless the LORD Himself gives us not only the reasons for rest but rest itself. Yea, He doth this. Jesus Himself is our peace, our rest, our all. On His bosom we sleep in perfect security, both in life and in death.


Sprinkled afresh with pardoning blood,

I lay me down to rest

As in the embraces of my God,

Or on my Saviour's breast.


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  神对耶利米说:「你若归回,我就将你再带来,使你站在我面前;你若将宝贵的,和下贱的分别出来,你就可以当作我的口,他们必归向你,你却不可归向他们。」(耶十五19)  所以属神的人,必须回到神面前,先充实自己,然后才能合神心意。摩西制造会幕之前,先到神前住了两个四十昼夜,听明白了神所指示的图样;制造的时候件件东西都是照著神的指示。不但神的仆人当有与神相交的工夫,每一位信徒都必须与神有亲密的相交,才能作一个蒙神喜悦的人,凡主用宝血所救赎的,都应当分别归神为圣。




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  读者,你的道路上现在有没有东西在拦阻你前进?你只要奉主的名向前走去,一切的拦阻都会冰消瓦解了。——崔伦保(Henry Clay Trumbull)


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用於 《清晨甘露》七月三日

Deeper deeper in the love of Jesus

用於 《清晨甘露》七月三日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月三日

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken

用於 《静夜亮光》七月三日




这又丑陋又干瘦的七只母牛吃尽了那又美好又肥壮的七只母牛。法老就醒了。(创41:4)创世记 41:4 创世记 41




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经文: 我们若能忍耐,也必和祂一同作王。(提摩太后书二:12)提摩太后书 2:12

 提摩太后书 2




Evening, July 3


Scripture: “If we suffer, we shall also reign with him.”(2 Timothy 2:12)


We must not imagine that we are suffering for Christ, and with Christ, if we are not in Christ. Beloved friend, are you trusting to Jesus only? If not, whatever you may have to mourn over on earth, you are not “suffering with Christ,” and have no hope of reigning with him in heaven. Neither are we to conclude that all a Christian's sufferings are sufferings with Christ, for it is essential that he be called by God to suffer. If we are rash and imprudent, and run into positions for which neither providence nor grace has fitted us, we ought to question whether we are not rather sinning than communing with Jesus. If we let passion take the place of judgment, and self-will reign instead of Scriptural authority, we shall fight the Lord's battles with the devil's weapons, and if we cut our own fingers we must not be surprised. Again, in troubles which come upon us as the result of sin, we must not dream that we are suffering with Christ. When Miriam spoke evil of Moses, and the leprosy polluted her, she was not suffering for God. Moreover, suffering which God accepts must have God's glory as its end. If I suffer that I may earn a name, or win applause, I shall get no other reward than that of the Pharisee. It is requisite also that love to Jesus, and love to his elect, be ever the mainspring of all our patience. We must manifest the Spirit of Christ in meekness, gentleness, and forgiveness. Let us search and see if we truly suffer with Jesus. And if we do thus suffer, what is our “light affliction” compared with reigning with him? Oh it is so blessed to be in the furnace with Christ, and such an honour to stand in the pillory with him, that if there were no future reward, we might count ourselves happy in present honour; but when the recompense is so eternal, so infinitely more than we had any right to expect, shall we not take up the cross with alacrity, and go on our way rejoicing?

《竭诚为主》7月3日 人罪恶的集中地

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《竭诚为主》 7月3日


祸哉,我灭亡了。因为我是嘴唇不洁的人。(赛六5)以赛亚书 6:5 以赛亚书 6








July 3 The Concentration Of Personal Sin


“Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips.” Isaiah 6:5


When I get into the presence of God, I do not realize that I am a sinner in an indefinite sense; I realize the concentration of sin in a particular feature of my life. A man will say easily – ‘Oh, yes, I know I am a sinner’; but when he gets into the presence of God he cannot get off with that statement. The conviction is concentrated on – I am this, or that, or the other. This is always the sign that a man or woman is in the presence of God. There is never any vague sense of sin, but the concentration of sin in some personal particular. God begins by convicting us of the one thing fixed on in the mind that is prompted by His Spirit; if we will yield to His conviction on that point, He will lead us down to the great disposition of sin underneath. That is the way God always deals with us when we are consciously in His presence.


This experience of the concentration of sin is true in the greatest and the least of saints as well as in the greatest and the least of sinners. When a man is on the first rung of the ladder of experience, he may say – I do not know where I have gone wrong; but the Spirit of God will point out some particular definite thing. The effect of the vision of the holiness of the Lord on Isaiah was to bring home to him that he was a man of unclean lips. “And he laid it upon my mouth, and said Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.” The cleansing fire had to be applied where the sin had been concentrated.



Out of the Depths I Cry-Piano

用於 《竭诚为主》7月3日



















用於 《信心的支票簿》07月03日

Savior Lead Me Lest I Stray

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月03日


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七月三日 信心的支票簿Faith’s check book




经文:「祂必作我们引路的,直到死时。」(诗篇48︰14)诗篇 48:14 诗篇 48



我主我 神,从天降世,为要做我们的引路人,祂知道那路,且引领我们平安地渡到人生的彼岸。我们绝不希望误入歧途,走冤枉路。我们只要将自己完全地降服在 神的引导下,必不会走错路。让我们尊主为大,找到祂做我们的向导。若我们遵行祂的律法,便不会偏离人生正确的道路,但首先我们得学习所行的每一步都要紧紧地跟随祂。


我们得安慰,只因祂是我们永在的 神,是我们永远的向导,甚至离世时祂也将引领我们到天家与祂永居,不再分离。这是神引导的应许,是一生之久的保证︰立刻的救恩,一生的引导,无穷的福份。我们岂不该趁着年轻赶紧寻见祂;在中年时得享喜乐;好在老年静候进入天家﹖今天在我们出门前,让我们信靠祂的引导与带领!


A Guide All the Way


Scripture: "He will be my guide even unto death"(Psalm 48:14).


We need a guide. Sometimes we would give all that we have to be told exactly what to do and where to turn. We are willing to do right, but we do not know which one of two roads we are to follow. Oh, for a guide!


The LORD our God condescends to serve us as guide. He knows the way and will pilot us along it till we reach our journey's end in peace. Surely we do not desire more infallible direction. Let us place ourselves absolutely under His guidance, and we shall never miss our way. Let us make Him our God, and we shall find Him our guide. If we follow His law we shall not miss the right road of life, provided we first learn to lean upon Him in every step that we take.


Our comfort is that as He is our God forever and ever, He will never cease to be with us as our guide. "Even unto death" will He lead us, and then we shall dwell with Him eternally and go no more out forever. This promise of divine guidance involves lifelong security: salvation at once, guidance unto our last hour, and then endless blessedness. Should not each one seek this in youth, rejoice in it in middle life, and repose in it in old age? This day let us look up for guidance before we trust ourselves out-of-doors.


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  有一位姊妹,从前在音乐上追求,就在音乐上长进;当她追求的时候,音乐就进入她的里面,成为她的产业,她进入音乐中,音乐也进入她心中,她与音乐合而为一了。后来她在基督里追求,基督就带著祂的丰富进到她的心中,她与基督合而为一,她在基督里面,基督在她里面。音乐是无形体的死东西,神是永活的灵;每日与神相交,与神联合,藉着圣经的启发认识祂,祂就在我们里面天天加增,我们也天天在神里面进深。  我们所得著基督的丰富,就是我们永存的基业,即便身体与万物同化,我们所得著的仍然存在,并且所得著的都要显现在荣耀中。不但将来要显现,今天也要实现在我们的生活中;神的能力不断地在那里吞灭我们的肉体。与神联合起来的人,他的进步是何等的迅速呢!他的工作是何等有果效呢!一点不费自己的力量,一切都是神的能力所推动的。因为我们向神叩门,向神祈求,向神寻找,神就给我们开门,就叫我们得著,就叫我们寻见。


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用於 《清晨甘露》七月四日

O Word of God Incarnate

用於 《清晨甘露》七月四日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月四日

Live Out Thy Life Within Me

用於 《静夜亮光》七月四日




求你用真理使他们成圣。(约17:17)约翰福音 17:17 约翰福音 17


成圣始于重生之时。神的灵赐人新生命和新的人生观叫他在基督耶稣里成为“新造的人”。这种工作从新生之后就开始了,有两种方式:一是攻克,就是制服肉体的情欲;二是激励,使神赐我的生命在我里面成为活水的泉源,直涌到永生。这种工作可说是“持守”(弗6:18为警醒不倦)的工作,当天天继续,基督徒因此才能保守并继续在恩典当中,也能在善工上多结好果子使神得到颂赞和荣耀;至终必在“荣耀”里得以完全,当灵魂完全被洗净之后,就被接到至高神的右边与众圣同列。因此成圣的工作是出于神的灵,但还有一种看得见的方法,也是不可忘记的。耶稣说:“求你用真理使他们成圣,你的道就是真理。”有很多经文可以证明,神的话实在是使我们成圣的一种工具。神的灵使我们的心明白真理的意义和教义,并赐能力叫我们能应用 真理。我们把神的话听在耳中,存在心里,它们就在我们里面动工,叫我们所愿所行的都以使神喜悦为目的。真理使我们成圣,但我们若不听不念这真理,我们就不能使成圣的生活有所长进。我们在长进的时候,必须有健全的知识才能有健全的生活。“你的话是我脚前的灯,是我路上的光。”不要错解神的话,这并不是一件可以随人意解释的事;一个人的判断若有错误,迟早所行出来的也必发生错误。要坚守真理,因为你这样持守真道,神的灵必使你成圣。


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经文: 就是手洁心清,不向虚妄,起誓不怀诡诈的人。(诗篇二十四:4) 诗篇 24:4 诗篇 24


圣洁的外貌是恩典的宝贵记号。许多人曲解因信称义的教义以致轻视行善。在审判日,祂将接受永远的眨降。我们的手若不清洁,让我们在耶稣的宝血中将手洗净,以致能向上帝举起清洁的双手。但是清洁的手尚且不足,必须与清洁的心想连。真正的宗教是心灵的工作。我们可以洗净杯子的外部并洗净碟子,若是内部污秽,在上帝的眼中我们仍是污秽的。我们的真正生命是内在的本性,这也是内心需要清洁的原因。清心的人必得见上帝(参阅太五:8),其他的都是瞎眼的。为天国而生的人“不向虚妄”。所有的人都喜欢心灵向上。不相信的人向往肉体的欢乐,那不过是空虚浮华;圣徒却在主的道中欢欣。满足于豆荚的,将被置于猪群之中。世界能让你满足吗?若是,你就已经得着今生的报酬了。尽情享受吧,因为你没有其它欢乐了。 圣徒是受尊重的人物。基督徒所说的话就是他唯一的誓言,他所起的一个誓比别人所起的二十个誓言更好。虚假的话将在天国以外,因为说谎的人不能进入上帝的家。今晚,这节经文是否定你的罪?或是,今晚你盼望能登上主的山吗?


Evening, July 4


Scripture: “He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.”(Psalm 24:4)


Outward practical holiness is a very precious mark of grace. It is to be feared that many professors have perverted the doctrine of justification by faith in such a way as to treat good works with contempt; if so, they will receive everlasting contempt at the last great day. If our hands are not clean, let us wash them in Jesus’ precious blood, and so let us lift up pure hands unto God. But “clean hands” will not suffice, unless they are connected with “a pure heart.” True religion is heart-work. We may wash the outside of the cup and the platter as long as we please, but if the inward parts be filthy, we are filthy altogether in the sight of God, for our hearts are more truly ourselves than our hands are; the very life of our being lies in the inner nature, and hence the imperative need of purity within. The pure in heart shall see God, all others are but blind bats.The man who is born for heaven “hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity.” All men have their joys, by which their souls are lifted up; the worldling lifts up his soul in carnal delights, which are mere empty vanities; but the saint loves more substantial things; like Jehoshaphat, he is lifted up in the ways of the Lord. He who is content with husks, will be reckoned with the swine. Does the world satisfy thee? Then thou hast thy reward and portion in this life; make much of it, for thou shalt know no other joy.“Nor sworn deceitfully.” The saints are men of honour still. The Christian man's word is his only oath; but that is as good as twenty oaths of other men. False speaking will shut any man out of heaven, for a liar shall not enter into God's house, whatever may be his professions or doings. Reader, does the text before us condemn thee, or dost thou hope to ascend into the hill of the Lord?

《竭诚为主》7月4日 神的“不要”

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《竭诚为主》 7月4日


不要心怀不平,以致作恶。(诗三十七8)诗篇 37:8 诗篇 37










One Of God's Great Don'ts


“Fret not thyself, it tendeth only to evil doing.” Psalm 37:8 (R.V.)


Fretting means getting out at elbows mentally or spiritually. It is one thing to say “Fret not,” but a very different thing to have such a disposition that you find yourself able not to fret. It sounds so easy to talk about “resting in the Lord” and “waiting patiently for Him” until the nest is upset – until we live, as so many are doing, in tumult and anguish, is it possible then to rest in the Lord? If this “don't” does not work there, it will work nowhere. This “don't” must work in days of perplexity as well as in days of peace, or it never will work. And if it will not work in your particular case, it will not work in anyone else's case. Resting in the Lord does not depend on external circumstances at all, but on your relationship to God Himself.


Fussing always ends in sin. We imagine that a little anxiety and worry are an indication of how really wise we are; it is much more an indication of how really wicked we are. Fretting springs from a determination to get our own way. Our Lord never worried and He was never anxious, because He was not “out” to realize His own ideas; He was “out” to realize God's ideas. Fretting is wicked if you are a child of God.


Have you been bolstering up that stupid soul of yours with the idea that your circumstances are too much for God? Put all “supposing” on one side and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. Deliberately tell God that you will not fret about that thing. All our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月4日

Like A River Glorious

用於 《竭诚为主》7月4日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月04日

Break Thou The Bread of Life

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月04日


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七月四日 信心的支票簿Faith’s check book




经文: 「人活着,不是单靠食物,乃是靠神口里所出的一切话。」(马太福音4︰4) 马太福音 4:4 马太福音 4







The Word, Necessary Food


Scripture: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God"(Matthew 4:4).


If God so willed it we could live without bread, even as Jesus did for forty days; but we could not live without His Word. By that Word we were created, and by it alone can we be kept in being, for he sustaineth all things by the Word of His power. Bread is a second cause; the LORD Himself is the first source of our sustenance. He can work without the second cause as well as with it; and we must not tie Him down to one mode of operation. Let us not be too eager after the visible, but let us look to the invisible God. We have heard believers say that in deep poverty, when bread ran short, their appetites became short, too; and to others, when common supplies failed, the LORD has sent in unexpected help.

But we must have the Word of the LORD. With this alone we can withstand the devil. Take this from us, and our enemy will have us in his power, for we shall soon faint. Our souls need food, and there is none for them outside of the Word of the LORD. All the books and all the preachers in the world cannot furnish us a single meal: it is only the Word from the mouth of God that can fill the mouth of a believer. LORD, evermore give us this bread. We prize it above royal dainties.


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  有一本美丽的小书,名叫《期望所》(Expectation Corner),里面讲到斯罗门(Adam slowman)在异象中进入神的储藏室,在那里他看见了许多奇异的东西。在许多奇异的东西中间,有一间“延福室。”(Delayed Blessings Office),里面藏着人们向神求告的一切东西,神将那些东西留在储藏室内,等候相当的时日赐给人们。






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用於 《清晨甘露》七月五日

I've turned my back upon the World

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用於 《静夜亮光》七月五日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月五日


希伯來書12:1 "我們既有這許多的見證人 、如同雲彩圍著我們"

1911  — 1994

David Howard Adeney


http://bdcconline.net/zh-hans/stories/ai-deli (简体)



奉召作圣徒。(罗1:7)罗马书 1:7 罗马书 1




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经文: 你们当依靠耶和华直到永远,因为耶稣华是永久的磐石。(以赛亚书二十六:4)以赛亚书 26




Evening, July 5


Scripture: “Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.”(Isaiah 26:4)


Seeing that we have such a God to trust to, let us rest upon him with all our weight; let us resolutely drive out all unbelief, and endeavour to get rid of doubts and fears, which so much mar our comfort; since there is no excuse for fear where God is the foundation of our trust. A loving parent would be sorely grieved if his child could not trust him; and how ungenerous, how unkind is our conduct when we put so little confidence in our heavenly Father who has never failed us, and who never will. It were well if doubting were banished from the household of God; but it is to be feared that old Unbelief is as nimble nowadays as when the psalmist asked, “Is his mercy clean gone for ever? Will he be favourable no more?” David had not made any very lengthy trial of the mighty sword of the giant Goliath, and yet he said, “There is none like it.” He had tried it once in the hour of his youthful victory, and it had proved itself to be of the right metal, and therefore he praised it ever afterwards; even so should we speak well of our God, there is none like unto him in the heaven above or the earth beneath; “To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.” There is no rock like unto the rock of Jacob, our enemies themselves being judges. So far from suffering doubts to live in our hearts, we will take the whole detestable crew, as Elijah did the prophets of Baal, and slay them over the brook; and for a stream to kill them at, we will select the sacred torrent which wells forth from our Saviour's wounded side. We have been in many trials, but we have never yet been cast where we could not find in our God all that we needed. Let us then be encouraged to trust in the Lord for ever, assured that his ever lasting strength will be, as it has been, our succour and stay.

《竭诚为主》7月5日 别在神以外筹算

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《竭诚为主》 7月5日


当将你的事交托耶和华,并倚靠他,他就必成全。(诗三十七5)诗篇 37












July 5 Don't Calculate Without God


“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:5


Don't calculate without God.


God seems to have a delightful way of upsetting the things we have calculated on without taking Him into account. We get into circumstances which were not chosen by God, and suddenly we find we have been calculating without God; He has not entered in as a living factor. The one thing that keeps us from the possibility of worrying is bringing God in as the greatest factor in all our calculations.


In our religion it is customary to put God first, but we are apt to think it is an impertinence to put Him first in the practical issues of our lives. If we imagine we have to put on our Sunday moods before we come near to God, we will never come near Him. We must come as we are.

Don't calculate with the evil in view.


Does God really mean us to take no account of the evil? “Love . . . taketh no account of the evil.” Love is not ignorant of the existence of the evil, but it does not take it in as a calculating factor. Apart from God, we do reckon with evil; we calculate with it in view and work all our reasonings from that standpoint.

Don't calculate with the rainy day in view.


You cannot lay up for a rainy day if you are trusting Jesus Christ. Jesus said – “Let not your heart be troubled.” God will not keep your heart from being troubled. It is a command – “Let not . . .” Haul yourself up a hundred and one times a day in order to do it, until you get into the habit of putting God first and calculating with Him in view.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月5日

Lead, Kindly Light

用於 《竭诚为主》7月5日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月05日

Blessed Is He That Is Trusting the Lord

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月05日


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经文:「耶和华说:到那日我必拯救你,你必不至交在你所怕的人手中。」(耶利米书39︰17)耶利米书 39


当 神忠心的仆人们为主受苦时,他们会从 神那儿得着甜蜜的爱的话语。有时,他们会带好消息给那些同情和帮助他们的人。以伯米勒只不过是被人瞧不起的古实人,但他对耶利米很好,所以 神借着先知的口,向他传递这特别的应许。让我们常常关怀被逼迫的 神仆人, 神会奖赏我们。


以伯米勒是一个卑微的人,但耶和华眷顾他,必不把他交在他所怕的人手中。上千的人已被迦勒底人屠杀,但这卑微的仆人, 神却看顾他,使他免于受害。我们也一样,也会害怕那些仗势凌人,与我们为敌者。但在患难时,我们若对主的事业忠心,祂会亲自眷顾我们。毕竟,若没有 神的允许,人又能对我们怎么样呢? 神在狂怒者的口中放置嚼环,用辔头罩有权者的头。让我们敬畏 神。这样,我们将别无畏惧。?即使是端给受轻视的先知的一杯水, 神都必奖赏。总之,我们若站在耶稣这边,耶稣也必站在我们这边。


Complete Deliverance


Scripture: "But I will deliver thee in that day, saith the LORD; and thou shalt not be given into the hand of the men of whom thou art afraid"(Jeremiah 39:17).

When the LORD's faithful ones are suffering for Him, they shall have sweet messages of love from Himself, and sometimes they shall have glad tidings for those who sympathize with them and help them. Ebed-melech was only a despised Ethiopian, but he was kind to Jeremiah, and so the LORD sent him this special promise by the mouth of His prophet. Let us be ever mindful of God's persecuted servants, and He will reward us.


Ebed-melech was to be delivered from the men whose vengeance he feared. He was a humble man, but Jehovah would take care of him. Thousands were slain by the Chaldeans, but [he] could not be hurt. We, too, may be fearful of some great ones who are bitter against us; but if we have been faithful to the LORD's cause in the hour of persecution, He will be faithful to us. After all, what can a man do without the LORD's permission? He puts a bit into the mouth of rage and a bridle upon the head of power. Let us fear the LORD, and we shall have no one else to fear. No cup of cold water given to a despised prophet of God shall be without its reward; and if we stand up for Jesus, Jesus will stand up for us.


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用於 《清晨甘露》七月六日

Christ Liveth in Me

用於 《清晨甘露》七月六日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月六日

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

用於 《静夜亮光》七月六日

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惟有听从我的,必安然居住,得享安静,不怕灾祸。(箴1:33)箴言 1


神的爱在审判之时更能清楚地照射出来。从浓云密布的裂隙中透出来的一颗星星更加光辉灿烂;沙漠中的一片绿洲有多美丽好看,盛怒之中的爱也是这样美好光明。以色列人因为一再拜偶像,神便刑罚他们,使雨露不降在地上,因此饥荒便临到了那地;但神在行这事的时候 ,他仍然看顾他所拣选的人,保全他们。一切溪水都干了,但神还留下一条 ,为的是保全以利亚;这一条也干了之后 ,神还安排 一个保全他的地方;不仅这样,神不只有一个“以利亚”,他还有一些余留的蒙恩召的先知,共一百名,每五十名藏在一个洞里,虽然遍地都满了饥荒,这些人仍然有东西吃,而且是吃亚哈王的饮食,因为他的忠心敬畏神的家宰俄巴底奉养他们。我们从这一件事就可以看出,无论什么事来临,神的子民总是安全平稳的。任凭地震动,纵然天破裂,信徒在天翻地覆之中和平静稳妥之时一样的安全。若神不能在天下救拔他的子民,他必在天上拯救他们。若是世界容不下他们,天上必有平安稳妥的地方等待迎接他们。因此在听见打仗和打仗的风声时,要存着信心。你不要因变动而担心受怕,但要远避恶行。无论什么临到地上,你,在耶和华宽广的翅膀底下必然安然无惧。你要投靠他的应许,依赖他的信实,不管将来是多么黑暗,因为必没有什么 使你骇怕。你要留意向世人表现出来听从智慧的言语是有福的。


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经文: 我的罪孽和罪过有多少呢?(约伯记十三:23) 约伯记 13:23 约伯记 13




Evening, July 6


Scripture: “How many are mine iniquities and sins?”(Job 13:23)


Have you ever really weighed and considered how great the sin of God's people is? Think how heinous is your own transgression, and you will find that not only does a sin here and there tower up like an alp, but that your iniquities are heaped upon each other, as in the old fable of the giants who piled Pelian upon Ossa, mountain upon mountain. What an aggregate of sin there is in the life of one of the most sanctified of God's children! Attempt to multiply this, the sin of one only, by the multitude of the redeemed, “a number which no man can number,” and you will have some conception of the great mass of the guilt of the people for whom Jesus shed his blood. But we arrive at a more adequate idea of the magnitude of sin by the greatness of the remedy provided. It is the blood of Jesus Christ, God's only and well-beloved Son. God's Son! Angels cast their crowns before him! All the choral symphonies of heaven surround his glorious throne. “God over all, blessed for ever. Amen.” And yet he takes upon himself the form of a servant, and is scourged and pierced, bruised and torn, and at last slain; since nothing but the blood of the incarnate Son of God could make atonement for our offences. No human mind can adequately estimate the infinite value of the divine sacrifice, for great as is the sin of God's people, the atonement which takes it away is immeasurably greater. Therefore, the believer, even when sin rolls like a black flood, and the remembrance of the past is bitter, can yet stand before the blazing throne of the great and holy God, and cry, “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died; yea rather, that hath risen again.” While the recollection of his sin fills him with shame and sorrow, he at the same time makes it a foil to show the brightness of mercy-guilt is the dark night in which the fair star of divine love shines with serene splendour.

《竭诚为主》7月6日 异象与现实

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《竭诚为主》 7月6日


发光的沙,要变为水池。(赛三十五7)以赛亚书 35:7 以赛亚书 35












July 6 Vision And Reality


“And the parched ground shall become a pool.” Isaiah 35:7


We always have visions, before a thing is made real. When we realize that although the vision is real, it is not real in us, then is the time that Satan comes in with his temptations, and we are apt to say it is no use to go on. Instead of the vision becoming real, there has come the valley of humiliation.


“Life is not as idle ore,

But iron dug from central gloom,

And batter'd by the shocks of doom

To shape and use.”


God gives us the vision, then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of the vision, and it is in the valley that so many of us faint and give way. Every vision will be made real if we will have patience. Think of the enormous leisure of God! He is never in a hurry. We are always in such a frantic hurry. In the light of the glory of the vision we go forth to do things, but the vision is not real in us yet; and God has to take us into the valley, and put us through fires and floods to batter us into shape, until we get to the place where He can trust us with the veritable reality. Ever since we had the vision God has been at work, getting us into the shape of the ideal, and over and over again we escape from His hand and try to batter ourselves into our own shape.


The vision is not a castle in the air, but a vision of what God wants you to be. Let Him put you on His wheel and whirl you as He likes, and as sure as God is God and you are you, you will turn out exactly in accordance with the vision. Don't lose heart in the process. If you have ever had the vision of God, you may try as you like to be satisfied on a lower level, but God will never let you.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月6日

Lord, Thou Hast Won

用於 《竭诚为主》7月6日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月06日


There's a Wideness in God's Mercy
(德文)Es gibt eine Weite in Gottes Barmherzigkeit

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经文: 「 神那么爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生。」(约翰福音3︰16 改译)约翰福音 3



这经文虽是寥寥数语,却充满无比的光辉。你瞧, 神是「那么爱世人」,在爱字之前有“那么”二字,强调这爱之伟大而无法测量。其次, 神将这宝贵的礼物白白赐给我们。这礼物是 神的儿子。这独一、无价的礼物彰显了 神的爱。而这爱本来是永远无法充分显明的;然而, 神的独生子降生在世、为罪人受死,就将这爱彰显完全了。光凭这三点,就够震憾人心的!





His Love; His Gift; His Son


Scripture: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life"(John 3:16).


Of all the stars in the sky, the pole-star is the most useful to the mariner. This text is a pole-star, for it has guided more souls to salvation than any other Scripture. It is among promises what the Great Bear is among constellations.

Several words in it shine with peculiar brilliance. Here we have God's love with a "so" to it, which marks its measureless greatness. Then we have God's gift in all its freeness and greatness. This also is God's Son, that unique and priceless gift of a love which could never fully show itself till heaven's Only-begotten had been sent to live and die for men. These three points are full of light.


Then there is the simple requirement of believing, which graciously points to a way of salvation suitable for guilty men. This is backed by a wide description -- "whosoever believeth in him." Many have found room in "whosoever" who would have felt themselves shut out by a narrower word. Then comes the great promise, that believers in Jesus shall not perish but have everlasting life. This is cheering to every man who feels that he is ready to perish and that he cannot save himself. We believe in the LORD Jesus, and we have eternal life.


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用於 《清晨甘露》七月七日

There's a Royal Banner
(德文)Es gibt ein königliches Banner

用於 《清晨甘露》七月七日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月七日

Depth of Mercy
(德文)Tiefe der Barmherzigkeit

用於 《静夜亮光》七月七日


希伯來書12:1 "我們既有這許多的見證人 、如同雲彩圍著我們"

1817  — 1914



请弟兄们为我们祷告。(贴前5:25)帖撒罗尼迦前书 5


今天我要用保罗的话,提醒各位读者恳切地为教牧师们祷告。我们的工作至关重大,千万人的祸福安危系于我们;我们为神引领人的灵魂乃是一种不朽的事业,我们的话或作了活的香气叫人活,或作了死的香气叫人死。我们担负着一个重大的责任,等到主来的时候 ,我们的手在一切人的血上都干干净净,那才是一个非同小可的恩典哪!我们好像是基督军兵中的指战员,是人和鬼所攻击所注目的特别标的;他们趁我们松懈的时候,追踪我们的脚跟大做工夫。我们的圣召有很多受试探的机会,而是你们所可避免的。我们常因牧养和职务上的工作,自己反不能饱尝真道的滋味。我们逢见一切烦难的问题,我们便觉智有所不逮,力有所不能,心有所不及;我们看到有人退后,我们的心就难过伤痛;我们看见无数的人灭亡,我们的精神就消沉焦急。我们愿意使我们所传讲的能帮助你们;我们切望能使你们的儿女蒙福;我们也盼望对于圣徒和罪人都有所供献。因此,亲爱的朋友!应当为我们祈求神。若我们失去你们的祷告,我们就成了一些可怜虫;但我们若有你们代祷的支持就鼓舞欢欣。你们并不是仰望我们,而是仰望主赐你们属灵的福气,但有很多时候他也藉着服侍他的仆人赐福于你们;因此当常常求神把他的福音的宝贝装在我们的瓦器里。我们,包括一切宣教士、牧师、传道人、神学生,都在耶稣里切切求你们:“请弟兄们为我们祷告。”(贴前5:25)


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经文: 我从你旁边经过,……对你说,……仍可存活。(以西结书十六:6)以西结书 16:6 以西结书 16




Evening, July 7


Scripture: “When I passed by thee, I said unto thee, Live.”(Ezekiel 16:6)


Saved one, consider gratefully this mandate of mercy. Note that this fiat of God is majestic. In our text, we perceive a sinner with nothing in him but sin, expecting nothing but wrath; but the eternal Lord passes by in his glory; he looks, he pauses, and he pronounces the solitary but royal word, “Live.” There speaks a God. Who but he could venture thus to deal with life and dispense it with a single syllable? Again, this fiat is manifold. When he saith “Live,” it includes many things. Here is judicial life. The sinner is ready to be condemned, but the mighty One saith, “Live,” and he rises pardoned and absolved. It is spiritual life. We knew not Jesus-our eyes could not see Christ, our ears could not hear his voice-Jehovah said “Live,” and we were quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins. Moreover, it includes glory-life, which is the perfection of spiritual life. “I said unto thee, Live:” and that word rolls on through all the years of time till death comes, and in the midst of the shadows of death, the Lord's voice is still heard, “Live!” In the morning of the resurrection it is that self-same voice which is echoed by the arch-angel, “Live,” and as holy spirits rise to heaven to be blest for ever in the glory of their God, it is in the power of this same word, “Live.” Note again, that it is an irresistible mandate. Saul of Tarsus is on the road to Damascus to arrest the saints of the living God. A voice is heard from heaven and a light is seen above the brightness of the sun, and Saul is crying out, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” This mandate is a mandate of free grace. When sinners are saved, it is only and solely because God will do it to magnify his free, unpurchased, unsought grace. Christians, see your position, debtors to grace; show your gratitude by earnest, Christlike lives, and as God has bidden you live, see to it that you live in earnest.

《竭诚为主》7月7日 尊贵的事不易做

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《竭诚为主》 7月7日


“你们要进窄门。因为……引到永生,那门是窄的,路是小的,找着的人也少。”马太福音7:13-14 马太福音 7:13-14 马太福音 7







July 7 All Noble Things Are Difficult


“Enter ye in at the strait gate . . because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way. . .” Matthew 7:13-14


If we are going to live as disciples of Jesus, we have to remember that all noble things are difficult. The Christian life is gloriously difficult, but the difficulty of it does not make us faint and cave in, it rouses us up to overcome. Do we so appreciate the marvellous salvation of Jesus Christ that we are our utmost for His highest?


God saves men by His sovereign grace through the Atonement of Jesus; He works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure; but we have to work out that salvation in practical living. If once we start on the basis of His Redemption to do what He commands, we find that we can do it. If we fail, it is because we have not practised. The crisis will reveal whether we have been practising or not. If we obey the Spirit of God and practise in our physical life what God has put in us by His Spirit, then when the crisis comes, we shall find that our own nature as well as the grace of God will stand by us.


Thank God He does give us difficult things to do! His salvation is a glad thing, but it is also a heroic, holy thing. It tests us for all we are worth. Jesus is bringing many “sons” unto glory, and God will not shield us from the requirements of a son. God's grace turns out men and women with a strong family likeness to Jesus Christ, not milk sops. It takes a tremendous amount of discipline to live the noble life of a disciple of Jesus in actual things. It is always necessary to make an effort to be noble.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月7日

Savior, Teach Me
(德文)Erretter, Lehre mich Tag für Tag

用於 《竭诚为主》7月7日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月07日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月07日

Praise the Lord! You Heavens Adore Him!
(德文)Lobet den Herrn! Ihr Himmel betet Ihn an!

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月07日


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七月七日 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文: 「诸天哪,应当欢呼!大地啊,应当快乐!众山哪,应当发声歌唱!因为耶和华已经安慰祂的百姓,也要怜恤祂困苦之民。」(以赛亚书49︰13)以赛亚书 49


 神的安慰是多么甜美,滋润人心,不仅圣徒要大声赞美,连天地都要发声歌唱。要让山唱歌不容易,但先知要发号施令,使众山欢呼。黎巴嫩、希连、巴珊及摩押地诸山啊, 神的恩典已临到锡安,你们要高声欢唱!我们不也应将像山那般沉重的困难、试炼、苦难,化为向 神赞美祷告的内容?「众山哪,应当发声歌唱!」


 神应许要怜悯祂困苦之民,这是使圣民歌唱、众山欢呼的关键点。听听他们的歌声吧:“欢唱!““要大大地喜乐!”“要发声歌唱!“因为 神以不变的爱来爱我们,我们就觉得快乐幸福,心中充满希望。祂不愿我们悲伤、疑惑。只要我们以一颗单纯的信心敬拜祂,祂就要以完全的爱环绕我们。我们为什么要暗自叹息、哭泣,好像怀疑 神真会这么做吗?喔,弟兄姊妹们,让我们像调好的乐器,像 神宝座前的天使,尽情地在宝座前发声赞美 神吧!


A Mountain Choir


Scripture: "Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted His people, and will have mercy upon His afflicted"(Isaiah 49:13).


So sweet are the comforts of the LORD, that not only the saints themselves may sing of them, but even the heavens and the earth may take up the song. It takes something to make a mountain sing; and yet the prophet summons quite a choir of them. Lebanon, and Sirion, and the high hills of Bashan and Moab, He would set them all singing because of Jehovah's grace to His own Zion. May we not also make mountains of difficulty, and trial, and mystery, and labor become occasions for praise unto our God? "Break forth into singing, O mountains!"


This word of promise, that our God will have mercy upon His afflicted, has a whole peal of bells connected with it. Hear their music -- "Sing!""Be joyful!""Break forth into singing." The LORD would have His people happy because of His unfailing love. He would not have us sad and doubtful; He claims from us the worship of believing hearts. He cannot fail us: why should we sigh or sulk as if He would do so? Oh, for a well-tuned harp! Oh, for voices like those of the cherubim before the throne!


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用於 《清晨甘露》七月八日

Surely Goodness And Mercy

用於 《清晨甘露》七月八日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月八日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月八日




求你告诉我,你因何有这么大力气。(士16:6)士师记 16:6 士师记 16


信心力量的诀窍在于什么呢?乃是在于喂养它的食物;信心学着知道应许是什么——是神恩的流露,是神伟大心胸的广布;信心便说:“这应许是出于神的爱和恩,因此他必成全他的话。”信心也必想:“谁赐下这应许呢?”它并不多想到那应许有多大,而想到“谁是应许者”。信心必定牢记神是不会说谎的——全能的神,不变的神;因此得到一个结论,深信应许必定要成全,且在这坚定不移的信念上前进。信心知道,为什么有应许。——就是,为了神的荣耀,信心也确切感到神的荣耀是可靠的,他不能以己之矛攻己之盾,也不能使他的冠冕暗淡无光;因此他的应许必定站立不动。信心也会因基督所成就的奇妙工作清楚证明父必成全他的话。“神既不爱惜自己的儿子为我们众人舍了,岂不也把万物和他一同白白地赐给我们吗?”不但如此,信心还回顾过去 ,信心因为经过许多争战的锻炼,所以力量更增强壮大起来,信心因着胜利更加鼓勇向前了。信心从记忆中知道神是不会使它失望的,并且神没有一次使他的儿女失望过。信心记得当大祸临头的,神的救援也随之面来;到了山穷水尽,最急需的时候,信心的日子怎样,他的力量也必怎样,他必会说:“不,我现在绝不以为他能改变,他决不会把他的仆人置之不理的。神既然帮助了我,他必仍要帮助我。”因此信心每逢看到一个应许,就想到赐应许的神;因为如此,所以信心能确实地说:“我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着我!”


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经文: 求祢以祢的真理引导我、教训我。因为祢是救我的上帝,我终日等候祂。(诗篇二十五:5)诗篇 25




Evening, July 8


Scripture: “Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.”(Psalm 25:5)


When the believer has begun with trembling feet to walk in the way of the Lord, he asks to be still led onward like a little child upheld by its parent's helping hand, and he craves to be further instructed in the alphabet of truth. Experimental teaching is the burden of this prayer. David knew much, but he felt his ignorance, and desired to be still in the Lord's school: four times over in two verses he applies for a scholarship in the college of grace. It were well for many professors if instead of following their own devices, and cutting out new paths of thought for themselves, they would enquire for the good old ways of God's own truth, and beseech the Holy Ghost to give them sanctified understandings and teachable spirits. “For thou art the God of my salvation.” The Three-One Jehovah is the Author and Perfecter of salvation to his people. Reader, is he the God of your salvation? Do you find in the Father's election, in the Son's atonement, and in the Spirit's quickening, all the grounds of your eternal hopes? If so, you may use this as an argument for obtaining further blessings; if the Lord has ordained to save you, surely he will not refuse to instruct you in his ways. It is a happy thing when we can address the Lord with the confidence which David here manifests, it gives us great power in prayer, and comfort in trial. “On thee do I wait all the day.” Patience is the fair handmaid and daughter of faith; we cheerfully wait when we are certain that we shall not wait in vain. It is our duty and our privilege to wait upon the Lord in service, in worship, in expectancy, in trust all the days of our life. Our faith will be tried faith, and if it be of the true kind, it will bear continued trial without yielding. We shall not grow weary of waiting upon God if we remember how long and how graciously he once waited for us.

《竭诚为主》7月8日 立志忠心

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《竭诚为主》 7月8日


“……今日就可以选择所要事奉的。” 约书亚记24:15 约书亚记 24:15 约书亚记 24








July 8 The Will To Loyalty


“Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” Joshua 24:15


Will is the whole man active. I cannot give up my will, I must exercise it. I must will to obey, and I must will to receive God's Spirit. When God gives a vision of truth it is never a question of what He will do, but of what we will do. The Lord has been putting before us all some big propositions, and the best thing to do is to remember what you did when you were touched by God before – the time when you were saved, or first saw Jesus, or realized some truth. It was easy then to yield allegiance to God; recall those moments now as the Spirit of God brings before you some new proposition.


“Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” It is a deliberate calculation, not something into which you drift easily; and everything else is in abeyance until you decide. The proposition is between you and God; do not confer with flesh and blood about it. With every new proposition other people get more and more “out of it,” that is where the strain comes. God allows the opinion of His saints to matter to you, and yet you are brought more and more out of the certainty that others understand the step you are taking. You have no business to find out where God is leading, the only thing God will explain to you is Himself.

Profess to Him – ‘I will be loyal.’ Immediately you choose to be loyal to Jesus Christ, you are a witness against yourself. Don't consult other Christians, but profess before Him – I will serve Thee. Will to be loyal – and give other people credit for being loyal too.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月8日

Who Is on the Lord's Side?

用於 《竭诚为主》7月8日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月08日

Encamped along the hills of light
(Faith is the victory)

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月08日


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七月八日 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文: 「耶和华的使者在敬畏祂的人四围安营,搭救他们。」(诗篇34︰7) 诗篇 34 




注意这经文,主的使者,不是随兴来去,乃是在敬畏祂的人四围安营。信靠永生之 神的人在哪里,这救世军的总部就设在哪里。除非仇敌能够穿过天使所设的重围,否则恶势力无论从哪个角度都无法攻击信徒。我们有着永久的保障、坚固的营垒。因为被 神使者的这些哨所环绕,我们不会被突来的袭击吓到,也不会被猛烈的攻势吞灭。在这节经文中, 神应许要搭救我们——这搭救是来自万军之耶和华。我们还将一次又一次的被搭救,直到我们要打的仗打完,刀光剑影的战场变为可安歇的家园。


An Angel Encampment


Scripture: "The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them"(Psalm 34:7).


We cannot see the angels, but it is enough that they can see us. There is one great Angel of the Covenant, whom not having seen we love, and His eye is always upon us both day and night. He has a host of holy ones under Him, and He causes these to be watchers over His saints and to guard them from all ill. If devils do us mischief, shining ones do us service.


Note that the LORD of angels does not come and go and pay us transient visits, but He and His armies encamp around us. The headquarters of the army of salvation is where those live whose trust is in the living God. This camp surrounds the faithful so that they cannot be attacked from any quarter unless the adversary can break through the entrenchments of the LORD of angels. We have a fixed protection, a permanent watch. Sentineled by the messengers of God, we shall not be surprised by sudden assaults nor swallowed up by overwhelming forces. Deliverance is promised in this verse -- deliverance by the great Captain of our salvation, and that deliverance we shall obtain again and again until our warfare is accomplished and we exchange the field of conflict for the home of rest.


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