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用於 《清晨甘露》十二月廿五日

O Little Town of Bethlehem

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用於 《静夜亮光》十二月廿五日

Search Me O God

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经文: 筵宴的日子过了,约伯打发人去叫他们自洁。他清早起来,按着他们众人的数目献燔祭;因为他说:“恐怕我儿子犯了罪,心中弃掉神。”约伯常常这样行。(约伯记1:5)









Scripture: “And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.(Job 1:5)


What the patriarch Job did early in the morning, after the family festivities, would be well for the believer to do for himself before he rests tonight. Amid the cheerfulness of family gatherings, it is easy to slide into sinful frivolities and to forget our avowed character as Christians. It should not be so, but it is.Our days of feasting are very seldom days of sanctified enjoyment; too frequently,they degenerate into unholylevity. There is a joy that is as pure and sanctifying as though one bathed in the rivers of Eden.Holy gratitude should be as purifying an element as grief. Unfortunately, for our poor hearts, that fact is that the “house of mourning” is better than the “house of feasting”(Eccl.7.2). Come, believer, in what have you sinned today? Have you been forgetful of your high calling? Have you been as those who speak idle words and have loose tongues? Then confess the sin, and fly to the sacrifice. The sacrifice sanctifies. The precious blood of the Lamb slain removes the guilt and purges away the defilement of our sins of ignorance and carelessness. The best ending for a Christmasday would be to wash anew in the cleansing fountain. Believer, come to this sacrifice continually; if it is good to do so tonight, it is good every night. To live at the altar is the privilege of the royal priesthood.As great as it is, sin is nevertheless no cause for despair, since believersmay yet again draw near to the sin-atoning Sacrifice, and have their consciences purged from dead works.


Gladly I close this festive day,

Grasping the altar's hallow'd horn;

My slips and faults are washed away,

The Lamb has all my trespass borne.

《竭诚为主》12月25日 他的降生与我们的新生

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《竭诚为主》12月25日 他的降生与我们的新生


必有童女怀孕生子,给他起名叫以马内利。就是 神与我们同在的意思。(赛七14)




他在我里面诞生。“我为你们再受生产之苦,直等到基督成形在你们心里。”(加四19) 主是从外面进到人类历史,同样也从外面进到我里面。我有没有让自己的生命,成为神儿子的伯利恒?我必须从神而生,这与天然的生产完全不同,否则便不能进入神的国度里。“你们必须重生”,这不是命令,而是一项基本的事实。新生的本质,就是我完全降服于神,以致基督成形在我里面,他的本性开始透过我工作。






December 25 His Birth And Our New Birth


“Behold, a virgin shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” Isaiah 7:14 (R.V.)


His Birth in History. “Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” (Luke 1:35.) Jesus Christ was born into this world, not from it. He did not evolve out of history; He came into history from the outside. Jesus Christ is not the best human being, He is a Being Who cannot be accounted for by the human race at all. He is not man becoming God, but God Incarnate, God coming into human flesh, coming into it from outside. His life is the Highest and the Holiest entering in at the Lowliest door. Our Lord's birth was an advent.


His Birth in Me. “Of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.” (Gal. 4:19.) Just as Our Lord came into human history from outside, so He must come into me from outside. Have I allowed my personal human life to become a “Bethlehem” for the Son of God? I cannot enter into the realm of the Kingdom of God unless I am born from above by a birth totally unlike natural birth. “Ye must be born again.” This is not a command, it is a foundation fact. The characteristic of the new birth is that I yield myself so completely to God that Christ is formed in me. Immediately Christ is formed in me, His nature begins to work through me.


God manifest in the flesh – that is what is made profoundly possible for you and me by the Redemption.


用於 《竭诚为主》12月25日

Holy Spirit, Light Divine

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用於 《信心的支票簿》12月25日

One day

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十二月廿五日信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book












He Came; He Is Coming


Scripture: "This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven" (Acts 1:11).


Many are celebrating our LORD's first coming this day; let us turn our thoughts to the promise of His second coming. This is as sure as the first advent and derives a great measure of its certainty from it. He who came as a lowly man to serve will assuredly come to take the reward of His service. He who came to suffer will not be slow in coming to reign.


This is our glorious hope, for we shall share His joy. Today we are in our concealment and humiliation, even as He was while here below; but when He cometh it will be our manifestation, even as it will be His revelation. Dead saints shall live at His appearing. The slandered and despised shall shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Then shall the saints appear as kings and priests, and the days of their mourning shall be ended. The long rest and inconceivable splendor of the millennial reign will be an abundant recompense for the ages of witnessing and warring.


Oh, that the LORD would come! He is coming! He is on the road and traveling quickly. The sound of His approach should be as music to our hearts! Ring out, ye bells of hope!


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用於 《清晨甘露》十二月廿六日

We have a most glorious King

用於 《清晨甘露》十二月廿六日

Christ be my leader

用於 《清晨甘露》十二月廿六日

Christ Be My Leader

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用於 《静夜亮光》十二月廿六日

Fill All My Vision

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经文: 我就常与你们同在。(马太福音28:20)




Scripture: “Lo, I am with you alway.”(Matthew 28:20)


The Lord Jesus is in the midst of his church; he walketh among the golden candlesticks; his promise is, “Lo, I am with you alway.” He is as surely with us now as he was with the disciples at the lake, when they saw coals of fire, and fish laid thereon and bread. Not carnally, but still in real truth, Jesus is with us. And a blessed truth it is, for where Jesus is, love becomes inflamed. Of all the things in the world that can set the heart burning, there is nothing like the presence of Jesus! A glimpse of him so overcomes us, that we are ready to say, “Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me.” Even the smell of the aloes, and the myrrh, and the cassia, which comes from his perfumed garments, causes the sick and the faint to grow strong. Let there be but a moment's leaning of the head upon that gracious bosom, and a reception of his divine love into our poor cold hearts, and we are cold no longer, but glow like angels, equal to every labour and capable of every suffering. If we know that Jesus is with us, every power will be developed, and every grace will be strengthened, and we shall cast ourselves into the Lord's service with heart, and soul, and strength; therefore is the presence of Christ to be desired above all things. His presence will be most realized by those who are most like him. If you desire to see Christ, you must grow in conformity to him. Bring yourself, by the power of the Spirit, into union with Christ's desires, and motives, and plans of action, and you are likely to be favoured with his company. Remember his presence may be felt. His promise is as true as ever. He delights to be with us. If he doth not come, it is because we hinder him by our indifference. He will reveal himself to our earnest prayers.He graciously permits himself to be detained by our entreaties and by our tears, for these are the golden chains which bind Jesus to his people.

《竭诚为主》12月26日 行在光中

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《竭诚为主》12月26日 行在光中












December 26 Placed In The Light


“If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7


To mistake conscious freedom from sin for deliverance from sin by the Atonement is a great error. No man knows what sin is until he is born again. Sin is what Jesus Christ faced on Calvary. The evidence that I am delivered from sin is that I know the real nature of sin in me. It takes the last reach of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, that is, the impartation of His absolute perfection, to make a man know what sin is.


The Holy Spirit applies the Atonement to us in the unconscious realm as well as in the realm of which we are conscious, and it is only when we get a grasp of the unrivalled power of the Spirit in us that we understand the meaning of 1 John 1:7, “the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin.” This does not refer to conscious sin only, but to the tremendously profound understanding of sin which only the Holy Ghost in me realizes.


If I walk in the light as God is in the light, not in the light of my conscience, but in the light of God – if I walk there, with nothing folded up, then there comes the amazing revelation, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me from all sin so that God Almighty can see nothing to censure in me. In my consciousness it works with a keen poignant knowledge of what sin is. The love of God at work in me makes me hate with the hatred of the Holy Ghost all that is not in keeping with God's holiness. To walk in the light means that everything that is of the darkness drives me closer into the centre of the light.


用於 《竭诚为主》12月26日

Walk In The Light

用於 《竭诚为主》12月26日


用於 《信心的支票簿》12月26日

Blessed Is He That Is Trusting the Lord

用於 《信心的支票簿》12月26日


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十二月廿六日信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book




经文: 「彼得说:众人虽然为你的缘故跌倒,我却永不跌倒。」(马太福音26︰33)


瞧!这只不过是人口中所出的话,不是 神的应许,所以算不得什么。彼得以为他所说的,必能完全行出。但一个承诺,光靠人的决心还不够,若没有更稳固的基础,至终必定粉碎。当考验一来临,彼得就三次发誓言,否认他认识主。


人的话就像一摔即破的瓦器,你的决心,若有 神的看顾,或许会开花结果;若不然,当风一吹,这花叶就会从枝头落到地面。人的承诺不能定准,因为客观局势一变,它也跟着变。人的决心也靠不住,因为人是软弱的。


只有 神的应许安定在天,稳若盘石;祂的话语一点一划都不能废去,经得住时间的考验。


这本书能检验你的信心,这一页就是提醒你,你是在哪个银行存款,用的是谁的签名。尽管放心地依靠耶稣,因为我们有个开银行的天父,祂有无限的丰富,只要靠着耶稣的名来到 神面前,必可支取我们需用的一切。人是不可靠的,人的帮助也是有限的。来吧,朋友,只要单单地仰赖主!


God Only, You Can Trust


Scripture: "Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of Thee, yet will I never be offended" (Matthew 26:33).


Why," cries one, "this is no promise of God." Just so, but it was a promise of man, and therefore it came to nothing. Peter thought that he was saying what he should assuredly carry out; but a promise which has no better foundation than a human resolve will fall to the ground. No sooner did temptations arise than Peter denied his Master and used oaths to confirm his denial.


What is man's word? An earthen pot broken with a stroke. What is your own resolve? A blossom, which, with God's care, may come to fruit, but which, left to itself, will fall to the ground with the first wind that moves the bough.


On man's word hang only what it will bear.


On thine own resolve depend not at all.


On the promise of thy God hang time and eternity, this world and the next, thine all and the all of all thy beloved ones.


This volume is a checkbook for believers, and this page is meant as a warning as to what bank they draw upon and whose signature they accept. Rely upon Jesus without limit. Trust not thyself nor any born of woman, beyond due bounds; but trust thou only and wholly in the LORD.


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用於 《清晨甘露》十二月廿七日

More Love To Thee

用於 《清晨甘露》十二月廿七日


用於 《静夜亮光》十二月廿七日

Savior Lead Me Lest I Stray

用於 《静夜亮光》十二月廿七日


希伯來書12:1 "我們既有這許多的見證人 、如同雲彩圍著我們"

1901  — 1983



https://bdcconline.net/zh-hans/stories/lin-qiaozhi (简体)









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经文: 耶和华也必时常引导你。(以赛亚书58:11)


「主必引导你」。不是天使,乃是耶和华必引导你。祂说他不在百姓前面经过旷野,而是天使在百姓前面引导他们,但是摩西说:「祢若不亲自和我同去,就不要把我们从这里领上去。」(出三十三:15)基督徒啊, 神不会让天使来引导你在地上的朝圣之旅,而是亲自在前引路。你可能看不到云柱和火柱,但是耶和华永不撇弃你。请注意「必」这个字──「耶和华必引导你」。这是何等确切的保证!我们能十分确信 神不会撇弃我们!祂宝贵的「必」和「要」比世人的应许强得多。「我总不撇下你,也不丢弃你。」(来十三:5)然后注意「时常」这个副词。 神不只是在某些时候引导我们,祂的引导是永恒的。我们并非被偶尔撇下,陷入自己的理解,徘徊迷惘,反而我们会不断地听到伟大牧者的引导之声。我们若紧紧跟随祂,我们就不会走入迷途。祂将引导我们行在正路上,直到可居住的城邑。你若要改变生活中的地位、你若要移居到遥远的海滨、你若突遭贫困或突然升迁至比你现有的职责更大的位置、你若面对陌生人或被敌人围困,不必惊恐,因为「主必时常引导你」。你若靠近主而活,你的心被祂的圣爱所温暖,就必蒙拯救脱离各样苦难。当你跟随神而行时,必不至走错。如同以诺一样,与神同行,你必不复迷失,因为永不失误的智慧在引导你、永不改变的爱在安慰你、永恒之大能在保护你。「耶和华」——注意这个词——「耶和华也必时常引导你。」


Scripture: “And the LORD shall guide thee continually.” (Isaiah 58:11)


“The Lord shall guide thee.” Not an angel, but JEHOVAH shall guide thee. He said he would not go through the wilderness before his people, that an angel should go before them to lead them in the way; but Moses said, “If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.” (Exod.33:15) Christian, God has not left you in your earthly pilgrimage to an angel's guidance: he himself leads the way. You may not see the cloudy, fiery pillar, but Jehovah will never forsake you. Notice the word “shall”—“The Lord shall guide thee.” How certain this makes it! How sure it is that God will not forsake us! His precious “shalls” and “wills” are better than men's promises. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”(Heb.13:5). Then observe the adverb “continually”. We are not merely to be guided sometimes, but we are to have a perpetual monitor; We are not occasionally to be left to our own understanding, and so to wander, but we are continually to hear the guiding voice of the Great Shepherd.If we follow close at his heels, we shall not err.We will be led by a right way to a city to dwell in. If you have to change your position in life; if you have to emigrate to distant shores; if it happens that you are cast into poverty or uplifted suddenly into a more responsible position than the one you now occupy; if you are thrown among strangers, or cast among foes, do not fear, for “the Lord shall guide thee continually.” There are no dilemmas out of which you shall not be delivered if you live near to God, and your heart be kept warm with holy love. You can not go wrong when you follow in the company of God. Like Enoch, walk with God, and you cannot mistake your road. You have infallible wisdom to direct you, immutable love to comfort you, and eternal power to defend you. “Jehovah”—pay attention to that word—“Jehovah shall guide thee continually.”

《竭诚为主》12月27日 胜败所在

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《竭诚为主》12月27日 胜败所在












December 27 Where The Battle's Lost And Won


“If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the Lord. . . .” Jeremiah 4:1


The battle is lost or won in the secret places of the will before God, never first in the external world. The Spirit of God apprehends me and I am obliged to get alone with God and fight the battle out before Him. Until this is done, I lose every time. The battle may take one minute or a year, that will depend on me, not on God; but it must be wrestled out alone before God, and I must resolutely go through the hell of a renunciation before God. Nothing has any power over the man who has fought out the battle before God and won there.


If I say, “I will wait till I get into the circumstances and then put God to the test,” I shall find I cannot. I must get the thing settled between my self and God in the secret places of my soul where no stranger intermeddles, and then I can go forth with the certainty that the battle is won. Lose it there, and calamity and disaster and upset are as sure as God's decree. The reason the battle is not won is because I try to win it in the external world first. Get alone with God, fight it out before Him, settle the matter there once and for all.


In dealing with other people, the line to take is to push them to an issue of will. That is the way abandonment begins. Every now and again, not often, but sometimes, God brings us to a point of climax. That is the Great Divide in the life; from that point we either go towards a more and more dilatory and useless type of Christian life, or we become more and more ablaze for the glory of God – My Utmost for His Highest.


用於 《竭诚为主》12月27日

Is Your All On The Altar

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用於 《信心的支票簿》12月27日

Sweeter As The Years Go By

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十二月廿七日信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book










His Kindness and Covenant


Scripture: "For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the Covenant of My Peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee" (Isaiah 54:10).


One of the most delightful qualities of divine love is its abiding character. The pillars of the earth may be moved out of their places, but the kindness and the covenant of our merciful Jehovah never depart from His people. How happy my soul feels in a firm belief of this inspired declaration! The year is almost over, and the years of my life are growing few, but time does not change my LORD. New lamps are taking the place of the old; perpetual change is on all things, but our LORD is the same. Force over turns the hills, but no conceivable power can affect the eternal God. Nothing in the past, the present, or the future can cause Jehovah to be unkind to me.


My soul, rest in the eternal kindness of the LORD, who treats thee as one near of kin. Remember also the everlasting covenant. God is ever mindful of it--see that thou art mindful of it too. In Christ Jesus the glorious God has pledged Himself to thee to be thy God and to hold thee as one of His people. Kindness and covenant dwell on these words as sure and lasting things which eternity itself shall not take from thee.


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--梅尔(F.B. Meyer)


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用於 《清晨甘露》十二月廿八日

Nothing Between - Piano

用於 《清晨甘露》十二月廿八日


用於 《静夜亮光》十二月廿八日

Faith of Our Fathers

用於 《静夜亮光》十二月廿八日


希伯來書12:1 "我們既有這許多的見證人 、如同雲彩圍著我們"

1840  — 1896

李修善 (带领席胜魔归主的宣教士)
David Hill

1835  — 1896

Pastor Hsi

https://bdcconline.net/zh-hans/stories/xi-shengmo (简体)
















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经文: 我来并不是叫地上太平,乃是叫地上动刀兵。(马太福音10:34)


基督徒肯定会制造许多敌人。虽然这并非他的本意,但是他若行为正直,并且相信真理,就必失去每一个地上的朋友,而他只将之视为小小的损失,因在天上他的伟大朋友将更恩待他,把更大的恩惠向他启示。你这已经背起基督十字架的人,不知道你的主曾这样说过吗?「因为我来,是叫人与父亲生疏、女儿与母亲生疏,……人的仇敌,就是自己家里的人。」(太十:35~36)基督是伟大的和平使者,但是在和平来临之前,祂要带来战争。光一进入,黑暗就必须离开。真理所在之处,谎言必然逃跑。若虚谎继续存留,就必有严重的冲突,因为真理不能也不会降低标准,谎言必须被践踏在脚下。你若跟随基督,世界所有的犬类必会在你的脚后狂吠。你若希望你的生活能在末日审判前站立得住,就要明白:世界不会说你的好话。与世俗为友就是与神为敌;但你若向至高者诚实尽忠,世人将憎恨你不退缩的忠诚,因为你的行为见证了他们的罪孽。你必须不计任何后果做正直的事。你需要有狮子般的勇气,毫不犹豫的奔跑在这样的道路上:它会将你最要好的朋友变成你最凶猛的仇敌。但是为了耶稣的爱,你必须勇敢。持续不断的为真理之缘故冒牺牲名誉和感情的危险,就需要一定程度的道德原则,而这唯有 神的灵才能在你里面成就。切勿像懦夫一样背弃真理,而要像大丈夫。勇敢地跟随主的脚踪,祂已在你前面走过了这条艰难崎岖之路。短暂之争战和永恒之安息是比虚假的和平和永远的受苦要好得多。


Scripture: “I came not to send peace on earth, but a sword.”(Matthew 10:34)


The Christian will be sure to make enemies. It will be one of his objects to make none; but if to do the right, and to believe the true, should cause him to lose every earthly friend, he will count it but a small loss, since his great Friend in heaven will be yet more friendly, and reveal himself to him more graciously than ever. You who have taken up his cross, know ye not what your Master said? “I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother; and a man's foes shall be they of his own household.” (Matt.10:35-36). Christ is the great Peacemaker; but before peace, he brings war. Where the light cometh, the darkness must retire. Where truth is, lies must flee; or, if falsehoods remain, there must be a stern conflict, for the truth cannot and will not lower its standard, and the lie must be trodden under foot. If you follow Christ, you shall have all the dogs of the world yelping at your heels. If you wish to live so as to stand the test of the Last Judgment, depend upon this: the world will not speak well of you. He who has the friendship of the world is an enemy to God; but if you are true and faithful to the Most High, men will resent your unflinching fidelity, since it is a testimony against their iniquities. Fearless of all consequences, you must do right. You will need the courage of a lion unhesitatingly to pursue a course thatwill turn your best friend into your fiercest foe; but, for the love of Jesus, you must be courageous. To risk reputation and affection for the truth's sake is such a deed that to do it constantly you will need a degree of moral principle that only the Spirit of God can work in you.Do not turn your back like a coward, but act like a man. Boldly follow in your Master's steps, for he has walked this rough way before you. Better a brief warfare and eternal rest than false peace and everlasting torment.

《竭诚为主》12月28日 不断回转

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《竭诚为主》12月28日 不断回转










December 28 Continuous Conversion


“Except ye be converted, and become as little children. . . .” Matthew 18:3


These words of Our Lord are true of our initial conversion, but we have to be continuously converted all the days of our lives, continually to turn to God as children. If we trust to our wits instead of to God, we produce consequences for which God will hold us responsible. Immediately our bodies are brought into new conditions by the providence of God, we have to see that our natural life obeys the dictates of the Spirit of God. Because we have done it once is no proof that we shall do it again. The relation of the natural to the spiritual is one of continuous conversion, and it is the one thing we object to. In every setting in which we are put, the Spirit of God remains unchanged and His salvation unaltered, but we have to “put on the new man.” God holds us responsible every time we refuse to convert ourselves, our reason for refusing is wilful obstinacy. Our natural life must not rule, God must rule in us.


The hindrance in our spiritual life is that we will not be continually converted, there are wadges of obstinacy where our pride spits at the throne of God and says – I won't. We deify independence and wilfulness and call them by the wrong name. What God looks on as obstinate weakness, we call strength. There are whole tracts of our lives which have not yet been brought into subjection, and it can only be done by this continuous conversion. Slowly but surely we can claim the whole territory for the Spirit of God.


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Softly and Tenderly

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Softly and Tenderly

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Wandering Child, O Come Home

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用於 《信心的支票簿》12月28日

When All Thy Mercies

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十二月廿八日信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book












Absolute Assurance


Scripture: "He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Hebrews 13:5).


Several times in the Scriptures the LORD hath said this. He has often repeated it to make our assurance doubly sure. Let us never harbor a doubt about it. In itself the promise is specially emphatic. In the Greek it has five negatives, each one definitely shutting out the possibility of the LORD's ever leaving one of His people so that he can justly feel forsaken of his God. This priceless Scripture does not promise us exemption from trouble, but it does secure us against desertion. We may be called to traverse strange ways, but we shall always have our LORD's company, assistance, and provision. We need not covet money, for we shall always have our God, and God is better than gold; His favor is better than fortune.


We ought surely to be content with such things as we have, for he who has God has more than all the world besides. What can we have beyond the Infinite? What more can we desire than almighty Goodness.

Come, my heart; if God says He will never leave thee nor forsake thee, be thou much in prayer for grace that thou mayest never leave thy LORD, nor even for a moment forsake His ways.


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用於 《清晨甘露》十二月廿九

Surely goodness and mercy

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用於 《静夜亮光》十二月廿九

All That Thrills My Soul is Jesus

用於 《静夜亮光》十二月廿九












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经文: 论到基督,你们的意见如何?(马太福音22:42)









Scripture: “What think ye of Christ?”(Matthew 22:42)


The great test of your soul's health is, What think you of Christ? Is he to you “fairer than the children of man”-“the chief among ten thousand”-the “altogether lovely”? whatever Christ is thus esteemed, all the faculties of the spiritual man exercise themselves with energy. I will judge of your piety by this barometer: does Christ stand high or low with you? If you have thought little of Christ, if you have been content to live without His presence, if you have cared little for His honour, if you have been neglectful of His laws, then I know that your soul is sick-God grant that it may not be sick unto death! But if the first thought of your spirit has been, How can I honour Jesus? If the daily desire of your soul has been ,”O that I knew where I might find Him!”, I tell you that you may have a thousand infirmities, and even scarcely know whether you are a child of God at all, land yet, and yet I am persuaded, beyond a doubts, that you are safe, since Jesus is great in your esteem. I care not for thy rags, what thinkest thou of His royal apparel? I care not for thy wounds, though they bleed in torrents, what thinkest thou of his wounds? Are they like glittering rubies in thine esteem? I think none the less of thee, though thou liest like Lazarus on the dunghill, and the dogs lick thee—I judge thee not by thy poverty; what thinkest thou of the King in his beauty? Has he a glorious high throne in thy heart? Wouldest thou set him higher if thou couldest? Wouldest thou be willing to die if thou couldest but add another trumpet to the strain which proclaims his praise? Ah! then it is well with thee. Whatever thou mayest think of thyself, if Christ be great to thee, thou shalt be with him ere long.


“Though all the world my choice deride,

Yet Jesus shall my portion be;

For I am pleased with none beside,

The fairest of the fair is he”

《竭诚为主》12月29日 逃兵还是门徒?

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《竭诚为主》12月29日 逃兵还是门徒?










December 29 Deserter Or Disciple?


“From that time many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him.” John 6:66


When God gives a vision by His Spirit through His word of what He wants, and your mind and soul thrill to it, if you do not walk in the light of that vision, you will sink into servitude to a point of view which Our Lord never had. Disobedience in mind to the heavenly vision will make you a slave to points of view that are alien to Jesus Christ. Do not look at someone else and say – Well, if he can have those views and prosper, why cannot I? You have to walk in the light of the vision that has been given to you and not compare yourself with others or judge them, that is between them and God. When you find that a point of view in which you have been delighting clashes with the heavenly vision and you debate, certain things will begin to develop in you – a sense of property and a sense of personal right, things of which Jesus Christ made nothing. He was always against these things as being the root of everything alien to Himself. “A man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things that he possesseth.” If we do not recognize this, it is because we are ignoring the undercurrent of Our Lord's teaching.


We are apt to lie back and bask in the memory of the wonderful experience we have had. If there is one standard in the New Testament revealed by the light of God and you do not come up to it, and do not feel inclined to come up to it, that is the beginning of backsliding, because it means your conscience does not answer to the truth. You can never be the same after the unveiling of a truth.


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Where He Leads Me

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Hold Thou My Hand

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Stand By Me

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十二月廿九信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book











He Will Carry Us Home


Scripture: "And even to your old age I am He; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you" (Isaiah 46:4).


The year is very old, and here is a promise for our aged friends; yes, and for us all, as age creeps over us. Let us live long enough, and we shall all have hoar hairs; therefore we may as well enjoy this promise by the foresight of faith.

When we grow old our God will still be the I AM, abiding evermore the same. Hoar hairs tell of our decay, but He decayeth not. When we cannot carry a burden and can hardly carry ourselves, the LORD will carry us. Even as in our young days He carried us like lambs in His bosom, so will He in our years of infirmity.


He made us, and He will care for us. When we become a burden to our friends and a burden to ourselves, the LORD will not shake us off, but the rather He will take us up and carry and deliver us more fully than ever. In many cases the LORD gives His servants a long and calm evening. They worked hard all day and wore themselves out in their Master's service, and so He said to them, "Now rest in anticipation of that eternal Sabbath which I have prepared for you." Let us not dread old age. Let us grow old graciously since the LORD Himself is with us in fullness of grace.


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用於 《清晨甘露》十二月卅日

Hail, Thou once despised Jesus!

用於 《清晨甘露》十二月卅日


用於 《静夜亮光》十二月三十日

Jesus Is Tenderly Calling You Home

用於 《静夜亮光》十二月三十日









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经文: 你岂不知终久必有苦楚吗?(撒母耳记下2:26)


倘若你仅仅宣称你有信心却没有得到在基督耶稣里的真正信心,以下就是你的结局的真实描述。你在某个礼拜之处是受人尊敬的参与者;但是你去只是因为别人如此行,而不是因为你向神有正确的心态。这是你的开始。我猜想在以后的二、三十年,你可能依然故我,参与蒙恩之道,有宗教的外表,却无内在。我必须谨慎地指出像你这样的人临终时的情况。我们温柔地注视他。他的额上渗出了冰冷的汗珠,他张开双眼,喊道:「 神啊,死亡是难以忍受的。祢差遣牧师来了吗?」「是的,他来了。」牧师来了。「先生,我怕我要死了!」「你有任何盼望吗?」「我不能说我有。我害怕站在神的面前。哦,为我祷告!」牧师为他献上真诚迫切的祷告,救恩之路第一万次摆在他的面前,但是在他能抓紧救恩之索以前,我见到他坠入了死亡深渊。我可能会将我的手指放在那冰冷的眼睑上,它们再也无法见到这里的任何东西。但这个人现在何处,这个人真正的眼睛现在哪里?经上记着说:「他在阴间受痛苦,举目远远的望……」(路十六:23)为什么以前他不向上举目呢?因为他对听到福音已习以为常,他的灵魂沉睡了。悲呼!倘若你在那里举目,你的哀哭将是何等凄惨。但愿救主亲自说的话将此痛苦显明:「我祖亚伯拉罕哪,可怜我吧!打发拉撒路来,用指尖蘸点水,凉凉我的舌头,因为我在这火焰里,极其痛苦。」(路十六:24)那些话中的含意是可怖的。但愿你永不会在耶和华愤怒的烈焰之中明白其真相!


Scripture: “Knowest thou not that it will be bitterness in the latter end?”(2 Samuel 2:26)


If thou art merely a professor of faithbut not a possessor of faith in Christ Jesus, the following lines are a true depiction of thine end.You are a respectable attendant at a place of worship; you go because others go, not because your heart is right with God. This is your beginning. I will suppose that for the next twenty or thirty years, you will be spared to go on as you do now, professing religion by an outward attendance upon the means of grace, but having no heart in the matter. Tread softly, for I must show you the deathbed of such a one as yourself. Let us gaze upon him gently. A clammy sweat is on his brow, and he wakes up crying, “O God, it is hard to die. Did you send for my minister?” “Yes, he is coming.” The minister comes. “Sir, I fear that I am dying!” “Have you any hope?” “I cannot say that I have. I fear to stand before my God; oh, pray for me!” The prayer is offered for him with sincere earnestness, and the way of salvation is for the ten-thousandth time put before him, but before he has grasped the rope, I see him sink. I may put my finger upon those cold eyelids, for they will never see anything here again. But where is the man, and where are the man's true eyes? It is written, “In hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment.” (Luke 16:23) Oh! why did he not lift up his eyes before? Because he was so accustomed to hear the gospel that his soul slept under it. Alas! if you should lift up your eyes there, how bitter will be your wailing. Let the Savior's own words reveal the woe: “Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.” (v.24) There is a frightful meaning in those words. May you never have to understand its truth by the red light of Jehovah's wrath!

《竭诚为主》12月30日 我们一切的美德

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《竭诚为主》12月30日 我们一切的美德










December 30 “And Every Virtue We Possess”


“All my fresh springs shall be in Thee.” Psalm 87:7 (P.B.V.)


Our Lord never patches up our natural virtues, He re-makes the whole man on the inside. “Put on the new man,” i.e., see that your natural human life puts on the garb that is in keeping with the new life. The life God plants in us develops its own virtues, not the virtues of Adam but of Jesus Christ. Watch how God will wither up your confidence in natural virtues after sanctification, and in any power you have, until you learn to draw your life from the reservoir of the resurrection life of Jesus. Thank God if you are going through a drying-up experience!

The sign that God is at work in us is that He corrupts confidence in the natural virtues, because they are not promises of what we are going to be, but remnants of what God created man to be. We will cling to the natural virtues, while all the time God is trying to get us into contact with the life of Jesus Christ which can never be described in terms of the natural virtues. It is the saddest thing to see people in the service of God depending on that which the grace of God never gave them, depending on what they have by the accident of heredity. God does not build up our natural virtues and transfigure them, because our natural virtues can never come anywhere near what Jesus Christ wants. No natural love, no natural patience, no natural purity can ever come up to His demands. But as we bring every bit of our bodily life into harmony with the new life which God has put in us, He will exhibit in us the virtues that were characteristic of the Lord Jesus.


“And every virtue we possess

Is His alone.”


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Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

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Deeper deeper in the love of Jesus

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十二月卅日信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book














Loved to Perfection


Scripture: "Having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end" (John 13:1).


This fact is essentially a promise; for what our LORD was He is, and what He was to those with whom He lived on earth, He will be to all His beloved so long as the moon endureth.


"Having loved": here was the wonder! That He should ever have loved men at all is the marvel. What was there in His poor disciples that He should love them? What is there in me?


But when He has once begun to love, it is His nature to continue to do so. Love made the saints "his own"--what a choice title! He purchased them with blood, and they became His treasure. Being His own, He will not lose them. Being His beloved, He will not cease to love them. My soul, He will not cease to love thee!

The text is well as it stands: "to the end." Even till His death the ruling passion of love to His own reigned in His sacred bosom. It means also to the uttermost. He could not love them more: He gave Himself for them. Some read it, to perfection. Truly He lavished upon them a perfect love, in which there was no flaw nor failure, no unwisdom, no unfaithfulness.


Such is the love of Jesus to each one of His people. Let us sing to our Well-beloved a song.


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--C.H. P.




--译自屈膝的时候(TheBent-Knee Time)




--司布真(C.H. Spurgeon)


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用於 《清晨甘露》十二月卅一日

Pass Me Not

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用於 《静夜亮光》十二月卅一日

Just As I Am

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希伯來書12:1 "我們既有這許多的見證人 、如同雲彩圍著我們"

1901  — 1957

Isobel Miller Kuhn


https://bdcconline.net/zh-hans/stories/yang-mi-guiling (简体)


















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经文: 麦秋已过,夏令已完,我们还未得救。(耶利米书8:20)


「还未得救」!亲爱的读者,这是你可悲的光景吗?有人警告你审判就要来临,呼唤你要逃命,然而此刻你仍是未得救!你知道救恩之路,从圣经中读到、从讲坛上听到、朋友向你解说,然而,你却忽视,因而还未得救。当主「审判活人死人」(提后4:1)的时候你就没有借口了。圣灵已或多或少的将祂的祝福放入向你传讲的话中。安舒的日子是因 神的同在而有的,但你却没有基督。所有这些满有希望的季节来了又去——你的夏令和收割之季已过——然而你还未得救。岁月逝去,进入永恒,你也即将度过最后一年。青春已过,年轻的岁月正在飞逝,然而你还未得救。让我来问你:你还会得救吗?是否还有这样的可能?最适合的时节已过去了,你仍未得救。其他的情形能改变你的现状吗?一直在使用的,带着最大影响力的最佳方法在你身上都未起作用,还能为你做什么呢?苦难和成功都不能影响你,眼泪、祷告和讲道,在你荒芜的心中都成浪费。你得救的可能性莫不是已经死去?难道你不是极有可能继续如此下去,直至死亡将希望之门永远关闭?这样的推测让你感到害怕了吗?然而这推测却是最合理的。那些未在洁净之水里洗涤自己的人,很可能会带着污秽走到自己的尽头。你觉得合适的时刻尚未来到吗?那时刻何时会来到?惧怕它永不会来到是合乎逻辑的,就如同腓力斯一样(见徒24:24-25),你永远都找不到合适的时刻得救——直至你进入地狱!哦,想想地狱是怎样的一个地方,想想这可怕的可能性,也许你很快就要被扔进去了!读者,倘若你死时没有得救,你的毁灭将无法用言语来形容。记下你在血泪中的可怕的光景;谈论你的呻吟和切齿;你要受刑罚,就是永远沉沦,离开主的荣耀和他权能的荣光。愿弟兄的声音能惊动你使你迫切起来。明智起来,及时的明智起来!在新的一年开始以前,相信耶稣,祂能「拯救到底」(来7:25)。分别今年最后的时刻来独自默想,倘若在你里面生出深切的悔改,那是好的;而倘若它带领你谦卑地相信耶稣,那就是好得无比的。决意不再带着一颗未蒙赦免的心灵让今年白白过去。不要让新年的午夜钟声在一个不快乐的心灵响起!现在相信,就得生命。「逃命吧!不可回头看,也不可在平原站住,要往山上逃跑,免得你被剿灭。」(创十九:17)


Scripture: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.”(Jeremiah 8:20)


“Not saved”! Dear reader, is this your mournful plight? You have been warned of the judgment to come, encouraged to escape for your life, yet at this moment, not saved! You know the way of salvation.You read it in the Bible, you hear it from the pulpit, and it is explained to you by friends; yet you neglect it and, therefore, are not saved. You will be without excuse when the Lord shall “judge the quick and dead” (2 Tim.4:1). The Holy Spirit has given more or less a blessing upon the word which has been preached in your hearing.Times of refreshing have come from the divine presence, yet you are without Christ. All these hopeful seasons have come and gone—your summer and your harvest have past—yet you are not saved. Years have followed one another into eternity, and your last year will soon be here.Youth has gone, and adulthood is going, yet you are not saved. Let me ask you: will you ever be saved? Is there any likelihood of it? Already the most propitious seasons have left you unsaved.Will other occasions alter your condition? Means—the best of means, used perseveringly and with the utmost affection—have failed with you. What more can be done for you? Affliction and prosperity have both failed to impress you.Tears and prayers and sermons have been wasted on your barren heart. Are not the probabilities dead against your ever being saved? Is it not more than likely that you will abide as you are untill death forever bars the door of hope? Do you recoil from the supposition? Yet it is a most reasonable one.He who is not washed in the cleansing waters will, in all probability, go to his endfilthy. The convenient time has not come yet. Why should it ever come? It is logical to fear that it never will arrive, and that likeFelix (see Acts 24:24-25), you will find no convenient season to be saved --Until you are in hell! Oh, think about what hell is and of the frightening probability that you will soon be cast into it! Reader, suppose you should die unsaved.No words can describe your doom. Write out your terrible state in tears and blood; talk of it with groans and gnashing of teeth.You will be punished with everlasting destruction from the glory of the Lord and from the glory of his power. A brother's voice would gladly startle you into earnestness. Be wise.Be wise in time, and ere another year begins.Believe in Jesus, who is able to save “to the uttermost” (Heb.7:25). Consecrate these last hours of this year to solitary thought, and if deep repentance is bred in you, it will be well; and if it lead to a humble faith in Jesus, it will be best of all. See to it that this year does not pass away with your still having an unforgiven spirit. Do not let the new year's midnight peals sound upon a joyless spirit! Believe now and live.“Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed” (Gen.19:17).

《竭诚为主》12月31日 昨日

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《竭诚为主》12月31日 昨日


以色列的 神必作你们的后盾。(赛五十二12)












December 31 Yesterday


“The God of Israel will be your rereward.” Isaiah 52:12


Security from Yesterday. “God requireth that which is past.” At the end of the year we turn with eagerness to all that God has for the future, and yet anxiety is apt to arise from remembering the yesterdays. Our present enjoyment of God's grace is apt to be checked by the memory of yesterday's sins and blunders. But God is the God of our yesterdays, and He allows the memory of them in order to turn the past into a ministry of spiritual culture for the future. God reminds us of the past lest we get into a shallow security in the present.


Security for Tomorrow. “For the Lord will go before you.” This is a gracious revelation, that God will garrison where we have failed to. He will watch lest things trip us up again into like failure, as they assuredly would do if He were not our rereward. God's hand reaches back to the past and makes a clearing-house for conscience.


Security for Today. “For ye shall not go out with haste.” As we go forth into the coming year, let it not be in the haste of impetuous, unremembering delight, nor with the flight of impulsive thoughtlessness, but with the patient power of knowing that the God of Israel will go before us. Our yesterdays present irreparable things to us; it is true that we have lost opportunities which will never return, but God can transform this destructive anxiety into a constructive thoughtfulness for the future. Let the past sleep, but let it sleep on the bosom of Christ.


Leave the Irreparable Past in His hands, and step out into the Irresistible Future with Him.


用於 《竭诚为主》12月31日 昨日

Yesterday, Today, Forever

用於 《竭诚为主》12月31日 昨日


用於 《信心的支票簿》12月31日

He Leadeth Me

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十二月卅一日信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book












No Stranger in Heaven


Scripture: "Thou shalt guide me with Thy Counsel, and afterward receive me to glory" (Psalm 73:24).


From day to day and from year to year my faith believes in the wisdom and love of God, and I know that I shall not believe in vain. No good word of His has ever failed, and I am sure that none shall ever fall to the ground.


I put myself into His hand for guidance. I know not the way that I should choose: the LORD shall choose mine inheritance for me. I need counsel and advice; for my duties are intricate, and my condition is involved. . . The counsel of the infallible God I seek in preference to my own judgment or the advice of friends. . .


Soon the end will come: a few more years and I must depart out of this world unto the Father. My LORD will be near my bed. He will meet me at heaven's gate: He will welcome me to the gloryland. I shall not be a stranger in heaven: my own God and Father will receive me to its endless bliss.


Glory be to Him who

Will guide me here,

And receive me hereafter. Amen.


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求主给我们天上的亮光,叫我们的眼睛能看见『到如今』三个字里面的荣耀的盼望。--司布真(C.H. Spurgeon)

