用於 《清晨甘露》十一月廿五日
用於 《清晨甘露》十一月廿五日
经文: 因祂对摩西说:「我要怜悯谁,就怜悯谁;要恩待谁,就恩待谁。」(罗马书9:15)
藉着这些话语,主清楚的表明根据祂的主权,祂有权给予或收回他的怜悯。因为生死大权是操在君王手中,所有全地的审判者有权根据他所看为最好的恕宥或定罪。罪恶使人丧失向 神要求的权利。因为罪,世人应当灭亡,即使所有人都灭亡,亦无抱怨之理由。主若要介入拯救任何人,就绝对可以做到,只要公义的目的不受阻挠即可。但是倘若祂决定最好让定罪的人受到正义之判决,也没有人能控告祂不公正。那些论及所有人都有权利被置于同等的地位之言论是愚蠢、不知羞耻的。反对恩典有差别,也就是骄傲人性敌视耶和华的王权和王位的那些悖逆言论,别的不说,最起码是无知的。当我们看到自己的全然败坏,我们配受刑罚,又看到神反对罪恶的公正裁决,我们就不会再对真理发怨言而认为神有义务要救我们了。倘若祂选择拯救别人,使我们受伤害,我们也没什么可抱怨的。祂若眷顾我们,那是祂对不配得仁慈的人所采取的自愿行动,为此我们要永远称颂祂的名。神所拣选的人如何才能完全地崇拜神的恩典呢?他们没有任何可夸口之处,因神的主权已有效的将其排除。惟有让主的旨意得荣耀,将人的功勋这一观念弃至永远的羞辱。在圣经中最使人谦卑的教义就是拣选的教义,那是最配受我们感激的事,并且也是最圣洁的事。信徒不应惧怕它,反而应当在它里面更崇敬更喜乐。
Scripture: “For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”(Romans 9:15)
With these words, the Lord clearly claims the right to give or withhold his mercy, according to his own sovereign will. As the prerogative of life and death is vested in the monarch, so the Judge of all the earth has a right to spare or condemn the guilty, as seems best in his sight. Men by their sins have forfeited all their claims on God.They deserve to perish for their sins, and if they all do so, they have no ground for complaint. If the Lord steps in to save any, he may do so if the purposes of justice are not thwarted; However, if he judges that it is best to allow the condemned to suffer the righteous sentence, none may arraign him at their own court of opinion. Foolish and impudent are the discourses that say that all men have a right to be all placed on the same footing.Ignorant, if not worse, are the contentions against discriminating grace, which are but the rebellions of proud human nature against the crown and scepter of Jehovah. When we understand our own utter ruin,that we are deserving of punishment, and the justice of the divine verdict against sin, we no longer quibble at the truth that the Lord is not obligated to save us.We do not complain if he chooses to save others, as though he were doing us an injury.Instead, we feel that if he graciously looks upon us, it will be his own free act of goodness, undeserved on our part, for which we will forever bless his name.How shall those who are the subjects of divine election sufficiently adore the grace of God? They have no room for boasting, for sovereignty most effectually excludes it. The Lord's will alone is glorified, and the very notion of human merit is cast out to everlasting contempt. There is no more humbling doctrine in Scripture than that of election, none that promotesmore gratitude, and, consequently, none more sanctifying. Believers should not be afraid of it, but rejoice in it with adoration.
《竭诚为主》11月25日 属灵贯彻的秘诀
一个人在重生之初,会有很多不一致的地方 – 有一些互不协调的情感,也有一些互不相连的事物。在使徒保罗最深处有坚强稳固的贯彻如一,任凭外在生活怎样改变,也不受骚扰,因为他是扎根在神的根基上。我们没有属灵上的协调,多半是因为我们太着意于外在事物的协调。保罗住在地下室,而我们却活在表面事物上的上层,两者未有相通的机会。保罗的协调是建基于最基本的事上。他协调最大的根源,就是神救赎人类所付上的痛苦 – 耶稣基督的十字架。
你要向自己重述所信的是什么,然后把其余的事物除掉,归回那唯一的基石 – 主耶稣的十字架。从历史的观点看来,十字架是微不足道的。可是从圣经观点来看,却比世上所有王国更重要。我们传讲的资讯,若不提神在十字架上的惨痛,就必无所成,神的能力也无法传递给人。这听来似乎很有趣,但确是没有十架,就毫无能力。当传扬十字架,神的能力就释放出来。“神就乐意用人所当作愚拙的道理,拯救那些信的人。”“我们却是传钉十字架的基督。”
November 25 The Secret Of Spiritual Coherence
“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Galatians 6:14
When a man is first born again, he becomes incoherent, there is an amount of unrelated emotion about him, unrelated phases of external things. In the apostle Paul there was a strong steady coherence underneath, consequently he could let his external life change as it liked and it did not distress him because he was rooted and grounded in God. Most of us are not spiritually coherent because we are more concerned about being coherent externally. Paul lived in the basement; the coherent critics live in the upper storey of the external statement of things, and the two do not begin to touch each other. Paul's consistency was down in the fundamentals. The great basis of his coherence was the agony of God in the Redemption of the world, viz., the Cross of Jesus Christ.
Re-state to yourself what you believe, then do away with as much of it as possible, and get back to the bedrock of the Cross of Christ. In external history the Cross is an infinitesimal thing; from the Bible point of view it is of more importance than all the empires of the world. If we get away from brooding on the tragedy of God upon the Cross in our preaching, it produces nothing. It does not convey the energy of God to man; it may be interesting but it has no power. But preach the Cross, and the energy of God is let loose. “It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.” “We preach Christ crucified.”
十一月二十五日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「大山哪,你算什么呢?在所罗巴伯面前,你必成为平地。他必搬出一块石头,安在殿顶上。人且大声欢呼说:‘愿恩惠恩惠归与这殿。‘」(撒迦利亚书4︰7)
Scripture: "Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain; and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it" (Zechariah 4:7).
At this hour a mountain of difficulty, distress, or necessity may be in our way, and natural reason sees no path over it, or through it, or round it. Let faith come in, and straightway the mountain disappears and becomes a plain. But faith must first hear the word of the LORD--"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." This grand truth is a prime necessity for meeting the insurmountable trials of life.
I see that I can do nothing and that all reliance on man is vanity. "Not by might." I see that no visible means can be relied on, but the force is in the invisible Spirit. God alone must work, and men and means must be nothing accounted of. If it be so that the Almighty God takes up the concerns of His people, then great mountains are nothing. He can remove worlds as boys toss balls about or drive them with their foot. This power He can lend to me. If the LORD bids me move an Alp I can do it through His name. It may be a great mountain, but even before my feebleness it shall become a plain; for the LORD hath said it. What can I be afraid of with God on my side?
--宣信(A.B. Simpson)
Chauncey Goodrich
经文: 见所罗巴伯手拿线砣,就欢喜。(撒迦利亚书四:10)
这些「小东西」(亚4:10) 表示所罗巴伯手中的工作已经开始了,那就是重建耶路撒冷的圣殿。没有人能忽视小的开始,因为耶和华已经兴起一人,他将坚持下去直至基石已备妥,并听到胜利的欢呼声(参见亚4:7)。线砣是在巧匠的手中。从属灵上而言,这对在主耶稣里的每一信徒而言是一大安慰。恩典之工在开始时可能很小,但是线砣就在那可信靠的手中,比所罗门更伟大的建造师负责建造属天的殿。「祂不灰心,也不丧胆」(赛42:4),直到最高的殿顶升起为止。倘若线砣在一般人的手中,那我们会为建筑物担忧。然而「耶和华所有喜悦的事必在耶稣手中亨通。」(赛53:10);重建圣殿的工作的进行并非没有规律,无人照管的,因为监督的手中握有良好的器具。倘若墙未经适当之计划和监工而匆忙砌起,就可能会偏斜,但是使用线砣的是蒙拣选的监督。同样的,耶稣一直不断的监督着祂属灵殿宇的建造,因此它能造得既稳固又美好。我们喜欢速成的结果,耶稣却宁愿有仔细的判断。祂要用线砣,凡不在线内的每块石头必被拆除,这就是许多谄媚之工失败和许多闪耀的信心见证被推翻的原因。审判主的教会不是我们的责任,因为耶稣有坚定的手和真实的眼,祂善于使用线砣。我们不当为审判在祂手中而欢欣?线砣被积极地使用,就在建造者的手中,这肯定地指出祂要推进工作直至完成。主耶稣啊,当我们见到祢在进行伟大的工程时,我们是多么喜乐!哦,荣美的锡安,你的城墙依然是一片荒芜!兴起吧,荣耀的建造者,使这废墟在你再临时可以欢喜快乐。
Scripture: “They shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel.”(Zechariah 4:10)
“Small things” (Zech. 4:10)marked the beginning of the work in the“hand ofZerubbabel”, the work of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. Yet no onecould despise these “small things,” for the Lord had raised up one who would persevere until the capstone could be brought forth with shouts (v. 7). The “plummet” or plumb line was in good hands. Spiritually, this is a comfort to every believer in the Lord Jesus.Even if the work of grace is very small in its beginnings, the plumb line is in good hands, for a master builder greater than Solomon has undertaken the building of the heavenly temple.He “shall not fail nor be discouraged”(Isa. 42:4)untill the topmost pinnacle is raised. If the plumbline were in the hand of a mere human being, we might worry about the building.However, “the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper”(Isa. 53:10) in Jesus’ hand. The work of rebuilding the temple did not proceed irregularly, and without care, for the overseer’s hand carried a good instrument. If the walls had been constructed hurriedly, without due supervision, they might not have been built completely upright. Yet the plumbline was used by the chosen overseer. Similarly, Jesus is continuously watching over the construction of his spiritual temple, so that it may be built securely and well. We are for haste, but Jesus is for judgment. He will use the plumb line, and what is out of line must come down, every stone of it. This is why many promising works have failed and many glittering professions of faith have fallen by the wayside. It is not for us to judge the Lord's church, since Jesus has a steady hand and a true eye, and can use the plummet well. Do we not rejoice to see judgment left to him? The “plummet” was in active use—it was in the builder's hand; a sure indication that he meant to push forward with the work to completion. O Lord Jesus, how would we indeed be glad if we could see thee at thy great work. O Zion, the beautiful, thy walls are still in ruins! Rise, thou glorious Builder, and make her ruins to rejoice at thy coming.
《竭诚为主》11月26日 属灵能力的集中
November 26 The Concentration Of Spiritual Energy
“. . . save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Galatians 6:14
If you want to know the energy of God (i.e., the resurrection life of Jesus) in your mortal flesh, you must brood on the tragedy of God. Cut yourself off from prying personal interest in your own spiritual symptoms and consider bare-spirited the tragedy of God, and instantly the energy of God will be in you. “Look unto Me,” pay attention to the objective Source and the subjective energy will be there. We lose power if we do not concentrate on the right thing. The effect of the Cross is salvation, sanctification, healing, etc., but we are not to preach any of these, we are to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The proclaiming of Jesus will do its own work. Concentrate on God's centre in your preaching, and though your crowd may apparently pay no attention, they can never be the same again. If I talk my own talk, it is of no more importance to you than your talk is to me; but if I talk the truth of God, you will meet it again and so will I. We have to concentrate on the great point of spiritual energy – the Cross, to keep in contact with that centre where all the power lies, and the energy will be let loose. In holiness movements and spiritual experience meetings the concentration is apt to be put not on the Cross of Christ, but on the effects of the Cross.
The feebleness of the churches is being criticized to-day, and the criticism is justified. One reason for the feebleness is that there has not been this concentration of spiritual energy; we have not brooded enough on the tragedy of Calvary or on the meaning of Redemption.
1。 縱然匯合一切尊貴佳美名號,
2。 主,偉大的先知,你名我要稱揚,
3。 耶穌我大祭司,為我流血受苦,
十一月二十六日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「你们的忧愁要变为喜乐。」(约翰福音16︰20)
Heavenly Alchemy
Scripture: "Your sorrow shall be turned into joy" (John 16:20).
Their particular sorrow was the death and absence of their LORD, and it was turned into joy when He rose from the dead and showed Himself in their midst. All the sorrows of saints shall be thus transmuted, even the worst of them, which look as if they must forever remain fountains of bitterness.
Then the more sorrow, the more joy. If we have loads of sorrow, then the LORD's power will turn them into tons of joy. Then the bitterer the trouble the sweeter the pleasure: the swinging of the pendulum far to the left will cause it to go all the farther to the right. The remembrance of the grief shall heighten the flavor of the delight: we shall set the one in contrast with the other, and the brilliance of the diamond shall be the more clearly seen because of the black foil behind it.
Come, my heart, cheer up! In a little while I shall be as glad as I am now gloomy. Jesus tells me that by a heavenly alchemy my sorrow shall be turned into joy. I do not see how it is to be, but I believe it, and I begin to sing by way of anticipation. This depression of spirit is not for long; I shall soon be up among the happy ones who praise the LORD day and night, and there I shall sing of the mercy which delivered me out of great afflictions.
经文: 过犯得以赦免,乃是照祂丰富的恩典。(以弗所书1:7)
当罪人听到「赦免」二字时,在他耳中还会有比这更甜美的字眼吗?那是如同被掳的以色列人见到禧年的银色通告一般。当饶恕的爱光照入已被定罪之人的牢房内,将灭亡的人在绝望的午夜中见到一线希望,这爱光就是永远的祝福。罪,如我这般的罪被赦免了,永远的被赦免了,这是可能的吗?地狱是我作为罪人的份。如果罪仍留在我身上,我将不可能逃脱。罪担能被挪去、朱红罪污能被除去吗?我的牢狱那坚不可摧的顽石能从它稳固的榫眼被松开,或者门闩被提起么?耶稣告诉我,因为祂,我能称义。永远称颂赎罪大爱之启示,它不仅告诉我赦免是可能的,并且对一切安息在耶稣之内的人是有保障的。我相信神所命定的挽回祭——被钉十字架的耶稣。因为祂代罪之痛苦及受死,我的罪此刻得到永远的赦免。这给我带来的是怎样的欢喜!被完全饶恕的灵魂将会何等欣喜若狂!我向祂献上我所有的一切,因为祂的大爱——非靠我的努力而得到的——成为我的替身、藉着他的血完成了我的救赎。白白的赦免展现了何等丰富的恩典啊!恩典赦免一切、完全赦免、白白的赦免、永远的赦免——这是多么奇妙的赦免!当我回想过去的罪是多么深重,将我从罪中洗净的宝贵血滴是何等珍贵,而这恩典的行动印证了我得饶恕,我心就充满惊讶、崇敬之情。我俯伏在赦免我的宝座前,我紧握那解救我的十字架。藉着这位道成肉身的 神,今晚我是一个已蒙饶恕的灵魂,我要用我的余生来服事祂。
Scripture: “The forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.”(Ephesians 1:7)
Could there be a sweeter word in any language than that word “forgiveness,” when it sounds in a guilty sinner's ear? It is like the silver notes of jubilee to the captive Israelite.May the dear star of pardon, which shines into the cells of the condemned, and gives the perishing a gleam of hope amid the midnight of despair,be forever blessed! Can it be possible that sin, such sin as mine, can be forgiven -- forgiven altogether, and forever? Hell is my portion as a sinner. There is no possibility of my escaping from it while sin remains upon me. Can the load of guilt be lifted, the crimson stain removed? Can the impenetrable stones of my prison ever be loosed from their mortises, or the doors be lifted from their hinges? Jesus tells me that I may be blameless. For ever blessed is the revelation of atoning love, which tells me not only that pardon is possible, but that it is secured to all who rest in Jesus. I have believed in the appointed propitiation, even Jesus, who was crucified.Therefore my sins are, at this moment and forever, forgiven by virtue of his substitutionary pains and death. What joy this forgiveness brings! How blissfulit is to be a perfectly pardoned soul! I dedicate all that I am to him who,out of his own love --unearned by me -- became my surety and worked redemption for me through his blood. What riches of grace does free forgiveness exhibit! To forgive at all, to forgive fully, to forgive freely, to forgive for ever -- there is a constellation of wonders in this forgiveness.When I think of about how great my sins were, how dear the precious drops of blood were that cleansed me from them, and how gracious was the method by which pardon was sealed for me, I am overcome with marveling, worshipping affection. I bow before the throne that absolves me, and I clasp the cross that delivers me.For the rest of my life, I will serve the Incarnate God, through whom I am a pardoned soul tonight.
《竭诚为主》11月27日 属灵能力的分别为圣
November 27 The Consecration Of Spiritual Energy
“By whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Galatians 6:14
If I brood on the Cross of Christ, I do not become a subjective pietist, interested in my own whiteness; I become dominantly concentrated on Jesus Christ's interests. Our Lord was not a recluse nor an ascetic, He did not cut Himself off from society, but He was inwardly disconnected all the time. He was not aloof, but He lived in another world. He was so much in the ordinary world that the religious people of His day called Him a glutton and a wine-bibber. Our Lord never allowed anything to interfere with His consecration of spiritual energy.
The counterfeit of consecration is the conscious cutting off of things with the idea of storing spiritual power for use later on, but that is a hopeless mistake. The Spirit of God has spoiled the sin of a great many, yet there is no emancipation, no fullness in their lives. The kind of religious life we see abroad to-day is entirely different from the robust holiness of the life of Jesus Christ. “I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” We are to be in the world but not of it; to be disconnected fundamentally, not externally.
We must never allow anything to interfere with the consecration of our spiritual energy. Consecration is our part, sanctification is God's part; and we have deliberately to determine to be interested only in that in which God is interested. The way to solve perplexing problems is to ask – Is this the kind of thing in which Jesus Christ is interested, or the kind of thing in which the spirit that is the antipodes of Jesus is interested?
十一月二十七日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「耶和华说:“我必亲自和你同去,使你得安息。“」(出埃及记33︰14)
Rest in All Thy Goings
Scripture: "And He said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest" (Exodus 33:14).
Precious promise! LORD, enable me to appropriate it as all my own.
We must go at certain times from our abode, for here we have no continuing city. It often happens that when we feel most at home in a place, we are suddenly called away from it. Here is the antidote for this ill. The LORD Himself will keep us company. His presence, which includes His favor, His fellowship, His care, and His power, shall be ever with us in every one of our marchings. This means far more than it says; for, in fact, it means all things. If we have God present with us, we have possession of heaven and earth. Go with me, LORD, and then command me where Thou wilt!
But we hope to find a place of rest. The text promises it. We are to have rest of God's own giving, making, and preserving. His presence will cause us to rest even when we are on the march, yea, even in the midst of battle. Rest! Thrice blessed word. Can it ever be enjoyed by mortals? Yes, there is the promise, and by faith we plead it. Rest comes from the Comforter, from the Prince of Peace, and from the glorious Father who rested on the seventh day from all His works. To be with God is to rest in the most emphatic sense.
用於 《清晨甘露》十一月廿八日
经文: 为本族的人求好处。(以斯帖记10:3)
Scripture: “Seeking the wealth of his people.”(Esther 10:3)
Mordecai was a true patriot.Therefore, when he was exalted to the highest position under Ahasuerus, he used his position to promote the prosperity of Israel. In this he was a type of Jesus, who, upon his throne of glory, does not seek his own interests, but expends his power for his people. It would be a good thing if every Christian were a Mordecai to the church, striving, according to his ability, for its prosperity. Some believers have been placed in positions of affluence and influence.Let them honor their Lord in the high places of the earth, and testify for Jesus before great men. Others have what is far better, namely, close fellowship with the King of kings.Let them be sure to plead daily for the weak among the Lord's people -- the doubting, the tempted, and the comfortless. It will be to their honor if they intercede much for those who are in darkness and who do not dare to draw near to the mercy seat. Believers who are knowlegeable in the things of God may serve their Master greatly if they use their talents for the general good, and impart their wealth of heavenly learning to others by teaching them the things of God. Even the least person in the body of Christ may seek the welfare of his people.His desire, if he can give no more, will be acceptable. The most Christlike and the most happy way for a believer to live is to cease from living for himself. He who blesses others cannot fail to be blessed himself. On the other hand, seeking our own personal greatness is a wicked and unhappy way of life.Its way will be grievous, and its end will be fatal. Now is the time to ask thee, my friend, whether thou art, to the best of thy ability, seeking the wealth of the church in thy neighborhood? I trust thou art not doing it harm by bitterness and scandal, nor weakening it by thy neglect. Friend, unite with the Lord's poor, bear their cross, do them all the good thou canst, and thou will not miss thy reward.
《竭诚为主》11月28日 绝处逢生
November 28 The Bounty Of The Destitute
“Being justified freely by His grace. . .” Romans 3:24
The Gospel of the grace of God awakens an intense longing in human souls and an equally intense resentment, because the revelation which it brings is not palatable. There is a certain pride in man that will give and give, but to come and accept is another thing. I will give my life to martyrdom, I will give myself in consecration, I will do anything, but do not humiliate me to the level of the most hell-deserving sinner and tell me that all I have to do is to accept the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
We have to realize that we cannot earn or win anything from God; we must either receive it as a gift or do without it. The greatest blessing spiritually is the knowledge that we are destitute; until we get there Our Lord is powerless. He can do nothing for us if we think we are sufficient of ourselves, we have to enter into His Kingdom through the door of destitution. As long as we are rich, possessed of anything in the way of pride or independence, God cannot do anything for us. It is only when we get hungry spiritually that we receive the Holy Spirit. The gift of the essential nature of God is made effectual in us by the Holy Spirit, He imparts to us the quickening life of Jesus, which puts “the beyond” within, and immediately “the beyond” has come within, it rises up to “the above,” and we are lifted into the domain where Jesus lives. (John 3:5)
十一月二十八日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「在你仓房里,并你手所办的一切事上,耶和华所命的福必临到你。」(申命记28︰8)
Doing What God Can Bless
Scripture: "The LORD shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto" (Deuteronomy 28:8).
If we obey the LORD our God He will bless that which He gives us. Riches are no curse when blessed of the LORD. When men have more than they require for their immediate need and begin to lay up in storehouses, the dry rot of covetousness or the blight of hard-heartedness is apt to follow the accumulation; but with God's blessing it is not so. Prudence arranges the saving, liberality directs the spending, gratitude maintains consecration, and praise sweetens enjoyment. It is a great mercy to have God's blessing in one's iron safe and on one's banking account.
What a favor is made ours by the last clause! "The LORD shall bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand unto." We would not put our hand to anything upon which we dare not ask God's blessing, neither would we go about it without prayer and faith. But what a privilege to be able to look for the LORD's help in every enterprise! Some talk of a lucky man: the blessing of the LORD is better than luck. The patronage of the great is nothing to the favor of God. Self-reliance is all very well; but the LORD's blessing is infinitely more than all the fruit of talent, genius, or tact.
A. W. Douthwaite
经文: 并作膏油...的香料。(出埃及记35:8)
根据律法,此膏油有许多用途,而在福音之下它所代表的也是极重要的。我们若要事奉主并蒙悦纳,圣灵于我们是不可缺少的,是祂膏我们去作一切圣工。缺少祂的帮助,我们的宗教事奉只是虚浮的祭品,我们内在的经验也不过是死物而已。教会的事工没有被膏是可悲的——而基督徒个人若没有被膏,则他们的祷告,赞美,默想和努力亦无任何价值。圣膏是敬虔之生命和灵魂,它的缺失是所有灾祸中最悲惨的。未受圣膏来到主的面前就如同旧约时代普通的利未人闯入祭司的工作。在这种情况下,他的事奉不是服事,乃是犯罪。但愿我们没有受圣膏之前不要企图事奉。圣膏来自我们荣耀的头——主基督。藉着祂的恩膏,我们如同「他的衣襟」(诗133:2),分享丰富的膏油。经过选择的香料仔细混合才能制成膏油,这一点向我们指明圣灵的丰富影响力。在神圣的保惠师之内有一切美善。在圣灵圣洁、属天的膏油中有无比的安慰、绝对正确的教导、不朽的复活,属灵的能力和神圣的成圣,并其它一切卓越的恩惠。它被浇灌在人身上,他们的性格和人格散发出可悦的馨香。在一切富足人的财富或智慧人的奥秘中,没有一样能比得上这膏油。它不能被模仿,只从 神而来,通过耶稣基督白白赐给每个等待的灵魂。让我们来寻求这膏油,好拥有它——或许今晚我们就可得着这它!哦,主啊,恩膏你的仆人。
Scripture: “Spices for anointing oil.”(Exodus 35:8)
Much use was made of this anointing oil under the law, and what it represents is of primary importance under the Gospel. The Holy Spirit, who anoints us for all holy service, is indispensable to us if we want to serve the Lord acceptably. Without his aid, our religious services is just a emptyoffering, and our inward experience is a dead thing. Whenever the ministry of the church lacks anointing, it becomes a miserable thing -- and when individual Christians lack anointing,their prayers, praises, meditations, and efforts aren’t any better. A holy anointing is the life and soul of piety.Its absence is the most grievous of all calamities. To go before the Lord without anointing is the equivalent of a common Levitein Old Testament times thrusting himself into the office of priest. In such a situation, his ministering would have been sin rather than service. May we never undertake holy service without sacred anointing. Sacred anointingcomes upon us from our glorious Head.From his anointing, we who are as the “skirts of his garments” (Ps. 133:2) partake of a plentiful anointing. Choice spices were skillfully mixed to form the anointing oil, to show us how rich all the influences of the Holy Spirit are. All good things are found in the divine Comforter. Matchless comfort, infallible instruction, immortal quickening, spiritual energy, and divine sanctification all lie compounded with other excellencies in that sacred ointment, the heavenly anointing oil of the Holy Spirit. It imparts a delightful fragrance to the character and person of the man upon whom it is poured. Nothing like it can be found in all the treasuries of the rich or the secrets of the wise. It cannot be imitated. It comes alone from God, and it is freely given through Jesus Christ to every waiting soul. Let us seek it, for we may have it -- we may have it this very evening! O Lord, anoint thy servants.
《竭诚为主》11月29日 耶稣基督的绝对性
November 29 The Absoluteness Of Jesus Christ
“He shall glorify Me.” John 16:14
The pietistic movements of to-day have none of the rugged reality of the New Testament about them; there is nothing about them that needs the Death of Jesus Christ; all that is required is a pious atmosphere, and prayer and devotion. This type of experience is not supernatural nor miraculous, it did not cost the passion of God, it is not dyed in the blood of the Lamb, not stamped with the hall-mark of the Holy Ghost; it has not that mark on it which makes men say, as they look with awe and wonder – “That is the work of God Almighty.” That and nothing else is what the New Testament talks about.
The type of Christian experience in the New Testament is that of personal passionate devotion to the Person of Jesus Christ. Every other type of Christian experience, so called, is detached from the Person of Jesus. There is no regeneration, no being born again into the Kingdom in which Christ lives, but only the idea that He is our Pattern. In the New Testament Jesus Christ is Saviour long before He is Pattern. To-day He is being despatched as the Figurehead of a Religion, a mere Example. He is that, but He is infinitely more; He is salvation itself, He is the Gospel of God.
Jesus said, “When He the Spirit of truth is come . . . He shall glorify Me.” When I commit myself to the revelation made in the New Testament, I receive from God the gift of the Holy Spirit Who begins to interpret to me what Jesus did and does in me subjectively all that Jesus Christ did for me objectively.
十一月二十九日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「信靠的人必不着急。」(以赛亚书28︰16)
Know How to Wait
Scripture: "He that believeth shall not make haste" (Isaiah 28:16).
He shall make haste to keep the LORD's commandments; but he shall not make haste in any impatient or improper sense.
He shall not haste to run away, for he shall not be overcome with the fear which causes panic. When others are flying hither and thither as if their wits had failed them, the believer shall be quiet, calm, and deliberate, and so shall be able to act wisely in the hour of trial.
He shall not haste in his expectations, craving his good things at once and on the spot, but he will wait God's time. Some are in a desperate hurry to have the bird in the hand, for they regard the LORD's promise as a bird in the bush, not likely to be theirs. Believers know how to wait.
He shall not haste by plunging into wrong or questionable action. Unbelief must be doing something, and thus it works its own undoing; but faith makes no more haste than good speed, and thus it is not forced to go back sorrowfully by the way which it followed heedlessly.
How is it with me? Am I believing, and am I therefore keeping to the believer's pace, which is walking with God? Peace, fluttering spirit! Oh, rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him! Heart, see that thou do this at once!
1886 — 1930
Carl Grant Gowman
经文: 米迦勒同他的使者与龙争战,龙也同牠的使者去争战。(启示录12:7)
两个大国之间的争战总是激烈的,直至其中一国毁灭方能止息。善与恶是不可能和平相处的。事实上,若考虑和平共存就意味着黑暗权势的得胜。天使长米迦勒一直在争战。他圣洁之灵深深憎恶罪,他无法忍受罪恶。耶稣一直都是龙的仇敌——不是温和的敌人,而是积极的、强劲的敌人,祂坚决要灭绝罪恶。祂所有的仆人,无论是天上的天使或地上的使者,必须要去争战。信徒是天生的战士。在十字架前他们立约永不与罪恶休战。他们是好战的——其防守稳固,攻击猛烈。在主军队中的每个士兵每天的职责就是尽心、尽性并尽力与龙争战。龙和牠的手下也不会停止争战。牠们使用任何可用的武器不停地猛攻。我们在事奉神时若认为敌对的事物不会来到,那是愚蠢的。我们越热心,越会受到从地狱权势而来的攻击。教会可能倦怠,可是她的大敌却不会如此。牠那永不安静之灵不会容许争战停止。牠憎恨女人的后裔(见创世纪3:15),尽其所能想把教会吞食。魔鬼的仆人拥有很多古时大龙的力量,通常都很活跃。遍地是激烈的争战,梦想和平是危险和徒劳的。荣耀归于神,我们知道战争的结局!大龙将被摔下去永远灭亡,耶稣并与祂在一起的将得到冠冕。今晚愿我们磨利刀剑,祈求圣灵加增我们的力量前去争战。因再没有比这更重要的争战;也再没有比这更荣耀的冠冕。每名战士各就其位,十字架的勇士们!愿主“快快的将撒旦践踏在你们脚下”(罗马书 16:20)!
Scripture: “Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.”(Revelation 12:7)
War always will rage between the two great kingdoms until one or the other is crushed. Peace between good and evil is an impossibility. In fact, the very pretence of it would mean the triumph of the powers of darkness. The archangel Michael will always fight. His holy soul is distressed with sin, and will not endure it. Jesus will always be the dragon's foe -- not in a quiet sense, but actively, vigorously, and with full determination to exterminate evil. All his servants, whether angels in heaven or messengers on earth, will and must fight. Believers are born to be warriors. At the cross, they enter into covenant never to make truce with evil. They are warlike -- firm in defense and fierce in attack. The duty of every soldier in the army of the Lord is to fight against the dragon daily, with all his heart, soul, and strength. The dragon and his angels will not decline to fight. They are incessant in their onslaughts, sparing no weapon, fair or foul. We are foolish to expect to serve God without opposition from the enemy. The more zealous we are, the surer are we to be assailed by the followers of hell. The church may become slothful, but not so her great antagonist. His restless spirit never allows the war to pause. He hates the woman's seed (see Genesis 3:15) and would gladly devour the church if he could. The servants of Satan have much of the old dragon's energy and are usually active. War rages all around, and to dream of peace is dangerous and futile. Glory be to God, we know the outcome of the war! The great dragon shall be cast out and forever destroyed, while Jesus and they who are with him shall receive the crown. Let us sharpen our swords tonight, and pray the Holy Spirit to strengthen our arms for the conflict. Never was there a more important battle; never was there a more glorious crown. Every soldier to his post, ye warriors of the cross, and may the Lord “bruise Satan under your feet shortly”(Rom. 16:20)!
《竭诚为主》11月30日 靠神恩典我成了何等样人
November 30 By The Grace Of God I Am What I Am
“His grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:10
The way we continually talk about our own inability is an insult to the Creator. The deploring of our own incompetence is a slander against God for having overlooked us. Get into the habit of examining in the sight of God the things that sound humble before men, and you will be amazed at how staggeringly impertinent they are. “Oh, I shouldn't like to say I am sanctified; I'm not a saint.” Say that before God; and it means – “No, Lord, it is impossible for You to save and sanctify me; there are chances I have not had; so many imperfections in my brain and body; no, Lord, it isn't possible.” That may sound wonderfully humble before men, but before God it is an attitude of defiance.
Again, the things that sound humble before God may sound the opposite before men. To say "Thank God, I know I am saved and sanctified" is in the sight of God the acme of humility, it means you have so completely abandoned yourself to God that you know He is true. Never bother your head as to whether what you say sounds humble before men or not, but always be humble before God, and let Him be all in all.
There is only one relationship that matters, and that is your personal relationship to a personal Redeemer and Lord. Let everything else go, but maintain that at all costs, and God will fulfil His purpose through your life. One individual life may be of priceless value to God's purposes, and yours may be that life.
十一月三十日 信心的支票簿 Faith’s check book
经文: 「耶和华必在你前面行;祂必与你同在,必不撇下你,也不丢弃你。不要惧怕,也不要惊惶。」(申命记31︰8)
God Is in the Front Line
Scripture: "The LORD, He it is that doth go before thee; He will be with thee, He will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed" (Deuteronomy 31:8).
In the presence of a great work or a great warfare, here is a text which should help us to buckle on our harness. If Jehovah Himself goes before us, it must be safe to follow. Who can obstruct our progress if the LORD Himself is in the van? Come, brother soldiers, let us make a prompt advance! Why do we hesitate to pass on to victory?
Nor is the LORD before us only; He is with us. Above, beneath, around, within is the omnipotent, omnipresent One. In all time, even to eternity, He will be with us even as He has been. How this should nerve our arm! Dash at it boldly, ye soldiers of the cross, for the LORD of hosts is with us!
Being before us and with us, He will never withdraw His help. He cannot fail in Himself, and He will not fail toward us. He will continue to help us according to our need, even to the end. As He cannot fail us, so He will not forsake us. He will always be both able and willing to grant us strength and succor till fighting days are gone.
Let us not fear nor be dismayed; for the LORD of hosts will go down to the battle with us, will bear the brunt of the fight, and give us the victory.
--译自地上的天上生活(Daysof Heaven upon Earth)