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用於 《清晨甘露》十月十七日

Safe in the Arms of Jesus

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用於 《静夜亮光》十月十七日

Come unto Me Ye Weary

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经文: 祂用膀臂聚集羊羔。(以赛亚书40:11)




Scripture: “He shall gather the lambs with his arm.”(Isaiah 40:11)


Our good Shepherd has in his flock a variety of experiences, some are strong in the Lord, and others are weak in faith, but he is impartial in his care for all his sheep, and the weakest lamb is as dear to him as the most advanced of the flock. Lambs are wont to lag behind, prone to wander, and apt to grow weary, but from all the danger of these infirmities the Shepherd protects them with his arm of power. He finds new-born souls, like young lambs, ready to perish—he nourishes them till life becomes vigorous; he finds weak minds ready to faint and die—he consoles them and renews their strength. All the little ones he gathers, for it is not the will of our heavenly Father that one of them should perish. What a quick eye he must have to see them all! What a tender heart to care for them all! What a far- reaching and potent arm, to gather them all! In his lifetime on earth he was a great gatherer of the weaker sort, and now that he dwells in heaven, his loving heart yearns towards the meek and contrite, the timid and feeble, the fearful and fainting here below. How gently did he gather me to himself, to his truth, to his blood, to his love, to his church! With what effectual grace did he compel me to come to himself! Since my first conversion, how frequently has he restored me from my wanderings, and once again folded me within the circle of his everlasting arm! The best of all is, that he does it all himself personally, not delegating the task of love, but condescending himself to rescue and preserve his most unworthy servant. How shall I love him enough or serve him worthily? I would fain make his name great unto the ends of the earth, but what can my feebleness do for him? Great Shepherd, add to thy mercies this one other, a heart to love thee more truly as I ought.

《竭诚为主》10月17日 更大的事

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《竭诚为主》10月17日 更大的事










October 17 Greater Works


“And greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto My Father.” John 14:12


Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer is the greater work. We think of prayer as a common-sense exercise of our higher powers in order to prepare us for God's work. In the teaching of Jesus Christ prayer is the working of the miracle of Redemption in me which produces the miracle of Redemption in others by the power of God. The way fruit remains is by prayer, but remember it is prayer based on the agony of Redemption, not on my agony. Only a child gets prayer answered; a wise man does not.


Prayer is the battle; it is a matter of indifference where you are. Whichever way God engineers circumstances, the duty is to pray. Never allow the thought – “I am of no use where I am;” because you certainly can be of no use where you are not. Wherever God has dumped you down in circumstances pray, ejaculate to Him all the time. “Whatsoever ye ask in My name, that will I do.” We won't pray unless we get thrills, that is the intensest form of spiritual selfishness. We have to labour along the line of God's direction, and He says pray. “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest.”


There is nothing thrilling about a labouring man's work, but it is the labouring man who makes the conceptions of the genius possible; and it is the labouring saint who makes the conceptions of his Master possible. You labour at prayer and results happen all the time from His standpoint. What an astonishment it will be to find, when the veil is lifted, the souls that have been reaped by you, simply because you had been in the habit of taking your orders from Jesus Christ.


用於 《竭诚为主》10月17日

Keep on Believing

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用於 《信心的支票簿》10月17日

I Can Hear My Saviour Calling

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十月十七日信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文: 「敬畏诫命的,必得善报。」(箴言13︰13)






Holy Fear


Scripture: "He that feareth the Commandment shall be rewarded" (Proverbs 13:13).


Holy awe of God's Word is at a great discount. Men think themselves wiser than the Word of the LORD and sit in judgment upon it. "So did not I, because of the fear of God." We accept the inspired Book as infallible and prove our esteem by our obedience. We have no terror of the Word, but we have a filial awe of it. We are not in fear of its penalties because we have a fear of its commands.


This holy fear of the commandment produces the restfulness of humility, which is far sweeter than the recklessness of pride. It becomes a guide to us in our movements: a drag when we are going downhill and a stimulus when we are climbing it. Preserved from evil and led into righteousness by our reverence of the command, we gain a quiet conscience, which is a well of wine; a sense of freedom from responsibility, which is as life from the dead; and a confidence of pleasing God, which is heaven below. The ungodly may ridicule our deep reverence for the Word of the LORD; but what of that? The prize of our high calling is a sufficient consolation for us. The rewards of obedience make us scorn the scorning of the scorner.


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用於 《清晨甘露》十月十八日

Sweet Hour of Prayer

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用於 《静夜亮光》十月十八日

Trust and Obey

用於 《静夜亮光》十月十八日


希伯來書12:1 "我們既有這許多的見證人 、如同雲彩圍著我們"

1871  — 1922

J.rgen Edvin Nelssen


https://bdcconline.net/zh-hans/stories/ni-ersheng (简体)











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经文: 听命胜于献祭。(撒母耳记上十五:22)




Evening, October 18


Scripture: “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice.”(1 Samuel 15:22)


Saul had been commanded to slay utterly all the Amalekites and their cattle. Instead of doing so, he preserved the king, and suffered his people to take the best of the oxen and of the sheep. When called to account for this, he declared that he did it with a view of offering sacrifice to God; but Samuel met him at once with the assurance that sacrifices were no excuse for an act of direct rebellion. The sentence before us is worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be hung up before the eyes of the present idolatrous generation, who are very fond of the fineries of will-worship, but utterly neglect the laws of God. Be it ever in your remembrance, that to keep strictly in the path of your Saviour's command is better than any outward form of religion; and to hearken to his precept with an attentive ear is better than to bring the fat of rams, or any other precious thing to lay upon his altar. If you are failing to keep the least of Christ's commands to his disciples, I pray you be disobedient no longer. All the pretensions you make of attachment to your Master, and all the devout actions which you may perform, are no recompense for disobedience. “To obey,” even in the slightest and smallest thing, “is better than sacrifice,” however pompous. Talk not of Gregorian chants, sumptuous robes, incense, and banners; the first thing which God requires of his child is obedience; and though you should give your body to be burned, and all your goods to feed the poor, yet if you do not hearken to the Lord's precepts, all your formalities shall profit you nothing. It is a blessed thing to be teachable as a little child, but it is a much more blessed thing when one has been taught the lesson, to carry it out to the letter. How many adorn their temples and decorate their priests, but refuse to obey the word of the Lord! My soul, come not thou into their secret.

《竭诚为主》10月18日 传道者忠贞的要决

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《竭诚为主》10月18日 传道者忠贞的要决




主曾告诉我们,怎样才是爱祂。“你爱我吗?(约翰福音21:15-17) ”“你喂养我的羊。(约翰福音21:15-17) ”——把你放在我对人的关怀里,而不是把我放在你对人的兴趣里。哥林多前书13:4-8节“爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒;爱是不自夸,不张狂,不作害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。爱是永不止息。 ”描述这爱的品质,是神自己的爱。我对主耶稣爱的考验,是在实际事情上,其他的不过是空口的卖弄爱情。








October 18 The Key To Missionary Devotion


“For His name's sake they went forth.” 3 John 7


Our Lord has told us how love to Him is to manifest itself. “Lovest thou Me?” “Feed My sheep” – identify yourself with My interests in other people, not, identify Me with your interests in other people. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 gives the character of this love, it is the love of God expressing itself. The test of my love for Jesus is the practical one, all the rest is sentimental jargon.


Loyalty to Jesus Christ is the supernatural work of Redemption wrought in me by the Holy Ghost Who sheds abroad the love of God in my heart, and that love works efficaciously through me in contact with everyone I meet. I remain loyal to His Name although every common-sense fact gives the lie to Him, and declares that He has no more power than a morning mist.


The key to missionary devotion means being attached to nothing and no one saving Our Lord Himself, not being detached from things externally. Our Lord was amazingly in and out among ordinary things; His detachment was on the inside towards God. External detachment is often an indication of a secret vital attachment to the things we keep away from externally.


The loyalty of a missionary is to keep his soul concentratedly open to the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. The men and women Our Lord sends out on His enterprises are the ordinary human stuff, plus dominating devotion to Himself wrought by the Holy Ghost.


用於 《竭诚为主》10月18日

I Am Resolved

用於 《竭诚为主》10月18日


用於 《信心的支票簿》10月18日

They That Sow in Tears

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十月十八日信心的支票簿 Faith's check book












Tears, Then Joyful Harvest


Scripture: "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy" (Psalm 126:5).


Weeping times are suitable for sowing: we do not want the ground to be too dry. Seed steeped in the tears of earnest anxiety will come up all the sooner. The salt of prayerful tears will give the good seed a flavor which will preserve it from the worm: truth spoken in awful earnestness has a double life about it. Instead of stopping our sowing because of our weeping, let us redouble our efforts because the season is so propitious.


Our heavenly seed could not fitly be sown laughing. Deep sorrow and concern for the souls of others are a far more fit accompaniment of godly teaching than anything like levity. We have heard of men who went to war with a light heart, but they were beaten; and it is mostly so with those who sow in the same style.


Come, then, my heart, sow on in thy weeping, for thou has the promise of a joyful harvest. Thou shalt reap. Thou, thyself, shalt see some results of thy labor. This shall come to thee in so large a measure as to give thee joy, which a poor, withered, and scanty harvest would not do. When thine eyes are dim with silver tears, think of the golden corn. Bear cheerfully the present toil and disappointment; for the harvest day will fully recompense thee.


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用於 《清晨甘露》十月十九日

Only A Sinner Saved By Grace

用於 《清晨甘露》十月十九日


用於 《静夜亮光》十月十九日

Until Then

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经文: 造我的上帝……使人夜间歌唱。(约伯记三十五:10)




Evening, October 19


Scripture: “God, my maker, who giveth songs in the night.”(Job 35:10)


Any man can sing in the day. When the cup is full, man draws inspiration from it. When wealth rolls in abundance around him, any man can praise the God who gives a plenteous harvest or sends home a loaded argosy. It is easy enough for an Aeolian harp to whisper music when the winds blow-the difficulty is for music to swell forth when no wind is stirring. It is easy to sing when we can read the notes by daylight; but he is skilful who sings when there is not a ray of light to read by-who sings from his heart. No man can make a song in the night of himself; he may attempt it, but he will find that a song in the night must be divinely inspired. Let all things go well, I can weave songs, fashioning them wherever I go out of the flowers that grow upon my path; but put me in a desert, where no green thing grows, and wherewith shall I frame a hymn of praise to God? How shall a mortal man make a crown for the Lord where no jewels are? Let but this voice be clear, and this body full of health, and I can sing God's praise: silence my tongue, lay me upon the bed of languishing, and how shall I then chant God's high praises, unless he himself give me the song? No, it is not in man's power to sing when all is adverse, unless an altar-coal shall touch his lip. It was a divine song, which Habakkuk sang, when in the night he said, “Although the fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” Then, since our Maker gives songs in the night, let us wait upon him for the music. O thou chief musician, let us not remain songless because affliction is upon us, but tune thou our lips to the melody of thanksgiving.

《竭诚为主》10月19日 被忽视的秘密

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《竭诚为主》10月19日 被忽视的秘密


我的国不属这世界。 (约18:36)


如今主耶穌基督很大的敌人,是我们对实际事工的观念,它不从新约圣经而来,而是从这世界的系统而来,在支持各种活动上付出了无穷的精力,几乎没有了与神同在的个人关系。把重点放在了错误的事情上。耶穌说:“ 神的国来到不是眼所能见的。因为 神的国就在你们心里。”(路17:20-21)它是一个隐藏的、不明显的事物。一个活跃的基督徒工人经常活在商店的橱窗里。其实,只有内心的最深处才展现出生命的力量。





October 19 The Unheeded Secret


“My kingdom is not of this world.” John 18:36


The great enemy to the Lord Jesus Christ in the present day is the conception of practical work that has not come from the New Testament, but from the systems of the world in which endless energy and activities are insisted upon, but no private life with God. The emphasis is put on the wrong thing. Jesus said, “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation, for lo the kingdom of God is within you,” a hidden, obscure thing. An active Christian worker too often lives in the shop window. It is the innermost of the innermost that reveals the power of the life.


We have to get rid of the plague of the spirit of the religious age in which we live. In Our Lord's life there was none of the press and rush of tremendous activity that we regard so highly, and the disciple is to be as His Master. The central thing about the kingdom of Jesus Christ is a personal relationship to Himself, not public usefulness to men.


It is not its practical activities that are the strength of this Bible Training College, its whole strength lies in the fact that here you are put into soak before God. You have no idea of where God is going to engineer your circumstances, no knowledge of what strain is going to be put on you either at home or abroad, and if you waste your time in over-active energies instead of getting into soak on the great fundamental truths of God's Redemption, you will snap when the strain comes; but if this time of soaking before God is being spent in getting rooted and grounded in God on the unpractical line, you will remain true to Him what ever happens.


用於 《竭诚为主》10月19日

Lord, Keep My Heart Always True To You

用於 《竭诚为主》10月19日


用於 《信心的支票簿》10月19日

By Gentle Powers

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十月十九日信心的支票簿 Faith's check book









Regulated Chastisement


Scripture: "I will correct thee in measure" (Jeremiah 30:11).


To be left uncorrected would be a fatal sign: it would prove that the LORD had said, "He is given unto idols, let him alone." God grant that such may never be our portion! Uninterrupted prosperity is a thing to cause fear and trembling. As many as God tenderly loves He rebukes and chastens: those for whom He has no esteem He allows to fatten themselves without fear, like bullocks for the slaughter. It is in love that our heavenly Father uses the rod upon His children.


Yet see, the correction is "in measure": He gives us love without measure but chastisement "in measure." As under the old law no Israelite could receive more than the "forty stripes save one," which ensured careful counting and limited suffering; so is it with each afflicted member of the household of faith- every stroke is counted. It is the measure of wisdom, the measure of sympathy, the measure of love, by which our chastisement is regulated. Far be it from us to rebel against appointments so divine. LORD, if Thou standest by to measure the bitter drops into my cup, it is for me cheerfully to take that cup from Thy hand and drink according to Thy directions, saying, "Thy will be done."


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  他等着,直到神叫他明白——叫别人和自己都相信——以后,他才照着事实去作。神喜欢我们照着他的心意行事。所以我们不可轻举妄动,以致违反了他的心意。——宣信  神的手所点的道路,神的手必去预备。




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用於 《清晨甘露》十月二十日

O Jesus Christ, Grow Thou in Me

用於 《清晨甘露》十月二十日


用於 《静夜亮光》十月二十日

Soldiers of Christ, Arise

用於 《静夜亮光》十月二十日




惟 用 爱 心 说 诚 实 话 , 凡 事 长 进 , 连 于 元 首 基 督 。(弗4:15)




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经文: 不要拘留。(以赛亚书四十三:6)




Evening, October 20


Scripture: “Keep not back.”(Isaiah 43:6)


Although this message was sent to the south, and referred to the seed of Israel, it may profitably be a summons to ourselves. Backward we are naturally to all good things, and it is a lesson of grace to learn to go forward in the ways of God. Reader, are you unconverted, but do you desire to trust in the Lord Jesus? Then keep not back. Love invites you, the promises secure you success, the precious blood prepares the way. Let not sins or fears hinder you, but come to Jesus just as you are. Do you long to pray? Would you pour out your heart before the Lord? Keep not back. The mercy-seat is prepared for such as need mercy; a sinner's cries will prevail with God. You are invited, nay, you are commanded to pray, come therefore with boldness to the throne of grace.Dear friend, are you already saved? Then keep not back from union with the Lord's people. Neglect not the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper. You may be of a timid disposition, but you must strive against it, lest it lead you into disobedience. There is a sweet promise made to those who confess Christ-by no means miss it, lest you come under the condemnation of those who deny him. If you have talents keep not back from using them. Hoard not your wealth, waste not your time; let not your abilities rust or your influence be unused. Jesus kept not back, imitate him by being foremost in self-denials and self-sacrifices. Keep not back from close communion with God, from boldly appropriating covenant blessings, from advancing in the divine life, from prying into the precious mysteries of the love of Christ. Neither, beloved friend, be guilty of keeping others back by your coldness, harshness, or suspicions. For Jesus’ sake go forward yourself, and encourage others to do the like. Hell and the leaguered bands of superstition and infidelity are forward to the fight. O soldiers of the cross, keep not back.

《竭诚为主》10月20日 上帝的旨意是我的心愿吗?

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《竭诚为主》10月20日 上帝的旨意是我的心愿吗?


“ 神的旨意就是要你们成为圣洁。”帖前4:3


神是否愿意使我成圣并不是一个问题,而是这是我的心愿吗?我是否愿意让神将所有赎罪已经成功的事做在我的里面?我是否愿意让耶穌成为我的圣洁,让耶穌的生命在我的肉身里彰显?当心你会说:“噢,我渴望成圣。”其实,你并非如此,你要停止渴望,付出实际行动达到预定目标。“我两手空空。”要以绝对的信心接受耶稣基督成为你的圣洁,耶稣救赎的伟大奇跡将在你里面成为真实。耶穌所成就的一切,因着神充满爱的礼物白白的给了你。作为一个得救和得以成圣的灵魂,我的态度是完全谦卑的圣洁(并没有骄傲的圣洁这件事),这圣洁是基于痛苦难忍的悔改,及无法言说的羞愧和降卑;同时令人惊异地认识到,当我根本对他毫不在意时,神的爱将自己托付给我,他为我的得救和成圣完成了一切(参看罗5:8)。保罗说没有一件事“能叫我们与 神的爱隔绝;这爱是在我们的主基督耶穌里的。”(罗8:39)




October 20 Is God's Will My Will?


“This is the will of God, even your sanctification.” 1 Thessalonians 4:3


It is not a question of whether God is willing to sanctify me; is it my will? Am I willing to let God do in me all that has been made possible by the Atonement? Am I willing to let Jesus be made sanctification to me, and to let the life of Jesus be manifested in my mortal flesh? Beware of saying – Oh, I am longing to be sanctified. You are not, stop longing and make it a matter of transaction – “Nothing in my hands I bring.” Receive Jesus Christ to be made sanctification to you in implicit faith, and the great marvel of the Atonement of Jesus will be made real in you. All that Jesus made possible is made mine by the free loving gift of God on the ground of what He performed, my attitude as a saved and sanctified soul is that of profound humble holiness (there is no such thing as proud holiness), a holiness based on agonizing repentance and a sense of unspeakable shame and degradation; and also on the amazing realization that the love of God commended itself to me in that while I cared nothing about Him, He completed everything for my salvation and sanctification (see Rom. 5:8. R.V.). No wonder Paul says nothing is “able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Sanctification makes me one with Jesus Christ, and in Him one with God, and it is done only through the superb Atonement of Christ. Never put the effect as the cause. The effect in me is obedience and service and prayer, and is the out come of speechless thanks and adoration for the marvellous sanctification wrought out in me because of the Atonement.


用於 《竭诚为主》10月20日

Take My Life and Let it Be

用於 《竭诚为主》10月20日


用於 《信心的支票簿》10月20日

For All My Sin

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十月二十日信心的支票簿 Faith's check book










From Every Sin


Scripture: "He shall save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).


LORD, save me from my sins. By the name of Jesus I am encouraged thus to pray. Save me from my past sins, that the habit of them may not hold me captive. [Save me from the sin which doth so easily beset me, that I may not become a reproach to Thy Holy Name. Save me from an undue familiarity with sin and sinning, that I may not lose my horror of them.] Save me from sudden and surprising sins: let me not be carried off my feet by a rush of temptation. Save me, LORD, from every sin. Let not any iniquity have dominion over me.


Thou alone canst do this. I cannot snap my own chains or slay my own enemies. Thou knowest temptation, for Thou wast tempted. Thou knowest sin, for Thou didst bear the weight of it. Thou knowest how to succor me in my hour of conflict; Thou canst save me from sinning and save me when I have sinned. It is promised in Thy very name that Thou wilt do this, and I pray Thee let me this day verify the prophecy. Let me not give way to temper, or pride, or despondency, or any form of evil; but do Thou save me unto holiness of life, that the name of Jesus may be glorified in me abundantly.


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  主耶稣离开了高天到世界上来,也是与这世界的王撒但决斗,从祂下来之后,天上的众天使、诸圣者,以及历代盼望得拯救的百姓,都等候主得胜回来,若是主死了而没有复活,救恩的指望就没有了,那些等候祂的人也都灭亡了。感谢神!我们所等候的救主,祂来到世上完成祂的使命,又复活升上了高天,祂的上升,就是祂得胜的凭据。  大卫从山上下来之先,知道自己是必胜的;他下到谷中的时候,毫无恐惧、战惊,他的面色光红,容貌俊美,和他在他的弟兄中受膏的时候一样。他心中确有得胜的把握。  主耶稣来到世界,更是知道自己必定得胜,所以在先知的预言中说:「大能者阿!愿祢腰间佩刀,大有荣耀和威严。为真理、谦卑、公义、赫然坐车前往,无不得胜;祢的右手必显明可畏的事。祢的箭锋快,射中王敌之心,万民仆倒在祢以下。」(诗四十五3至5)




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用於 《清晨甘露》十月廿一日

Something for Thee (Saviour, Thy Dying Love)

用於 《清晨甘露》十月廿一日


用於 《静夜亮光》十月二十一日

Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts

用於 《静夜亮光》十月二十一日








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经文: 你们为什么愁烦?为什么心里起疑念呢?(路加福音二十四:38)




Evening, October 21


Scripture: “Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?”(Luke 24:38)


 “Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest O Israel, my way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God?” The Lord cares for all things, and the meanest creatures share in his universal providence, but his particular providence is over his saints. “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him.” “Precious shall their blood be in his sight.” “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to his purpose.” Let the fact that, while he is the Saviour of all men, he is specially the Saviour of them that believe, cheer and comfort you. You are his peculiar care; his regal treasure which he guards as the apple of his eye; his vineyard over which he watches day and night. “The very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Let the thought of his special love to you be a spiritual pain-killer, a dear quietus to your woe: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” God says that as much to you as to any saint of old. “Fear not, I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” We lose much consolation by the habit of reading his promises for the whole church, instead of taking them directly home to ourselves. Believer, grasp the divine word with a personal, appropriating faith. Think that you hear Jesus say, “I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not.” Think you see him walking on the waters of thy trouble, for he is there, and he is saying, “Fear not, it is I; be not afraid.” Oh, those sweet words of Christ! May the Holy Ghost make you feel them as spoken to you; forget others for awhile-accept the voice of Jesus as addressed to you, and say, “Jesus whispers consolation; I cannot refuse it; I will sit under his shadow with great delight.”

《竭诚为主》10月21日 被冲动引导

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《竭诚为主》10月21日 被冲动引导


“你们却要在至圣的真道上造就自己。”犹 20






October 21 Direction By Impulse


“Building up yourselves on your most holy faith.” Jude 20


There was nothing either of the nature of impulse or of cold-bloodedness about Our Lord, but only a calm strength that never got into panic. Most of us develop our Christianity along the line of our temperament, not along the line of God. Impulse is a trait in natural life, but Our Lord always ignores it, because it hinders the development of the life of a disciple. Watch how the Spirit of God checks impulse, His checks bring a rush of self-conscious foolishness which makes us instantly want to vindicate ourselves. Impulse is all right in a child, but it is disastrous in a man or woman; an impulsive man is always a petted man. Impulse has to be trained into intuition by discipline.


Discipleship is built entirely on the supernatural grace of God. Walking on the water is easy to impulsive pluck, but walking on dry land as a disciple of Jesus Christ is a different thing. Peter walked on the water to go to Jesus, but he followed Him afar off on the land. We do not need the grace of God to stand crises, human nature and pride are sufficient, we can face the strain magnificently; but it does require the supernatural grace of God to live twenty-four hours in every day as a saint, to go through drudgery as a disciple, to live an ordinary, unobserved, ignored existence as a disciple of Jesus. It is inbred in us that we have to do exceptional things for God; but we have not. We have to be exceptional in the ordinary things, to be holy in mean streets, among mean people, and this is not learned in five minutes.


用於 《竭诚为主》10月21日

He Will Hold Me Fast

用於 《竭诚为主》10月21日


用於 《信心的支票簿》10月21日

How Great Thou Art

用於 《信心的支票簿》10月21日


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十月二十一日信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文: 「至小的族要加增千倍,微弱的国必成为强盛;我耶和华要按定期速成这事。」(以赛亚书60︰22)






God's Multiplication Table


Scripture: "A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time" (Isaiah 60:22).


Works for the LORD often begin on a small scale, and they are none the worse for this. Feebleness educates faith, brings God near, and wins glory for His name. Prize promises of increase! Mustard seed is the smallest among seeds, and yet it becomes a treelike plant, with branches which lodge the birds of heaven. We may begin with one, and that "a little one," and yet it will "become a thousand." The LORD is great at the multiplication table. How often did He say to His lone servant, "I will multiply thee!" Trust in the LORD, ye ones and twos; for He will be in the midst of you if you are gathered in His name.


"A small one." What can be more despicable in the eyes of those who count heads and weigh forces! Yet this is the nucleus of a great nation. Only one star shines out at first in the evening, but soon the sky is crowded with countless lights. Nor need we think the prospect of increase to be remote, for the promise is, "I Jehovah will hasten it in his time." There will be no premature haste, like that which we see at excited meetings; it will be all in due time, but yet there will be no delay. When the LORD hastens, His speed is glorious.


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  「人若没有基督的灵,就不是属基督的。基督若在你们心里,身体就因罪而死,心灵却因义而活。」(罗八9至10)  「耶稣说:我实实在在的告诉你,人若不是从水和圣灵生的,就不能进神的国。从肉身生的,就是肉身;从灵生的,就是灵。」(约三5至6)


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  到那新居所,有一条河相隔为界,我两三次走到河边,我真渴望立刻到那边去——和那些人站在一起唱诗赞美被杀的羔羊。我有许多朋友已经已经搬到那边去了。他们去的时候,他们的脸上都带着微笑。多少时候,有人劝我在这边投资,我总回答说:“我已在预备迁居了。”——选  主耶稣在世上末了几天所说的,都说到“往父那里去。”(约16:17)。我们今天也该在今生的困难,失望之外,看见将来的“往父那里去。”虽然我们将来的家到底怎样我们现在看不清楚;但是有两点是顶清楚的:这是家——“父的家”(约14:2)。这是我们的主所在的地方。就这两点,已经够叫我们渴慕了。


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用於 《清晨甘露》十月二十二日

Have you any room for Jesus

用於 《清晨甘露》十月二十二日


用於 《静夜亮光》十月二十二日

Then Jesus Came

用於 《静夜亮光》十月二十二日


希伯來書12:1 "我們既有這許多的見證人 、如同雲彩圍著我們"

1858  — 1927
William Hector Park
美國基督教監理會醫療宣教士;蘇州博習醫院創始人、院長; 參與創立東吳大學。他在蘇州從事醫療宣教45載,救治病人無數,將其大半生獻給了中國人民,對蘇州醫學事業做出了不可磨滅的貢獻。







这一节圣经“我必甘心爱他们” 对一切条件是一种致命的打击。现在,若我们还凭借什么条件或资格,那么祂就不是白白地爱我们了;至少,这是一种拦阻,使神不能甘心爱我们。但经上的话乃是“我必……甘心爱他们”。我们自怨说:“主啊!我的心太硬了。”——“我必……甘心爱你。”“但我没有感觉到自己需要基督。”——“我爱你,不是因为你感觉到了自己的需要;是我要甘心爱你。”“但我没有感觉到自己的灵按着我的心愿软化。”要记得,灵的软化并不是一种条件,因为没有条件可言;恩约里面没有规定任何条件;因此当我们毫无资格的时候才会完全投靠神在基督耶稣里面所给我们的应许。神随时甘愿白白地把祂的恩典赐给我们,不用预备,没有条件,无需银钱和价值;得知这事的人是有福的!“我必……甘心爱他们。”这话乃是邀请背道的人回转,其实,这话就是为这种人写的——“我必医治他们背道的病,甘心爱他们。”背道者啊,这一条宽宏的应许必定立时破碎你的心,你必归回,寻求为你忧伤的天父的慈面。


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经文: 祂要将受于我的,告诉你们。(约翰福音十六:15)




Evening, October 22


Scripture: “He shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you.”(John 16:15)


There are times when all the promises and doctrines of the Bible are of no avail, unless a gracious hand shall apply them to us. We are thirsty, but too faint to crawl to the water- brook. When a soldier is wounded in battle it is of little use for him to know that there are those at the hospital who can bind up his wounds, and medicines there to ease all the pains which he now suffers: what he needs is to be carried thither, and to have the remedies applied. It is thus with our souls, and to meet this need there is one, even the Spirit of truth, who takes of the things of Jesus, and applies them to us. Think not that Christ hath placed his joys on heavenly shelves that we may climb up to them for ourselves, but he draws near, and sheds his peace abroad in our hearts. O Christian, if thou art to-night labouring under deep distresses, thy Father does not give thee promises and then leave thee to draw them up from the Word like buckets from a well, but the promises he has written in the Word he will write anew on your heart. He will manifest his love to you, and by his blessed Spirit, dispel your cares and troubles. Be it known unto thee, O mourner, that it is God's prerogative to wipe every tear from the eye of his people. The good Samaritan did not say, “Here is the wine, and here is the oil for you”; he actually poured in the oil and the wine. So Jesus not only gives you the sweet wine of the promise, but holds the golden chalice to your lips, and pours the life-blood into your mouth. The poor, sick, way-worn pilgrim is not merely strengthened to walk, but he is borne on eagles’ wings. Glorious gospel! which provides everything for the helpless, which draws nigh to us when we cannot reach after it-brings us grace before we seek for grace! Here is as much glory in the giving as in the gift. Happy people who have the Holy Ghost to bring Jesus to them.

《竭诚为主》10月22日 圣灵的见证

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《竭诚为主》10月22日 圣灵的见证









October 22 The Witness Of The Spirit


“The Spirit Himself beareth witness with our spirit. . .” Romans 8:16 (R.V.)


We are in danger of getting the barter spirit when we come to God, we want the witness before we have done what God tells us to do. “Why does not God reveal Himself to me?” He cannot, it is not that He will not, but He cannot, because you are in the road as long as you won't abandon absolutely to Him. Immediately you do, God witnesses to Himself, He cannot witness to you, but He witnesses instantly to His own nature in you. If you had the witness before the reality, it would end in sentimental emotion. Immediately you transact on the Redemption, and stop the impertinence of debate, God gives on the witness. As soon as you abandon reasoning and argument, God witnesses to what He has done, and we are amazed at our impertinence in having kept Him waiting. If you are in debate as to whether God can deliver from sin, either let Him do it, or tell Him He cannot. Do not quote this and that person, try Matthew 11:28 – “Come unto Me.” Come, if you are weary and heavy laden; ask, if you know you are evil (Luke 11:13).


The Spirit of God witnesses to the Redemption of Our Lord, He does not witness to anything else; He cannot witness to our reason. The simplicity that comes from our natural common-sense decisions is apt to be mistaken for the witness of the Spirit, but the Spirit witnesses only to His own nature, and to the work of Redemption, never to our reason. If we try to make Him witness to our reason, it is no wonder we are in darkness and perplexity. Fling it all overboard, trust in Him, and He will give the witness.


用於 《竭诚为主》10月22日

Jesus i come

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用於 《信心的支票簿》10月22日

My Father Watches Over Me

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十月二十二日信心的支票簿 Faith's check book










Plead His Own Promise


Scripture: "Thou, O LORD God, hast spoken it: and with Thy blessing let the house of Thy servant be blessed for ever" (2 Samuel 7:29)


This is a promise pleaded, and so it yields double instruction to us. Anything which the LORD God has spoken we should receive as surely true and then plead it at the throne.Oh, how sweet to quote what our own God has spoken! How precious to use a "therefore," which the promise suggests, as David does in this verse!


We do not pray because we doubt but because we believe. To pray unbelievingly is unbecoming in the LORD's children. No, LORD, we cannot doubt Thee: we are persuaded that every word of Thine is a sure foundation for the boldest expectation. We come to Thee and say, "Do as Thou hast said." Bless Thy servant's house. Heal our sick; save our hesitating ones; restore those who wander; confirm those who live in Thy fear. LORD, give us food and raiment according to Thy Word. Prosper our undertakings; especially succeed our endeavors to make known Thy gospel in our neighborhood. Make our servants Thy servants, our children Thy children. Let the blessing flow on to future generations, and as long as any of our race remains on earth may they remain true to Thee. O LORD God, "let the house of thy servant be blessed."


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用於 《清晨甘露》十月二十三日

I'd Rather Have Jesus

用於 《清晨甘露》十月二十三日


用於 《静夜亮光》十月二十三日

Arise, My Soul, Arise

用於 《静夜亮光》十月二十三日








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经文: 你们为什么睡觉呢?起来祷告,免得入了迷惑。(路加福音二十二:46)




Evening, October 23


Scripture: “Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.”(Luke 22:46)


When is the Christian most liable to sleep? Is it not when his temporal circumstances are prosperous? Have you not found it so? When you had daily troubles to take to the throne of grace, were you not more wakeful than you are now? Easy roads make sleepy travellers. Another dangerous time is when all goes pleasantly in spiritual matters. Christian went not to sleep when lions were in the way, or when he was wading through the river, or when fighting with Apollyon, but when he had climbed half way up the Hill Difficulty, and came to a delightful arbour, he sat down, and forthwith fell asleep, to his great sorrow and loss. The enchanted ground is a place of balmy breezes, laden with fragrant odours and soft influences, all tending to lull pilgrims to sleep. Remember Bunyan's description: “Then they came to an arbour, warm, and promising much refreshing to the weary pilgrims; for it was finely wrought above head, beautified with greens, and furnished with benches and settles. It had also in it a soft couch, where the weary might lean.” “The arbour was called the Slothful's Friend, and was made on purpose to allure, if it might be, some of the pilgrims to take up their rest there when weary.” Depend upon it, it is in easy places that men shut their eyes and wander into the dreamy land of forgetfulness. Old Erskine wisely remarked, “I like a roaring devil better than a sleeping devil.” There is no temptation half so dangerous as not being tempted. The distressed soul does not sleep; it is after we enter into peaceful confidence and full assurance that we are in danger of slumbering. The disciples fell asleep after they had seen Jesus transfigured on the mountain top. Take heed, joyous Christian, good frames are near neighbours to temptations: be as happy as you will, only be watchful.

《竭诚为主》10月23日 一点也不

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《竭诚为主》10月23日 一点也不








October 23 Not A Bit Of It!


“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away.” 2 Corinthians 5:17


Our Lord never nurses our prejudices, He mortifies them, runs clean athwart them. We imagine that God has a special interest in our particular prejudices; we are quite sure that God will never deal with us as He has to deal with other people. “God must deal with other people in a very stern way, but of course He knows that my prejudices are all right.” We have to learn – “Not a bit of it!” Instead of God being on the side of our prejudices, He is deliberately wiping them out. It is part of our moral education to have our prejudices run straight across by His providence, and to watch how He does it. God pays no respect to anything we bring to Him. There is only one thing God wants of us, and that is our unconditional surrender.


When we are born again, the Holy Spirit begins to work His new creation in us, and there will come a time when there is not a bit of the old order left, the old solemnity goes, the old attitude to things goes, and “all things are of God.” How are we going to get the life that has no lust, no self-interest, no sensitiveness to pokes, the love that is not provoked, that thinketh no evil, that is always kind? The only way is by allowing not a bit of the old life to be left; but only simple perfect trust in God, such trust that we no longer want God's blessings, but only want Himself. Have we come to the place where God can withdraw His blessings and it does not affect our trust in Him? When once we see God at work, we will never bother our heads about things that happen, because we are actually trusting in our Father in Heaven Whom the world cannot see.


用於 《竭诚为主》10月23日

Heavenly Sunlight

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用於 《信心的支票簿》10月23日

O Jesus Christ, Grow Thou in Me

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十月二十三日信心的支票簿 Faith's check book












Harvest of Light, Gladness


Scripture: "Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart" (Psalm 97:11).


Righteousness is often costly to the man who keeps to it at all hazards, but in the end it will bear its own expenses and return an infinite profit. A holy life is like sowing seed: much is going out, and apparently it is buried in the soil, never to be gathered up again. We are mistaken when we look for an immediate harvest; but the error is very natural, for it seems impossible to bury light. Yet light is "sown," says the text. It lies latent: none can see it; it is sown. We are quite sure that it must one day manifest itself.


Full sure are we that the LORD has set a harvest for the sower of light, and they shall reap it, each man for himself. Then shall come their gladness. Sheaves of joy for seeds of light. Their heart was upright before the LORD, though men gave them no credit for it, but even censured them: they were righteous, though those about them denounced them as censorious. They had to wait, as husbandmen wait for the precious fruits of the earth: but the light was sown for them, and gladness was being prepared on their behalf by the LORD of the harvest.

Courage, brothers! We need not be in a hurry. Let us in patience possess our souls, for soon shall our souls possess light and gladness.


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用於 《清晨甘露》十月二十四日

Give me oil in my lamp

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用於 《静夜亮光》十月二十四日

O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus

用於 《静夜亮光》十月二十四日











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经文: 祂……就洗门徒的脚。(约翰福音十三:5)




Evening, October 24


Scripture: “He began to wash the disciples’ feet.”(John 13:5)


The Lord Jesus loves his people so much, that every day he is still doing for them much that is analogous to washing their soiled feet. Their poorest actions he accepts; their deepest sorrow he feels; their slenderest wish he hears, and their every transgression he forgives. He is still their servant as well as their Friend and Master. He not only performs majestic deeds for them, as wearing the mitre on his brow, and the precious jewels glittering on his breastplate, and standing up to plead for them, but humbly, patiently, he yet goes about among his people with the basin and the towel. He does this when he puts away from us day by day our constant infirmities and sins. Last night, when you bowed the knee, you mournfully confessed that much of your conduct was not worthy of your profession; and even tonight, you must mourn afresh that you have fallen again into the selfsame folly and sin from which special grace delivered you long ago; and yet Jesus will have great patience with you; he will hear your confession of sin; he will say, “I will, be thou clean”; he will again apply the blood of sprinkling, and speak peace to your conscience, and remove every spot. It is a great act of eternal love when Christ once for all absolves the sinner, and puts him into the family of God; but what condescending patience there is when the Saviour with much long-suffering bears the oft recurring follies of his wayward disciple; day by day, and hour by hour, washing away the multiplied transgressions of his erring but yet beloved child! To dry up a flood of rebellion is something marvellous, but to endure the constant dropping of repeated offences-to bear with a perpetual trying of patience, this is divine indeed! While we find comfort and peace in our Lord's daily cleansing, its legitimate influence upon us will be to increase our watchfulness, and quicken our desire for holiness. Is it so?

《竭诚为主》10月24日 观点

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《竭诚为主》10月24日 观点


“感谢 神!常率领我们在基督里夸胜。”林后2:14






“因为我们在 神面前,无论在得救的人身上,或灭亡的人身上,都有基督馨香之气。”(15节)我们被耶稣的香气包围,无论我们走到哪里,都叫神舒畅,使人奇妙的恢复与神的关系。


October 24 The Viewpoint


“Now thanks be to God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 2:14


The viewpoint of a worker for God must not be as near the highest as he can get, it must be the highest. Be careful to maintain strenuously God's point of view, it has to be done every day, bit by bit; don't think on the finite. No outside power can touch the viewpoint.


The viewpoint to maintain is that we are here for one purpose only, viz., to be captives in the train of Christ's triumphs. We are not in God's showroom, we are here to exhibit one thing – the absolute captivity of our lives to Jesus Christ. How small the other points of view are – I am standing alone battling for Jesus; I have to maintain the cause of Christ and hold this fort for Him. Paul says – I am in the train of a conqueror, and it does not matter what the difficulties are, I am always led in triumph. Is this idea being worked out practically in us? Paul's secret joy was that God took him, a red-handed rebel against Jesus Christ, and made him a captive, and now that is all he is here for. Paul's joy was to be a captive of the Lord, he had no other interest in heaven or in earth. It is a shameful thing for a Christian to talk about getting the victory. The Victor ought to have got us so completely that it is His victory all the time, and we are more than conquerors through Him.


“For we are unto God a sweet saviour of Christ.” We are enwheeled with the odour of Jesus, and wherever we go we are a wonderful refreshment to God.


用於 《竭诚为主》10月24日

Make me a captive, Lord

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用於 《信心的支票簿》10月24日

A Mighty Fortress is our God

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十月二十四日信心的支票簿 Faith's check book












Godly Stability


Scripture: "And I will make thee unto this people a fenced brazen wall: and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, saith the LORD" (Jeremiah 15:20).


Stability in the fear and faith of God will make a man like a wall of brass, which no one can batter down or break. Only the LORD can make such; but we need such men in the church, and in the world, but specially in the pulpit.


Against uncompromising men of truth this age of shams will fight tooth and nail. Nothing seems to offend Satan and his seed like decision. They attack holy firmness even as the Assyrians besieged fenced cities. The joy is that they cannot prevail against those whom God has made strong in His strength. Carried about with every wind of doctrine, others only need to be blown upon and away they go; but those who love the doctrines of grace, because they possess the grace of the doctrines, stand like rocks in the midst of raging seas.


Whence this stability? "I am with thee, saith the LORD": that is the true answer. Jehovah will save and deliver faithful souls from all the assaults of the adversary. Hosts are against us, but the LORD of hosts is with us. We dare not budge an inch; for the LORD Himself holds us in our place, and there we will abide forever.


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