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用於 《清晨甘露》七月九日

Count Your Blessings

用於 《清晨甘露》七月九日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月九日

The Light of the World Is Jesus

用於 《静夜亮光》七月九日




不可忘记他的一切恩惠。(诗103:2)诗篇 103:2 诗篇 103


察看神在古圣徒的生活上所行的事是一件很快乐、很有益的事,看他的慈爱怎样拯救了他们,他的恩典怎样赦免了他们,他的信实怎样坚守与他们所定的约。但察看神在我们的生活上所行的事,不更是一件有趣并有益的事吗?我们不当看我们自己的生活史中也满了神,满了神的慈爱和诚实,证明他的信实和不变一如过去在圣徒身上所施行的吗?我们认为神只向古时的圣徒行大事、显异能,而不在这时行奇事,以大能的膀臂拯救现在还活在地上的圣徒,这是很不公正的一件事。让我们回想一下自己的生活,当然我们可以发现一些快乐的事,使我们重新荣耀我们的神。你没有被拯救的经验吗?你不曾经江河因着神的同在而得平稳渡过吗?你不曾经过烈火而毫未受伤吗?你不曾看到过神向你显现吗?你不曾得过他的特殊恩惠吗?曾满足所罗门心愿的神,不也听允你的呼求吗?大卫曾歌颂丰盛的神说:“他用美物使你所愿的得以知足。”他不也以肥甘使你饱足吗?你不曾躺卧在青草地上吗?你不曾到可安歇的水边吗?神对我们的慈爱和古圣徒是一样的。因此我们也当把他的恩典编成一支歌。让我们用感恩的精金,用赞美的珍宝做成一个冠冕戴在耶稣头上。当我们称赞神的时候 ,愿我们的心所发出的的歌声像大卫的琴弦所发出的乐声一样地好听。他的恩典存到永远


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经文: 上帝就把光、暗分开了。(创世记一:4)创世记 1:4 创世记 1




Evening, July 9


Scripture: “And God divided the light from the darkness.”(Genesis 1:4)


A believer has two principles at work within him. In his natural estate he was subject to one principle only, which was darkness; now light has entered, and the two principles disagree. Mark the apostle Paul's words in the seventh chapter of Romans: “I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: but I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members.” How is this state of things occasioned? “The Lord divided the light from the darkness.” Darkness, by itself, is quiet and undisturbed, but when the Lord sends in light, there is a conflict, for the one is in opposition to the other: a conflict which will never cease till the believer is altogether light in the Lord. If there be a division within the individual Christian, there is certain to be a division without. So soon as the Lord gives to any man light, he proceeds to separate himself from the darkness around; he secedes from a merely worldly religion of outward ceremonial, for nothing short of the gospel of Christ will now satisfy him, and he withdraws himself from worldly society and frivolous amusements, and seeks the company of the saints, for “We know we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren.” The light gathers to itself, and the darkness to itself. What God has divided, let us never try to unite, but as Christ went without the camp, bearing his reproach, so let us come out from the ungodly, and be a peculiar people. He was holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners; and, as he was, so we are to be nonconformists to the world, dissenting from all sin, and distinguished from the rest of mankind by our likeness to our Master.

《竭诚为主》7月9日 伟大的探查

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《竭诚为主》 7月9日


你们不能事奉耶和华。(书二十四19)约书亚记 24:19 约书亚记 24










July 9 The Great Probing


“Ye cannot serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:19


Have you the slightest reliance on anything other than God? Is there a remnant of reliance left on any natural virtue, any set of circumstances? Are you relying on yourself in any particular in this new proposition which God has put before you? That is what the probing means. It is quite true to say – “I cannot live a holy life,” but you can decide to let Jesus Christ make you holy. “Ye cannot serve the Lord God”; but you can put yourself in the place where God's almighty power will come through you. Are you sufficiently right with God to expect Him to manifest His wonderful life in you?


“Nay, but we will serve the Lord.” It is not an impulse, but a deliberate commitment. You say – But God can never have called me to this, I am too unworthy, it can't mean me. It does mean you, and the weaker and feebler you are, the better. The one who has something to trust in is the last one to come anywhere near saying – “I will serve the Lord.”


We say – “If I really could believe!” The point is – If I really will believe. No wonder Jesus Christ lays such emphasis on the sin of unbelief. “And He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.” If we really believed that God meant what He said – what should we be like! Dare I really let God be to me all that He says He will be?


用於 《竭诚为主》7月9日

O For A Faith That Will Not Shrink

用於 《竭诚为主》7月9日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月09日

All for Jesus

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月09日


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七月九日 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文: 「我眼要看国中的诚实人,叫他们与我同住。行为完全的,他要伺候我。」(诗篇101︰6)诗篇 101


若大卫曾说这些话,想必大卫的后裔,主耶稣,也必存同样的心思。耶稣看顾忠心的仆人,祂定睛在他们身上,要鉴察他们,带领他们,鼓励他们,奖赏他们。那向 神心存诚实心的, 神必不忽略,这位伟大君王亲自用眼目看顾他们。


蒙 神眷顾,有两个结果。其一:「叫他们与我同住」。耶稣要领那忠心的仆人住进祂的家,进入祂的殿,与祂为伴,享受同在的团契。我们若对主忠诚,祂就要向我们彰显祂自己。我们因忠心而牺牲得越多, 神奖赏我们也越多;人们越是逼迫我们, 神就越亲近我们。


其二:「行为完全的,他要伺候我。」耶稣为了自己的荣耀要使用这样的人,就是那些鄙视邪恶计谋,对耶稣、祂的话语和祂的十架忠心的人。这些人会成为耶稣高贵的随从、永生王尊贵的仆人。 神荣耀的同在和 神的使用是对忠心的人莫大奖赏。主啊,求祢让我对祢忠心,好使我享受与祢的同在,得以服侍祢!


Faithful and Useful


Scripture: "Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me"(Psalm 101:6).

If David spoke thus, we may be sure that the Son of David will be of the same mind. Jesus looks out for faithful men, and He fixes His eyes upon them, to observe them, to bring them forward, to encourage them, and to reward them. Let no true-hearted man think that he is overlooked; the King Himself has His eye upon him.


There are two results of this royal notice. First we read, "That they may dwell with me." Jesus brings the faithful into His house, He sets them in His palace, He makes them His companions, He delights in their society. We must be true to our LORD, and He will then manifest Himself to us. When our faithfulness costs us most, it will be best rewarded; the more furiously men reject, the more joyfully will our LORD receive us.


Next, he says of the sincere man, "He shall serve me." Jesus will use for His own glory those who scorn the tricks of policy and are faithful to Himself, His Word, and His cross. These shall be in His royal retinue, the honored servants of His Majesty. Communion and usefulness are the wages of faithfulness. LORD make me faithful that I may dwell with Thee and serve Thee.


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  感谢神,神给了我们多大的安慰! 这真像火焰中忽然来了一阵细雨,又像给我们穿上了一身耐火衣,使火势不能将我们焚伤。苦难啊,你尽管来吧,神已经拣选了我。贫穷啊,疾病啊,你们尽管来袭击我吧,神已经拣选了我。无论什么患难临到我的时候,我就知道神已经拣选了我。




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用於 《清晨甘露》七月十日


用於 《清晨甘露》七月十日

Jerusalem - The Holy City

用於 《清晨甘露》七月十日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月十日

Since Jesus Came Into My Heart

用於 《静夜亮光》七月十日




是与圣徒同国。(弗2:19)以弗所书 2:19 以弗所书 2




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经文: 有晚上、有早晨,这是头一日。(创世记一:5)创世记 1:5 创世记 1




Evening, July 10


Scripture: “And the evening and the morning were the first day.”(Genesis 1:5)


The evening was “darkness” and the morning was “light,” and yet the two together are called by the name that is given to the light alone! This is somewhat remarkable, but it has an exact analogy in spiritual experience. In every believer there is darkness and light, and yet he is not to be named a sinner because there is sin in him, but he is to be named a saint because he possesses some degree of holiness. This will be a most comforting thought to those who are mourning their infirmities, and who ask, “Can I be a child of God while there is so much darkness in me?” Yes; for you, like the day, take not your name from the evening, but from the morning; and you are spoken of in the word of God as if you were even now perfectly holy as you will be soon. You are called the child of light, though there is darkness in you still. You are named after what is the predominating quality in the sight of God, which will one day be the only principle remaining. Observe that the evening comes first. Naturally we are darkness first in order of time, and the gloom is often first in our mournful apprehension, driving us to cry out in deep humiliation, “God be merciful to me, a sinner.” The place of the morning is second, it dawns when grace overcomes nature. It is a blessed aphorism of John Bunyan, “That which is last, lasts for ever.” That which is first, yields in due season to the last; but nothing comes after the last. So that though you are naturally darkness, when once you become light in the Lord, there is no evening to follow; “thy sun shall no more go down.” The first day in this life is an evening and a morning; but the second day, when we shall be with God, for ever, shall be a day with no evening, but one, sacred, high, eternal noon.

《竭诚为主》7月10日 属灵怠惰

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又要彼此相顾,激发爱心,勉励行善。你们不可停止聚会。(来十24-25)希伯来书 10:24-25 希伯来书 10










July 10 The Spiritual Sluggard


“Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works; not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.” Hebrews 10:24-25


We are all capable of being spiritual sluggards; we do not want to mix with the rough and tumble of life as it is, our one object is to secure retirement. The note struck in Hebrews 10 is that of provoking one another and of keeping together – both of which require initiative, the initiative of Christ-realization, not of self-realization. To live a remote, retired, secluded life is the antipodes of spirituality as Jesus Christ taught it.


The test of our spirituality comes when we come up against injustice and meanness and ingratitude and turmoil, all of which have the tendency to make us spiritual sluggards. We want to use prayer and Bible reading for the purpose of retirement. We utilize God for the sake of getting peace and joy, that is, we do not want to realize Jesus Christ, but only our enjoyment of Him. This is the first step in the wrong direction. All these things are effects and we try to make them causes.


“I think it meet,” said Peter, “. . . to stir you up by putting you in remembrance.” It is a most disturbing thing to be smitten in the ribs by some provoker of God, by someone who is full of spiritual activity. Active work and spiritual activity are not the same thing. Active work may be the counterfeit of spiritual activity. The danger of spiritual sluggishness is that we do not wish to be stirred up, all we want to hear about is spiritual retirement. Jesus Christ never encourages the idea of retirement – “Go tell My brethren . .”


用於 《竭诚为主》7月10日

Come, Holy Spirit

用於 《竭诚为主》7月10日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月10日

I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月10日

詩歌背後故事(英文) [诗歌作者曾任耶鲁大学校长,


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七月十日 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文: 「祢必起来怜恤锡安,因现在是可怜她的时候,日期已经到了。祢的仆人原来喜悦她的石头,可怜她的尘土。」(诗篇102︰13,14)诗篇 102


我们为教会所做的祷告, 神必垂听,祂是不误事的 神,祂的时刻必会来到。我们喜爱祷告会、主日学以及 神家里各样的服侍。我们心里记挂着所有属 神的人,并能够真心地说︰祢的羊群中未曾有一只,我不屑于喂养;因敬畏祢的缘故,未曾有一个仇敌,我未到其面前辩论。


若这是我们真实情感的表达,我们很快定会被 神同在的喜乐复兴:会众增加、圣徒复兴、罪人悔改。这一切都仰赖主的恩典,这恩典必会来到,我们理应翘首企盼这日子,因这时辰, 神早已设定,必不耽延。

让我们彼此激励,爱锡安的每一块活石,即使这活石并不坚固。让我们珍惜每一项教导,遵守每一个仪式,爱护每一位肢体,即使世人视他们如尘沙般渺小。当我们爱锡安, 神对她的爱也将彰显。若我们以圣工为乐,主祂自己也必将这圣工视为美好。



Love the Church


Scripture: "Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come. For Thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favor the dust thereof"(Psalm 102:13-14).


Yes, our prayers for the church will be heard. The set time is come. We love the prayer meetings, and the Sunday school, and all the services of the LORD's house. We are bound in heart to all the people of God and can truly say,


There's not a lamb in all thy flock

I would disdain to feed

There's not a foe before whose face

I'd fear thy cause to plead.


If this is the general feeling, we shall soon enjoy times of refreshing from the presence of the LORD. Our assemblies will be filled, saints will be revived, and sinners will be converted. This can only come of the LORD's mercy; but it will come, and we are called upon to expect it. The time, the set time, is come. Let us bestir ourselves. Let us love every stone of our Zion, even though it may be fallen down. Let us treasure up the least truth, the least ordinance, the least believer, even though some may despise them as only so much dust. When we favor Zion, God is about to favor her. When we take pleasure in the LORD's work, the LORD Himself will take pleasure in it.


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  主有时延迟他的救助,为着要试炼我们的信心,催促我们的祈祷。船被波浪掩盖了,耶稣却仍睡着;但是在船沉以前,他自然会醒过来的。他睡是睡,却从来不会睡过度;在他没有“太迟了”的事情的。——马克拉伦(Alexander Maclaren)


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用於 《清晨甘露》七月十一日

O To be like Thee

用於 《清晨甘露》七月十一日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月十一日

Happy the home when God is there

用於 《静夜亮光》七月十一日




等你们暂受苦难之后,必要亲自成全你们,坚固你们,赐力量给你们。(彼前5:10)彼得前书 5:10 彼得前书 5




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经文: 你要将这事传与子、子传与孙、孙传与后代。(约珥书一:3)约珥书 1




Evening, July 11


Scripture: “Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation.”(Joel 1:3)


In this simple way, by God's grace, a living testimony for truth is always to be kept alive in the land-the beloved of the Lord are to hand down their witness for the gospel, and the covenant to their heirs, and these again to their next descendants. This is our first duty, we are to begin at the family hearth: he is a bad preacher who does not commence his ministry at home. The heathen are to be sought by all means, and the highways and hedges are to be searched, but home has a prior claim, and woe unto those who reverse the order of the Lord's arrangements. To teach our children is a personal duty; we cannot delegate it to Sunday school teachers, or other friendly aids; these can assist us, but cannot deliver us from the sacred obligation; proxies and sponsors are wicked devices in this case: mothers and fathers must, like Abraham, command their households in the fear of God, and talk with their offspring concerning the wondrous works of the Most High. Parental teaching is a natural duty-who so fit to look to the child's well-being as those who are the authors of his actual being? To neglect the instruction of our offspring is worse than brutish. Family religion is necessary for the nation, for the family itself, and for the church of God. By a thousand plots Popery is covertly advancing in our land, and one of the most effectual means for resisting its inroads is left almost neglected, namely, the instruction of children in the faith. Would that parents would awaken to a sense of the importance of this matter. It is a pleasant duty to talk of Jesus to our sons and daughters, and the more so because it has often proved to be an accepted work, for God has saved the children through the parents’ prayers and admonitions. May every house into which this volume shall come honour the Lord and receive his smile.

《竭诚为主》7月11日 属灵的圣徒

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《竭诚为主》 7月11日


“使人认识基督。”(腓三10)腓立比书 3:10 腓立比书 3








July 11 The Spiritual Saint


“That I may know Him.” Philippians 3:10


The initiative of the saint is not towards self-realization, but towards knowing Jesus Christ. The spiritual saint never believes circumstances to be haphazard, or thinks of his life as secular and sacred; he sees everything he is dumped down in as the means of securing the knowledge of Jesus Christ. There is a reckless abandonment about him. The Holy Spirit is determined that we shall realize Jesus Christ in every domain of life, and He will bring us back to the same point again and again until we do. Self-realization leads to the enthronement of work; whereas the saint enthrones Jesus Christ in his work. Whether it be eating or drinking or washing disciples feet, whatever it is, we have to take the initiative of realizing Jesus Christ in it. Every phase of our actual life has its counterpart in the life of Jesus. Our Lord realized His relationship to the Father even in the most menial work. “Jesus knowing . . . that He was come from God, and went to God . . . took a towel . . . and began to wash the disciples' feet.”


The aim of the spiritual saint is “that I may know Him.” Do I know Him where I am to-day? If not, I am failing Him. I am here not to realize myself, but to know Jesus. In Christian work the initiative is too often the realization that something has to be done and I must do it. That is never the attitude of the spiritual saint, his aim is to secure the realization of Jesus Christ in every set of circumstances he is in.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月11日

More About Jesus

用於 《竭诚为主》7月11日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月11日

Now I Belong To Jesus

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月11日


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七月十一日 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文: 「凡活着信我的人必永远不死。你信这话吗?」(约翰福音11︰26)约翰福音 11


是的,主,我相信,我将永远不死。我们的灵魂或许会和我们身体分离,这是一种的死;但若我们的灵魂与 神分离,这才是真正的死——这死乃是罪的代价——再也没有比这种与 神分离的死的刑罚更可怕的了。


我们确知没有什么能将我们与 神的爱隔绝,这爱是在我们主基督耶稣里面的。我们连于元首基督,是祂的肢体,谁能让基督舍弃祂任何一部分的肢体呢?我们是基督的新妇,祂又怎会离弃我们呢?这是不可能的。在我们里面有 神的生命,那是无法和 神分离的;是的,圣灵也内住在我们里面,我们如何会死呢?耶稣祂自己就是我们的生命,因此,我们定不会死,因祂不会再死。在耶稣里面,我们向罪死了,只有一次,这样的极刑不会有第二次。现在我们活着,是向着 神永远活着。公义的奖赏是永生;而我们有的,就是 神的公义。因此,我们可以向 神要这最高的奖赏。




Never Separated from God


Scripture: "And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believeth thou this?"(John 11:26).


Yes, LORD, we believe it; we shall never die. Our soul may be separated from our body, and this is death of a kind; but our soul shall never be separated from God, which is the true death -- the death which was threatened to sin -- the death penalty which is the worst that can happen. We believe this most assuredly, for who shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our LORD? We are members of the Body of Christ; will Christ lose parts of His Body? We are married to Jesus; will He be bereaved and widowed? It is not possible. There is a life within us which is not capable of being divided from God: yea, and the Holy Spirit dwells within us, and how then can we die? Jesus, Himself, is our life, and therefore there is no dying for us, for He cannot die again. In Him we died unto sin once, and the capital sentence cannot a second time be executed. Now we live, and live forever. The reward of righteousness is life everlasting, and we have nothingless than the righteousness of God, and therefore can claim the very highest reward.


Living and believing, we believe that we shall live and enjoy. Wherefore we press forward with full assurance that our life is secure in our living Head.


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哈曼为末底改预备了五丈高的木架,要把末底改悬挂其上;木架是仇敌给末底改预备的,要把有义有功的人悬挂起来。主耶稣的十字架也是仇敌给祂预备的,主耶稣更是那无罪的,但是仇敌把祂挂在上面。这十字架的道路就是为义受苦的道路,凡跟随主的人也都有自己的十字架,这个十字架不是强盗的十字架,我们所背的十字架乃是与主的十字架同类。我们若走主的道路,就有与主同样的十字架,我们若不走主的道路而有十字架,那么我们的十字架就与强盗的同类;不是为义受逼迫,乃是为自己的罪受苦。  常听有人说:「我的十字架太沉重了!」不知道他的十字架是与主的十字架同类,还是与强盗的十字架同类?是为义受苦,还是为罪受苦?若是与主的同类,那是荣耀的十字架,是被记念的十字架,是得冠冕的十字架;若是与强盗的同类,不但没有荣耀,没有冠冕,反而羞辱了主的名。






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用於 《清晨甘露》七月十二日

Nor Silver Nor Gold

用於 《清晨甘露》七月十二日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月十二日

The Home Over There

用於 《静夜亮光》七月十二日


希伯來書12:1 "我們既有這許多的見證人 、如同雲彩圍著我們"




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被父神所分别为圣。(改译)(犹:1);在基督耶稣里成圣。(林前1:2);藉着圣灵得成圣洁。(彼前1:2)犹大书 1 哥林多前书 1:2 哥林多前书 1




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经文: 祂的天国。(提摩太后书四:18)提摩太后书 4:18 提摩太后书 4




Evening, July 12


Scripture: “His heavenly kingdom.”(2 Timothy 4:18)


Yonder city of the great King is a place of active service. Ransomed spirits serve him day and night in his temple. They never cease to fulfil the good pleasure of their King. They always “rest,” so far as ease and freedom from care is concerned; and never “rest,” in the sense of indolence or inactivity. Jerusalem the golden is the place of communion with all the people of God. We shall sit with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in eternal fellowship. We shall hold high converse with the noble host of the elect, all reigning with him who by his love and his potent arm has brought them safely home. We shall not sing solos, but in chorus shall we praise our King. Heaven is a place of victory realized. Whenever, Christian, thou hast achieved a victory over thy lusts-whenever after hard struggling, thou hast laid a temptation dead at thy feet-thou hast in that hour a foretaste of the joy that awaits thee when the Lord shall shortly tread Satan under thy feet, and thou shalt find thyself more than conqueror through him who hath loved thee. Paradise is a place of security. When you enjoy the full assurance of faith, you have the pledge of that glorious security which shall be yours when you are a perfect citizen of the heavenly Jerusalem. O my sweet home, Jerusalem, thou happy harbour of my soul! Thanks, even now, to him whose love hath taught me to long for thee; but louder thanks in eternity, when I shall possess thee.“My soul has tasted of the grapes,And now it longs to goWhere my dear Lord his vineyard keepsAnd all the clusters grow.“Upon the true and living vine,My famish'd soul would feast,And banquet on the fruit divine,An everlasting guest.”

《竭诚为主》7月12日 属灵的团体

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《竭诚为主》 7月12日


直等到我们众人……长大成人,满有基督长成的身量。(弗四13)以弗所书 4:13 以弗所书 4






July 12 The Spiritual Society


“Till we all come . . unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13


Rehabilitation means the putting back of the whole human race into the relationship God designed it to be in, and this is what Jesus Christ did in Redemption. The Church ceases to be a spiritual society when it is on the look-out for the development of its own organization. The rehabilitation of the human race on Jesus Christ's plan means the realization of Jesus Christ in corporate life as well as in individual life. Jesus Christ sent apostles and teachers for this purpose – that the corporate Personality might be realized. We are not here to develop a spiritual life of our own, or to enjoy spiritual retirement; we are here so to realize Jesus Christ that the Body of Christ may be built up.


Am I building up the Body of Christ, or am I looking for my own personal development only? The essential thing is my personal relationship to Jesus Christ – “That I may know Him.” To fulfil God's design means entire abandonment to Him. Whenever I want things for myself, the relationship is distorted. It will be a big humiliation to realize that I have not been concerned about realizing Jesus Christ, but only about realizing what He has done for me.


“My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace,

Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.”


Am I measuring my life by this standard or by anything less?

我心所追求乃是神自己 (大270)

用於 《竭诚为主》7月12日

My Goal is God Himself

用於 《竭诚为主》7月12日




用於 《信心的支票簿》07月12日

Be Still My Soul

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月12日


[英国人李爱锐,英語:Eric Henry Liddell,1902年1月16日-1945年2月21日) 是苏格兰运动员,基督教新教传教士,。他是第一位在中国出生的奥运会金牌得主。


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七月十二日 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文: 「主知道搭救敬虔的人脱离试探,把不义的人留在刑罚之下,等候审判的日子。」(彼得后书2︰9)彼得后书 2


信心若未经过考验,就不知其真假;因此属 神的人会受到试探与考验。但 神必要拯救信徒脱离试探与考验,不是碰运气,或是靠他人,而是 神亲自要来拯救信靠祂的人。 神喜悦爱主的人,祂关心他们身处何境。


有时候信徒的景况,有如身陷迷宫,不知如何躲避迎面而来的危险;但我们不知道的, 神都知道;祂知道在什么时间,用什么方式,搭救哪一个人。在对我们最有利的时候,祂会给予仇敌致命的一击,好让祂得着最大的荣耀。我们大可放心地把自己交在 神的手中,尽情享受 神所赐的安息,知道无论如何, 神必会带领信徒经过难关,渡过险境,平安地走过这短暂寄居的客旅岁月去到祂荣耀的右手边。


我们无需急于窥视天机,只要耐性等候 神的时候。虽然我们对未来一无所知,但 神知道一切,祂必掌管明天。


Whom, When, How to Deliver


Scripture: "The LORD knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished"(2 Peter 2:9).

The godly are tempted and tried. That is not true faith which is never put to the test. But the godly are delivered out of their trials, and that not by chance, nor by secondary agencies, but by the LORD Himself. He personally undertakes the office of delivering those who trust Him. God loves the godly or godlike, and He makes a point of knowing where they are and how they fare.


Sometimes their way seems to be a labyrinth, and they cannot imagine how they are to escape from threatening danger. What they do not know, their LORD knows. He knows whom to deliver, and when to deliver, and how to deliver. He delivers in the way which is most beneficial to the godly, most crushing to the tempter, and most glorifying to Himself. We may leave the "how" with the LORD and be content to rejoice in the fact that He will, in some way or other, bring His own people through all the dangers, trials, and temptations for this mortal life to His own right hand in glory.


This day it is not for me to pry into my LORD's secrets but patiently to wait His time, knowing this, that though I know nothing, my heavenly Father knows.


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用於 《清晨甘露》七月十三日

Jesus, thy blood and righteousness

用於 《清晨甘露》七月十三日


[辛辛铎夫. 维基百科翻譯為:青岑多夫]

用於 《静夜亮光》七月十三日

On Calvary's Brow My Savior Died

用於 《静夜亮光》七月十三日




你……发怒合乎理吗?(拿4:9)约拿书 4:9 约拿书 4




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经文: 我呼求的日子,我的仇敌都要转身退后。上帝帮助我,这是我所知道的。(诗篇五十六:9)诗篇 56




Evening, July 13


Scripture: “When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.”(Psalm 56:9)


It is impossible for any human speech to express the full meaning of this delightful phrase, “God is for me.” He was “for us” before the worlds were made; he was “for us,” or he would not have given his well-beloved son; he was “for us” when he smote the Only-begotten, and laid the full weight of his wrath upon him-he was “for us,” though he was against him; he was “for us,” when we were ruined in the fall-he loved us notwithstanding all; he was “for us,” when we were rebels against him, and with a high hand were bidding him defiance; he was “for us,” or he would not have brought us humbly to seek his face. He has been “for us” in many struggles; we have been summoned to encounter hosts of dangers; we have been assailed by temptations from without and within-how could we have remained unharmed to this hour if he had not been “for us”? He is “for us,” with all the infinity of his being; with all the omnipotence of his love; with all the infallibility of his wisdom; arrayed in all his divine attributes, he is “for us,”-eternally and immutably “for us”; “for us” when yon blue skies shall be rolled up like a worn out vesture; “for us” throughout eternity. And because he is “for us,” the voice of prayer will always ensure his help. “When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies be turned back.” This is no uncertain hope, but a well grounded assurance-“this I know.” I will direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up for the answer, assured that it will come, and that mine enemies shall be defeated, “for God is for me.” O believer, how happy art thou with the King of kings on thy side! How safe with such a Protector! How sure thy cause pleaded by such an Advocate! If God be for thee, who can be against thee?

《竭诚为主》7月13日 异象的代价

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当乌西雅王崩的那年,我见主坐在高高的宝座上。(赛六1)以赛亚书 6:1 以赛亚书 6







July 13 The Price Of Vision


“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord.” Isaiah 6:1


Our soul's history with God is frequently the history of the “passing of the hero.” Over and over again God has to remove our friends in order to bring Himself in their place, and that is where we faint and fail and get discouraged. Take it personally: In the year that the one who stood to me for all that God was, died – I gave up everything? I became ill? I got disheartened? or – I saw the Lord?


My vision of God depends upon the state of my character. Character determines revelation. Before I can say “I saw also the Lord,” there must be something corresponding to God in my character. Until I am born again and begin to see the Kingdom of God, I see along the line of my prejudices only; I need the surgical operation of external events and an internal purification.


It must be God first, God second, and God third, until the life is faced steadily with God and no one else is of any account whatever. “In all the world there is none but thee, my God, there is none but thee.” Keep paying the price. Let God see that you are willing to live up to the vision.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月13日

Be Thou My Vision

用於 《竭诚为主》7月13日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月13日

My Father Watches Over Me

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月13日


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七月十三日 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文: 「我定要搭救你,你不至倒在刀下,却要以自己的命为掠物,因你依靠我。这是耶和华说的。」(耶利米书39︰18)


信靠 神是何等稳妥可靠。耶路撒冷的君王倒在刀下,但穷困的以伯米勒(古实人)却平安无恙,只因他信赖耶和华。耶和华是永生 神,造我们的主,除祂以外我们能信靠谁呢?若我们不选择信靠造物主,反倒选择其他的受造物,岂不至为愚蠢?愿我们在凡事上凭信心仰赖主,那么我们定可免于一切危险。那些信靠主的不曾枉然信靠,信实的主必保守他们永远平安。


主说︰“我必定要搭救你。”请看“必定”这两字:凡事都可能变化,但 神对信徒的爱是永远不变; 神是慈爱的守护者,在祂翅膀的荫疪下,即使灾祸临到,也定有稳妥安全。我们可愿照这应许的,接受这福份?那么在急难时,就会发现这应许的确有效。或许我们会因为自己的人脉广、能力强、运气好,而以为自己能渡过难关,但这些都远不及 神的应许:“我定要搭救你……因你倚靠我”。亲爱的朋友,来信靠主,你会发现这样的生活是何等的甘甜稳妥。


Implicit Trust


Scripture: "For I will surely deliver thee, and thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thy life shall be for a prey unto thee: because thou hast put thy trust in Me, saith the LORD"(Jeremiah 39:18).


Behold the protecting power of trust in God. The great men of Jerusalem fell by the sword, but poor Ebed-melech was secure, for his confidence was in Jehovah. Where else should a man trust but in his Maker? We are foolish when we prefer the creature to the Creator. Oh, that we could in all things live by faith, then should we be delivered in all time of danger! No one ever did trust in the LORD in vain, and no one ever shall.


The LORD saith, "I will surely deliver thee." Mark the divine "surely." Whatever else may be uncertain, God's care of believers is sure. God Himself is the guardian of the gracious. Under His sacred wing there is safety even when every danger is abroad. Can we accept this promise as sure? Then in our present emergency we shall find that it stands fast. We hope to be delivered because we have friends, or because we are prudent, or because we can see hopeful signs; but none of these things are one-half so good as God's simple "because thou hast put thy trust in me." Dear reader, try this way, and, trying it, you will keep to it all your life. It is as sweet as it is sure.


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  亚伯拉罕为什么这样信靠神?照世人的眼光来看,亚伯拉罕到了这么大的年龄,是不能再有做父亲的希望了; 但是神却在他还没有一些生子的兆头以先,就叫他“多国的父”了;神既这样说,亚伯拉罕就这样信。




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用於 《清晨甘露》七月十四日

What a Wonderful Savior

用於 《清晨甘露》七月十四日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月十四日

I Do Not Know Where They Have Laid Him

用於 《静夜亮光》七月十四日




因你在上头一动家具,就把坛污秽了。(出20:25)出埃及记 20:25 出埃及记 20




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经文: 天快亮的时候,抹大拉的马利亚……来看坟墓。(马太福音二十八:1)马太福音 28:1 马太福音 28


让我们向抹大拉的马利亚学习与主耶稣相交的方法。请注意她是怎样去找寻祂的。她在清晨极早的时刻去找寻救主。你若等待,并且耐心的希望在某一遥远的时刻能与基督相交,你永远不可能等到。已经准备好相交的心是一颗饥渴的心。她带着极大的勇气去寻找祂。其他门徒都逃走躲藏了,但是马利亚站在坟墓旁(参阅约二十:11)约翰福音 20:11。你若渴望基督与你同在,不要让任何事物阻挠你。要不顾世界。当别人都逃跑时,努力前进。她忠诚地寻找基督──她站在坟墓旁。有人以为站在活的救主身旁甚为困难,但是她敢站在死人旁边。愿我们以这样方式去寻找基督,虽然别人都遗弃祂,我们却仍然忠诚。她迫切地寻找耶稣。她站在那里哭。那些眼泪引领救主前来,向她显现。你若渴望耶稣的同在,哭泣吧!若没有祂来对你说:“你是我所爱的”,你就无法决乐,那很快你就会听到祂的声音。她单单寻找救主。她不关心天使的出现。她要寻找的只是她的主。基督若是你唯一的爱人,你若已从心中排除所有匹对者,就必能得着有祂同在的安慰。抹大拉的马利亚寻找耶稣,因为她极爱祂。但愿我们能充满如此强烈的爱。但愿我们的心像马利亚的心,充满了基督。除祂没有任何别的事物可以满足我们的爱,就像马利亚一般。


Evening, July 14


Scripture: “As it began to dawn, came Magdalene, to see the sepulchre.”(Matthew 28:1)


Let us learn from Mary Magdalene how to obtain fellowship with the Lord Jesus. Notice how she sought. She sought the Saviour very early in the morning. If thou canst wait for Christ, and be patient in the hope of having fellowship with him at some distant season, thou wilt never have fellowship at all; for the heart that is fitted for communion is a hungering and a thirsting heart. She sought him also with very great boldness. Other disciples fled from the sepulchre, for they trembled and were amazed; but Mary, it is said, “stood” at the sepulchre. If you would have Christ with you, seek him boldly. Let nothing hold you back. Defy the world. Press on where others flee. She sought Christ faithfully-she stood at the sepulchre. Some find it hard to stand by a living Saviour, but she stood by a dead one. Let us seek Christ after this mode, cleaving to the very least thing that has to do with him, remaining faithful though all others should forsake him. Note further, she sought Jesus earnestly-she stood “weeping”. Those tear-droppings were as spells that led the Saviour captive, and made him come forth and show himself to her. If you desire Jesus’ presence, weep after it! If you cannot be happy unless he come and say to you, “Thou art my beloved,” you will soon hear his voice. Lastly, she sought the Saviour only. What cared she for angels, she turned herself back from them; her search was only for her Lord. If Christ be your one and only love, if your heart has cast out all rivals, you will not long lack the comfort of his presence. Mary Magdalene sought thus because she loved much. Let us arouse ourselves to the same intensity of affection; let our heart, like Mary's, be full of Christ, and our love, like hers, will be satisfied with nothing short of himself. O Lord, reveal thyself to us this evening!

《竭诚为主》7月14日 逼迫的账

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《竭诚为主》 7月14日


只是我告诉你们,不要与恶人作对。有人打你的右脸,连左脸也转过来由他打。(太五39)马太福音 5








July 14 The Account With Persecution


“But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matthew 5:39, etc


These verses reveal the humiliation of being a Christian. Naturally, if a man does not hit back, it is because he is a coward; but spiritually if a man does not hit back, it is a manifestation of the Son of God in him. When you are insulted, you must not only not resent it, but make it an occasion to exhibit the Son of God. You cannot imitate the disposition of Jesus; it is either there or it is not. To the saint personal insult becomes the occasion of revealing the incredible sweetness of the Lord Jesus.


The teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is not – Do your duty, but – Do what is not your duty. It is not your duty to go the second mile, to turn the other cheek, but Jesus says if we are His disciples we shall always do these things. There will be no spirit of – “Oh, well, I cannot do any more, I have been so misrepresented and misunderstood.” Every time I insist upon my rights, I hurt the Son of God; whereas I can prevent Jesus from being hurt if I take the blow myself. That is the meaning of filling up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ. The disciple realizes that it is his Lord's honour that is at stake in his life, not his own honour.

Never look for right in the other man, but never cease to be right yourself. We are always looking for justice; the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is – Never look for justice, but never cease to give it.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月14日

O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee

用於 《竭诚为主》7月14日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月14日

God Will Take Care of You

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月14日


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七月十四日 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book


将重担卸给 神


经文:「你要把你的重担卸给耶和华,祂必抚养你,祂永不叫义人动摇。」(诗篇55:22) 诗篇 55


若有重担,赶紧将它卸给全能的 神。这重担或许会将你压垮,但对 神而言,却算不得什么。若你被命定要接受这样的压力与遭遇, 神会替你承担,你不用单独承受这一切;有 神为你托住这重担,这压力将成为你的祝福。无论遇到任何苦恼麻烦,把它带到 神的面前,这重担将变得轻省。


我们最担心的,就是试炼会把我们击溃,叫我们无法正常度日,但 神绝不会如此。若我们在祂面前存无愧的心, 神不会让我们因受考验而站立不住。我们在耶稣里得以称义, 神也会在耶稣里保守我们。


你目前的光景如何?你正单独承受重担吗?你被压得喘不过气来吗?别傻了,把一切忧虑向 神倾诉,让祂为你解决问题。学习交托的功课,不要祷告交托后又重拾重担。把它卸给 神。如此,你就可成为快乐的信徒,自由自在毫无牵挂地,一路唱歌赞美那为你担负重担的伟大 神。


Burdens Cast on Him


Scripture: "Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee; He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved"(Psalm 55:22).


It is a heavy burden; roll it on Omnipotence. It is thy burden now, and it crushes thee; but when the LORD takes it, He will make nothing of it. If thou art called still to bear, "he will sustain thee." It will be on Him and not on thee. Thou wilt be so upheld under it that the burden will be a blessing. Bring the LORD into the matter, and thou wilt stand upright under that which in itself would bow thee down.


Our worst fear is lest our trial should drive us from the path of duty; but this the LORD will never suffer. If we are righteous before Him, He will not endure that our affliction should move us from our standing. In Jesus He accepts us as righteous, and in Jesus He will keep us so.


What about the present moment? Art thou going forth to this day's trial alone? Are thy poor shoulders again to be galled with the oppressive load? Be not so foolish. Tell the LORD all about thy grief and leave it with Him. Don't cast your burden down and then take it up again; but roll it on the LORD and leave it there. Then shalt thou walk at large, a joyful and unburdened believer, singing the praises of thy great Burden-bearer.


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  他立刻回到木椿那里,指着木椿说:“你看,魔鬼先生,你看见那根木椿吗?那就是我的证人——证明神已经永远接受了我。”魔鬼立即离开了他,这位弟兄对于这个问题,以后再没有什么疑惑了。 ——微小的声音(The still small Voice)  亲爱的,如果你也受了引诱疑惑你的奉献的话,你也可以在一个地方钉下一根木椿,让它在神前,魔鬼前,做一个证人说,你已经永远解决了这个问题。


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用於 《清晨甘露》七月十五日

Prayer Is The Incense To God

用於 《清晨甘露》七月十五日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月十五日

Glorious Freedom

用於 《静夜亮光》七月十五日


希伯來書12:1 "我們既有這許多的見證人 、如同雲彩圍著我們"

1915  — 1996

Mary Andrews


http://bdcconline.net/zh-hans/stories/an-meirui (简体)



在坛上必有常常烧着的火,不可熄灭。(利6:13)利未记 6




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经文: 祂先向抹大拉的马利亚显现。(马可福音十六:9)马可福音 16:9 马可福音 16




Evening, July 15

Scripture: “He appeared first to Mary Magdalene.”(Mark 16:9)


Jesus “appeared first to Mary Magdalene,” probably not only on account of her great love and persevering seeking, but because, as the context intimates,she had been a special trophy of Christ's delivering power. Learn from this, that the greatness of our sin before conversion should not make us imagine that we may not be specially favoured with the very highest grade of fellowship. She was one who had left all to become a constant attendant on the Saviour. He was her first, her chief object. Many who were on Christ's side did not take up Christ's cross; she did. She spent her substance in relieving his wants. If we would see much of Christ, let us serve him. Tell me who they are that sit oftenest under the banner of his love, and drink deepest draughts from the cup of communion, and I am sure they will be those who give most, who serve best, and who abide closest to the bleeding heart of their dear Lord. But notice how Christ revealed himself to this sorrowing one-by a word, “Mary.” It needed but one word in his voice, and at once she knew him, and her heart owned allegiance by another word, her heart was too full to say more. That one word would naturally be the most fitting for the occasion. It implies obedience. She said, “Master.” There is no state of mind in which this confession of allegiance will be too cold. No, when your spirit glows most with the heavenly fire, then you will say, “I am thy servant, thou hast loosed my bonds.” If you can say, “Master,” if you feel that his will is your will, then you stand in a happy, holy place. He must have said, “Mary,” or else you could not have said, “Rabboni.” See, then, from all this, how Christ honours those who honour him, how love draws our Beloved, how it needs but one word of his to turn our weeping to rejoicing, how his presence makes the heart's sunshine.

《竭诚为主》7月15日 属灵尊荣

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竭诚为主》 7月15日


无论是希腊人,化外人……我都欠他们的债。(罗一14)罗马书 1:14 罗马书 1






July 15 The Point Of Spiritual Honour


“I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the barbarians.” Romans 1:14


Paul was overwhelmed with the sense of his indebtedness to Jesus Christ, and he spent himself to express it. The great inspiration in Paul's life was his view of Jesus Christ as his spiritual creditor. Do I feel that sense of indebtedness to Christ in regard to every unsaved soul? The spiritual honour of my life as a saint is to fulfil my debt to Christ in relation to them. Every bit of my life that is of value I owe to the Redemption of Jesus Christ; am I doing anything to enable Him to bring His Redemption into actual manifestation in other lives? I can only do it as the Spirit of God works in me this sense of indebtedness.


I am not to be a superior person amongst men, but a bondslave of the Lord Jesus. “Ye are not your own.” Paul sold himself to Jesus Christ. He says – I am a debtor to everyone on the face of the earth because of the Gospel of Jesus; I am free to be an absolute slave only. That is the characteristic of the life when once this point of spiritual honour is realized. Quit praying about yourself and be spent for others as the bondslave of Jesus. That is the meaning of being made broken bread and poured out wine in reality.


用於 《竭诚为主》7月15日

What Shall I Give Thee, Master

用於 《竭诚为主》7月15日


用於 《信心的支票簿》07月15日

At Calvary

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月15日


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七月十五日 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文:「哀恸的人有福了!因为他们必得安慰。」(马太福音5︰4)马太福音 5


流泪谷是我们抵达锡安的必经之路。或许有人以为,哀恸与蒙福是背道而驰的两回事,但无限智慧的 神,却把这两件事在属天的福分中巧妙地配合在一起。为自己的罪,也为别人的罪忧伤痛悔,是 神忠心仆人的标志。当 神的慈悲怜悯,临到大卫的家,或任何人家,他们都要忧伤痛悔。借着为罪为义自己责备自己,我们得着属灵的上好福分。忧伤痛悔的人不是等到未来才蒙福,基督说这人现在就在祝福之中。

圣灵确实安慰那些为罪忧伤痛悔的心灵;籍着耶稣宝血的涂抹和圣灵的洁净能力,这些心灵得着释放与平安。不论这地、这世代之人的罪恶怎样大,因着 神的应许,说祂要荣耀自己的名,这些心灵就必得安慰。尤其想到过不久,他们就可完全脱离罪恶,永远住在 神同在的荣光中,这样的盼望,让哀恸的心更得安慰。


The Mourner Comforted


Scripture: "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted"(Matthew 5:4).


By the valley of weeping we come to Zion. One would have thought mourning and being blessed were in opposition, but the infinitely wise Savior puts them together in this Beatitude. What He has joined together let no man put asunder. Mourning for sin -- our own sins, and the sins of others -- is the LORD's seal set upon His faithful ones. When the Spirit of grace is poured upon the house of David, or any other house, they shall mourn. By holy mourning we receive the best of our blessings, even as the rarest commodities come to us by water. Not only shall the mourner be blessed at some future day, but Christ pronounces him blessed even now.


The Holy Spirit will surely comfort those hearts which mourn for sin. They shall be comforted by the application of the blood of Jesus and by the cleansing power of the Holy Ghost. They shall be comforted as to the abounding sin of their city and of their age by the assurance that God will glorify Himself, however much men may rebel against Him. They shall be comforted with the expectation that they shall be wholly freed from sin before long and shall soon be taken up to dwell forever in the glorious presence of their LORD.


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生命在祂里头;这生命就是人的光。」「那光是真光,照亮一切生在世上的人。」(约一4、9)约翰一书 1




  摩西曾赞美律法说:「那一大国有这样公义的律例、典章,象我今日在你们面前所陈明的这一切的律法呢?」(申四8)作诗的人也赞美律法说:「祢口中的律法,与我有益,胜于千万的金银。」又说:「祢的话是我脚前的灯,是我路上的光。」又说:「我因祢公义的典章,一天七次赞美祢。」(诗一一九72、105、164)诗篇 119






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  什么叫作胜了世界呢?胜了世界就是说,虽然你的环境告诉你神已经弃绝了你,你对于神的信赖,却仍然丝毫不移;虽然你的祷告得不着答应,好似神并没听见一般,你却仍然继续呼喊;虽然你看见世上充满了残忍,毫不顾惜人类的生命,也不顾念人类的恳求,你却仍然相信神是醒着的,并且是全然慈爱的。除神亲手给你的东西以外,并不愿望别的;忍耐等候,宁愿饿死,也不愿失去丝毫信心——这就是胜了世界,这就是真实的信心。——麦唐纳(George MacDonald)


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用於 《清晨甘露》七月十六日

Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer

用於 《清晨甘露》七月十六日


用於 《静夜亮光》七月十六日

Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

用於 《静夜亮光》七月十六日




他们每日早晨……收取(吗哪)。(出16:21)出埃及记 16:21 出埃及记 16




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经文: 祢必起来怜恤锡安,因现在是可怜他的时候。日期已到了。祂的仆人原来喜悦他的石头,可怜他的尘土。(诗篇一○二:13~14)诗篇 102




Evening, July 16


Scripture: “Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time is come. For thy servants rake pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof.”(Psalm 102:13, 14)


A selfish man in trouble is exceedingly hard to comfort, because the springs of his comfort lie entirely within himself, and when he is sad all his springs are dry. But a large-hearted man full of Christian philanthropy, has other springs from which to supply himself with comfort beside those which lie within. He can go to his God first of all, and there find abundant help; and he can discover arguments for consolation in things relating to the world at large, to his country, and, above all, to the church. David in this Psalm was exceedingly sorrowful; he wrote, “I am like an owl of the desert. I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.” The only way in which he could comfort himself, was in the reflection that God would arise, and have mercy upon Zion: though he was sad, yet Zion should prosper; however low his own estate, yet Zion should arise. Christian man! learn to comfort thyself in God's gracious dealing towards the church. That which is so dear to thy Master, should it not be dear above all else to thee? What though thy way be dark, canst thou not gladden thine heart with the triumphs of his cross and the spread of his truth? Our own personal troubles are forgotten while we look, not only upon what God has done, and is doing for Zion, but on the glorious things he will yet do for his church. Try this receipt, O believer, whenever thou art sad of heart and in heaviness of spirit: forget thyself and thy little concerns, and seek the welfare and prosperity of Zion. When thou bendest thy knee in prayer to God, limit not thy petition to the narrow circle of thine own life, tried though it be, but send out thy longing prayers for the church's prosperity, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” and thine own soul shall be refreshed.

《竭诚为主》7月16日 神掌管一切的观念

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《竭诚为主》 7月16日


何况你们在天上的父,岂不更把好东西给求他的人吗?(太七11)马太福音 7:11 马太福音 7










July 16 The Notion Of Divine Control


“How much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him?” Matthew 7:11


Jesus is laying down rules of conduct for those who have His Spirit. By the simple argument of these verses He urges us to keep our minds filled with the notion of God's control behind everything, which means that the disciple must maintain an attitude of perfect trust and an eagerness to ask and to seek.


Notion your mind with the idea that God is there. If once the mind is notioned along that line, then when you are in difficulties it is as easy as breathing to remember – Why, my Father knows all about it! It is not an effort, it comes naturally when perplexities press. Before, you used to go to this person and that, but now the notion of the Divine control is forming so powerfully in you that you go to God about it. Jesus is laying down the rules of conduct for those who have His Spirit, and it works on this principle – God is my Father, He loves me, I shall never think of anything He will forget, why should I worry?


There are times, says Jesus, when God cannot lift the darkness from you, but trust Him. God will appear like an unkind friend, but He is not; He will appear like an unnatural Father, but He is not; He will appear like an unjust judge, but He is not. Keep the notion of the mind of God behind all things strong and growing. Nothing happens in any particular unless God's will is behind it, therefore you can rest in perfect confidence in Him. Prayer is not only asking, but an attitude of mind which produces the atmosphere in which asking is perfectly natural. “Ask, and it shall be given you.”


用於 《竭诚为主》7月16日

Great Are Thy Mercies, Heavenly Father

用於 《竭诚为主》7月16日



用於 《信心的支票簿》07月16日

Revive thy work, O Lord

用於 《信心的支票簿》07月16日


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七月十六日 信心的支票簿 Faith's check book




经文:「又拯救你瘸腿的……」(西番雅书3︰19)西番雅书 3:19 西番雅书 3


信徒当中,无论男女,瘸腿的很多;你会发现,他们是走在正确的路上,也有心想勤力跑好这段路,却一跛一跛地,无法有效地克尽全程。在奔跑属灵的天路上, 有许多这样的跛子,或许他们的内心常常在想,自己也许会被撒但打倒,会被罪胜过。我们常常胆怯退后,这是老我的天性; 神无法使用这样的人做精兵,即使做个跑腿的信使也不称职。但 神要拯救我们,这可不是一件小事。祂说,“我要拯救那瘸腿的。”祂要因着这拯救,荣耀祂自己的名。每个人都会惊奇问道,这个瘸腿的女人,怎么可能跑完全程,赢得冠冕?她因着 神的拯救而得胜,于是众人会把荣耀颂赞都归给全能的 神!




Word to Him Who Halts


Scripture: "I will save her that halteth"(Zephaniah 3:19).


There are plenty of these lame ones, both male and female. You may meet "her that halteth" twenty times in an hour. They are in the right road and exceedingly anxious to run in it with diligence, but they are lame and make a sorry walk of it. On the heavenly road there are many cripples. It may be that they say in their hearts -- What will become of us? Sin will overtake us; Satan will throw us down. Ready-to-halt is our name and our nature; the LORD can never make good soldiers of us, nor even nimble messengers to go on His errands. Well, well! He will save us, and that is no small thing. He says, "I will save her that halteth." In saving us He will greatly glorify Himself. Everybody will ask -- How came this lame woman to run the race and win the crown? And then the praise will all be given to almighty grace.


LORD, though I halt in faith, in prayer, in praise, in service, and in patience, save me, I beseech Thee! Only Thou canst save such a cripple as I am. LORD, let me not perish because I am among the hindmost, but gather up by Thy grace the slowest of Thy pilgrims -- even me. Behold He hath said it shall be so, and therefore, like Jacob, prevailing in prayer, I go forward though my sinew be shrunk.


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  从这几节圣经里,我们知道:凡照着神的要求,将我们心中最宝贵的那件东西献给神的,神仍要将那件东西还给我们, 并且加上千倍.亚伯拉罕因着神的命令甘心舍弃他的独生子,那时,他对于孩子的生命和成人的希望,都同时消失了;他高贵的种族也将从此绝代了。但是结果怎样呢?不但孩子归还了他,他的子孙竟多得如星沙一般;并且到了指定的日期,我们的主耶稣基督也出世在这个家族里。




  亲爱的读者啊,不要想亚伯拉罕的经历是一件绝无仅有的奇事。我告诉你,这正是神对待一切愿出代价来顺服他的人们的一个样品,一个模型。牺牲最大的一刹那, 就是祝福最大的一刹那。神对于一个胆敢为着他向烟雾中前进的人,是没有一件东西不肯给的。——梅尔(F.B.Meyer)