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投稿登载 【第三篇】 易定恩牧師 | Reverend Itten
收稿日期: 2019年10月26日
发布日期: 2019年10月26日
文章和照片收集: 楊文進
文章提供: Ernst Traugott Itten, Thomas Tsang, Paul Jenkins
相片提供: 楊文進, Debbie

投稿登载 | 目錄表

2018年相片 | Year 2018 Photos

2018年四月八日 | 8 April 2018

Dear Charles, Rebecca
Winter gone, Spring is here, alive and well.
Easter gives us Hope and Strength, daily, with His Grace , His Mercy, Opa is in nursing home in Burgdorf in the meanwhile, he fell at home in Wangen last month,
I will come to see him in July, I pray that God gives me the chance. Keep the Faith, the Hope, the Love always, Deb
-- Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 1:16 PM
Hallo Debbie
-- On Sunday, April 8, 2018, 2:00:15 PM
Dear Bich-Ha, Charles,
So nice that You went to visit Godpa yesterday, and met Anarose and Eric. Thank You for the precious pictures, it meant a lot to him, to his family, especially at this time, at this place. Godpa is a fighter, very often, I wonder how he could have been going through hardships, dangers, difficulties in his life, in his ministry, in his serving the Lord, His People.
But he indeed has gone through a lot. He has always witnessed God's salvation, redemptive Power. that strengthens his Faith, His Hope, His Love. Pray for his health, his life, may the Lord give me a chance to see him, to help again in July and August.
I am arriving in July 11 with my sister who will stay for 2 weeks, and I will be in Wangen till August 28.
Thomas forwarded to me his email to Benjamin, saying that he will be in Wangen, from April 10 to 27, then with his wife Candy again from May 22 to June 12.
Thank You again for visiting Godpa. He knows your family loves him so much, and he loves each one in your family, too.
Keep healthy, keep happy, keep in touch.
Keep the Faith, the Hope, the Love,
God Bless You and your loved ones.
Blessed to be a Blessing, His Blessings,
-- Monday, April 9, 2018, 07:34:28 AM

2018年七月 | July 2018

2018年八月 | August 2018